Best posts made by Raeras
RE: Social/Bar RP
@Snackness This.
I love social RP and I think it’s where a lot of character development and growth can happen but there’s got to be something to talk about beyond ‘hey how’s the weather’.
There’s nothing wrong with those kinds of scenes once in a while either but if it’s the majority that’s (for me personally at least) when social RP starts becoming kind of exhausting
RE: Moments I feel like a real adult...
I navigated a very busy downtownish area/parking garage on my lunch break without panicking \o/
RE: Neo Draconis: Embrace the Weird - Discussion
I just wanted to drop another note here thanking everyone for their insights on this and @STD for starting the discussion. I am a ‘worst case scenario’ kind of person and wasn’t really expecting anyone (or very few people) to join ND but we have 17 registered bits (including myself and 1 alt) and people are really running with the idea and creating things to make it their own.
And I really don’t think that would be happening if I still had the Handle policy in place. So thank you
RE: Underage Players
In general, as someone who didn’t discover MU until ~5 years ago but DID engage in a lot of other text based rp and online things that i really shouldn’t have when i was way too young, I can see the appeal of certain games to a younger person but also understand they shouldn’t really be exposed to certain themes even if they feel they know what they’re getting into.
A lot of games have an 18+ rule and it may feel redundant but they are in place just for these reasons. Game admins can point to the rules and tell them to leave.
As someone who was this sort of kid a bit over a decade ago, I will say while their actions are likely based in curiosity it is entirely possible, especially if they are almost of age, that they know exactly what they’re doing even if they aren’t thinking about the potential consequences.
ETA: If I were a game admin in this situation I would have a discussion with the kid and politely tell them they are welcome back when they’re 18
RE: Good things in Mushing
When you/your character go into a scene with a certain idea and it evolves into something even better because of the added views and inputs of other characters.
Elseverse: A DC and Marvel Game
Elseverse is an Elseworlds inspired game that asks, “What if?”
What if Superman never landed on Earth?
What if a zombie virus swept through a world populated by superhumans?
What if the heroes and villains we know existed in another time? Another place?We’re looking to see how familiar characters are adapted and changed by their surroundings. At Elseverse, you’ll play a canon comic character from either the DC or Marvel universe and explore how they would exist in a world unlike their own. The game features different worlds that will cycle out to give players a chance to explore a variety of themes and settings while also exploring what defines their character.
We are just coming out of our Alpha with our full launch on June 1st, diving headfirst into our new timeline - a post-Apocalyptic one where the heroes’ resolve are put to the test in a world where they have already lost the Earth to a tyrannical conqueror!
Players are encouraged to come check it out, ask questions, and claim characters!
RE: Neitherlands
She also re-rostered 3 people because they’d been MIA for 5 whole days. Ironically I feel like I noped out of there at the exact right time.
Neo Draconis: Embrace the Weird
Web Portal:
Client Info: port 4201Semi-sandbox and inspired by media such as Welcome to Nightvale and the Twilight Zone, Neo Draconis is a game where Slice of Life meets Small Town meets Weird. It’s a town that is nestled in an alternate dimension adjacent to our own where Weird things happen and that’s completely normal.
You can be a Human, Gifted Human, or Non-Human (which is basically anything except inanimate objects). Use of the Trait system combined with FS3 gives some flexibility in building what you want. There are a handful of rosters up as well to jump right into things.
We are currently considered in Beta with only a few things left to be fleshed out as characters are created/claimed.
Web Portal:
Client Info: port 4201
Latest posts made by Raeras
RE: Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
@KarmaBum i almost made a game like this. Basically it was going to involve that they were VR worlds and the idea was most all the play took place in the Virtualscape with more like defining scenes happening in the Real World periodically and it was going to use some form of the Kids on Bikes system.
RE: Mobile Mud Client
@Kassien thank you for this! Downloaded it last night, trying it this morning and it’s great so far
RE: The Lost Realms Discussion
Genuinely curious question. I’m not extremely familiar with Hobbit/LotR lore and I know it’s not D&D soI can understand on some level why your policies say to keep romantic rp between the same species but is this primarily aimed at the physical aspect?
Or is this just across the board because it’s not thing at all in the lore? (Again, I can see other reasoning for wanting to keep things separated on the physical aspect)
RE: Real life happy
Yeah Four months I think is about how long it’s been! Good to know that’s like the average it seems. I’ll have to let him know.
RE: Real life happy
My husband is finishing his degree this Spring and a while back he applied to his ideal job but it’s government thing so they’re very slow moving. He’s been agonizing over this for a while but yesterday he got the news that he’s been selected! It was a tentative job offer, but he did the intake stuff and is now waiting for the official word.
So he’s excited and I’m excited because this opens up a bunch of opportunities for us if he does get it (which I am confident that he will)!
RE: Testament's Testimonial
City of Glass is pretty fun so far if you’re into WoD!