• What original theme interests you?

    2 Votes
    75 Posts

    Keeping evidence of supernatural stuff from being revealed to mortals at large impossible? People will leak all the details?

    Sure would be a shame if an omnipotent being were to decide they didn’t want any evidence to be found, because of mysterious ways…

  • Game Handing Overs

    0 Votes
    22 Posts

    @Faraday said in Game Handing Overs:

    FWIW, I’m making an admin command for Ares that will clear out private info, similar to what’s done when a char idles out or goes on the roster. The pragmatic issue though is how someone would reclaim their character after the wipe - how would you know who was who if everything got wiped.

    Just to follow up - this ended up not being a command, per se, but a set of instructions/guidance in the game management tutorials: Transferring a Game.

  • Games in Development

    5 Votes
    62 Posts

    @Raeras Thank you! And I agree, I’ve been spoiled by Ares as well, especially with async scenes. I’ve spent a lot of time and effort developing systems that I hope will be respectful of your time in a traditional public scene pace.

    And if something isn’t working as I hoped, I’ll always be open to suggestions on how to improve it.

  • Would you roleplay with AI?

    2 Votes
    43 Posts

    At some point, in a few years, someone’s gonna launch an Ares with a few AI players on async, and see how long it takes for someone to notice.

  • Asking for RP

    3 Votes
    128 Posts

    It’s impossible to play on a Mu* anymore for me. Asking for RP and finding RP is such a chore and then when it’s found it’s usually some weird slice-of-life stuff that people want to play, which in a lot of cases isn’t what I’m looking for.

    So it’s a constant circle of building PCs, getting amped, trying to find something to do, and failing and just realizing hours/days/weeks/months/whatever of my life has been wasted.

  • POLL: How do you avoid / want to be avoided

    4 Votes
    41 Posts

    @SpaceKhomeini If it’s someone I’ve actually had no contact with and the tone is sharp, I take it as flirting for PVP so… if you open that door, don’t let me hear any shit when I walk through it.

  • People Doing Things

    19 Votes
    61 Posts

    @Herja @kalakh @sao @Evilgrayson

    Encouraging me to be the evil character I dream of being, in their own ways, and listening to me scream as I struggle. It’s a small thing to anyone else maybe but I appreciate you guys because it’s really really really difficult for me. Maybe one day I’ll graduate to stealing food from babies and mixing skittles, m&ms, and reeses in the same candy bowl.

    it’s so hard guys

  • What's your tell?

    6 Votes
    122 Posts

    Hailee Steinfeld >.>

    Also whatever classifies as a “science nerd” in the theme, or total occult junkie.

  • When to Include Other Characters' Background

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    27 Posts

    Yeah, gonna +1 here on what folks are saying about incorporating player backstories. Most people I know would love to have their PC history come up, it’s a great bit of collaboration and an excuse to get some great melodrama in.

    There are only two big things I’d caution about, which amount to either retconning or resolving the PC backstory, which can seem like good ideas but can wind up upsetting players if they’re not handled carefully. (I’ve seen these more often in TT than online, but I think it still holds.)

    Retconning is when you drop a big reveal that the PC only thought they knew what happened in their history and there’s some (usually dark) secret going on there. Ranging from your classic “Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father” to full-on, like, “your history was actually a Total Recall implant by the bad guy and your life is a lie.” This can actually be really fun! But it’s a big change to the character going forward, and one that people might not appreciate implementing in RP. It’s not something I’d recommend doing without explicit permission from the player; even if it diminishes the impact of the big reveal, it’s just a huge risk unless you know how they’ll take it.

    Resolution, meanwhile, can seem like it’s an unambiguously good thing but can actually wind up making a character unusable. The A-Team was sentenced by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit, so if someone offered them a pardon for a job they’d presumably be over the moon… and then if they got it they wouldn’t be the A-Team anymore, they’d just be Some Guys. If my character wants something they don’t have as a fundamental part of their character concept, getting it can be a great plot point that changes the character in an entertaining way that’s great to work through, but if it feels like it happens too fast or too easy it just winds up a letdown at best and makes the PC unplayable at worst. (“Oh, the banishment that forced my PC to leave their old lives behind and fall in with the game’s setting has been rescinded, and they’re free to leave the game and return to their comfortable happy life? I guess they… do… that, then.”)

  • Becoming Staff: Privilege or Punishment?

    7 Votes
    47 Posts

    It’s a privilege that can often feel like a punishment. I’ve done everything from applications to building to plot master to headwiz and I love, LOVE seeing people having fun and getting involved in things. I loved doing apps too, not only to help people really get what they were going for, but I think I called every problem player we ever had from their initial application/reaction to being asked to tweak things.

    But it’s work. And I don’t know what’s popular now, it seems to flip flop back and forth, but I was always a firm believer in if you became staff you didn’t get XP for the stuff you ran. You could participate in things with your PCs and get XP, but unlike how PRP or volunteer GMs could be rewarded, that incentive went away when you ran things with your staffbit and you shouldn’t be running things on your PC at that point. The real reward was getting buy in from other players and getting them involved! And of course being able to dig into people’s sheets or backgrounds or plot notes or metaplot outlines or whatever that weren’t available to the general public.

    While dealing with problem players is never, ever fun and no matter how hard you try there’s always going to be people that think you’re treating them unfairly, I still lean that it’s more privilege. It’s just the best feeling to entertain a grid full of players who keep coming back for more of your stories. To know that people are enjoying themselves and see them growing their own stories from seeds you threw out there or chasing a mystery that you put in a post one day that no one noticed for months. It’s just fun and when you have the time and bandwidth for it, worth the headaches that come with it.

  • Memories!

    7 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Tat @farfalla @tsar I’m sure Fantorith (he was so cool 😎) is somehow related to the belly-dancing sky-cow.

  • Historical Games Round 75

    5 Votes
    101 Posts

    @Wizz said in Historical Games Round 75:

    Just re: feeling dismissed in this thread, I do feel like it’s important to point out that any time you have several people who feel deeply passionate about a topic but are diametrically opposed in their opinion, you’re going to feel a little dismissed regardless of intent of the other party.

    To be clear, I am not feeling this way because someone disagrees. There have been a number of people (among them the ones KarmaBum quoted) who have argued the opposing position quite kindly. Other comments, especially taken together, have made at least two of us feel dismissed. But as @shit-piss-love says, I’m not interested in scouring the thread and pointing fingers at specific comments. The point has been made, and folks can either keep it in mind when posting disagreements or not.

  • Recent UrsaMU Advancements!

    25 Votes
    1 Posts
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  • Fallcoast?

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    23 Posts

    @icanbeyourmuse Sin Eaters win because they all trigger off social/willpower win/lose effects, because nobody ever uses social/mental damage tracks.

  • How to mitigate Bleed (player vs character emotional response)

    3 Votes
    40 Posts

    @mangosplitz said in How to mitigate Bleed (player vs character emotional response):

    So it’s not like we need to have staff actually DO anything to help

    This. When I talk about this issue, there’s often a response as if the suggestion of being supportive means ‘turn the MU into a mental health clinic’ when what I mean is, give your dial a twist towards ‘supportive friend’ and away from ‘cop and judge.’ If somebody at my tt game is near-tears we don’t all start in on how they’re too attached and it’s a flaw in them as a player, we meet them where they’re at. This actually takes no more energy than telling them they’re doin’ it wrong would.

  • What makes for satisfying story obstacles?

    6 Votes
    27 Posts

    @Testament Oh, of course not. Though sometimes the actions of player characters make it inevitable - depending on the kind of game you’re running.

    In D&D, for instance, death is on the table at my table. It’s not creative per see, but it gives the world a verisimilitude that adds to the satisfactory nature of a story. In the view of my players and me, of course.

  • Back to Basics (oWoD Storytelling)

    0 Votes
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  • Atlantis Users - Don't Upgrade to Ventura 13.0

    3 Votes
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    In case anyone needs the download link, it is at: https://riverdark.net/atlantis/downloads/

  • halp

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Cornpopped THANK YOU

  • Looking for MU* Recs

    2 Votes
    9 Posts


    Shameless plug: There’s a lot of really cool worldbuilding and premise and so far I haven’t been annoyed by a single person I’ve dealt with.