MU Peeves Thread
@imstillhere said in MU Peeves Thread:
@tsar Literally player X was like “This is him right hahaha”
Why are people this? Can they not be people?
(this is super weird)
@Tributary said in MU Peeves Thread:
@imstillhere said in MU Peeves Thread:
Player X decided my character looks like a certain porn star and decided to bring that to my friend, Player A. “This porn star looks like (me) amirite haha”
Is it wildly inappropriate for X to be doing that to me/to Player A, or am I being over sensitive?
I don’t want to be discussed in a porn context, what the fuck.
If you weren’t using a porn star as a played-by, then no. No, not appropriate.
Next game I’m using Johnny Sins as a PB.
And far more seriously. That’s in terrible taste @imstillhere which really sucks. And kind of, no is really weird.
Maybe I’m just getting old and grumpy but that is inappropriate yes, but imo it is also weird that was shared with you without a “and then I told them I thought that was gross and inappropriate to say out of the blue.” And preferably a “I also reported it.”
This is mostly grumpiness though because I also don’t think anyone should be shamed for not reporting really. Its just that ime tale bearers who don’t also speak up tend to get something out of it thats no good or may be running a game of their own.
Maybe its like if the effort is made to tell the target of that weirdness hopefully the targeted was also told dude thats not cool. But hopefully they did! Its a way that can sometimes get creepers to leave you alone when you turn around and critique their attempt to mock/critique someone else to you.
@mietze I’m with you, here. If someone came to me about one of my friend’s character’s looking like a porn star I would probably like ‘yo that’s gross stop it or I’ll report you to staff’.
@Cobalt and also “why the fuck are you telling ME this?” too!!!
But again, i’m deep in grumpyland tonight. I think a soft majority of times I’ve ever had anyone out of the blue say “so and so is saying this weird thing about you.” and leave it at that–they were full of shit and trying to play people off each other, telling each of them the other was saying crazy things about the other one.
But most of the time it’s probably not like that.
When somewhere between working up the nerve to say “can you take one more?” and hitting enter the scene goes private.
It’s cool. I’ll try again next month.
@Warma-Sheen said in Concordia Thread:
@KarmaBum said in Concordia: A Lord & Ladies Ares Game:
No, you didn’t. You made a side-handed, presumptive comment rather than address the concern or bring up a question.
I didn’t think I needed to pass it through a UN speechwriter. Sorry not sorry that it didn’t pass your standards. I’m not sure why you’re on my jock so much and feel the need to make snide comments wherever I post, but I meant what I wrote and I meant what I asked.
As others have mentioned, they noticed too. I didn’t even question the policy. Its their game and they can do what they want. I was glad for the clarification though. Apparently, others were too.
My point was that I was surprised that no one else had brought up something that was very noticeable to me and asked was that something that was just common in the genre.
Because it’s not the first time you’ve busted into a thread, made some hamfisted comment where you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.
Or even the first time today.
@KarmaBum said in MU Peeves Thread:
Because it’s not the first time you’ve busted into a thread, made some hamfisted comment where you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.
Or even the first time today.
By “busted into the thread” do you mean… posting? And does everyone bust into the thread by contributing here or am I the only one that “busts in”?
I’m guessing any comments I make, regardless, are going to labeled hamfisted to you since I apparently pissed in your cheerios at some point without knowing it and you don’t seem to have any interest in responding to me other than trying to tear me down.
This post is a perfect example. You say I don’t know what I’m talking about but all you do is just link two of my posts. Lots of people post here. Thoughts, musings, rumors, conjecture. Yet, I seem to be the one you’re targeting. I’m not sure why. But feel free to let me know.
As to the posts you linked in your first example, I’m just sharing my opinion and thoughts, which is the entire point of these boards. But for some reason you seem to have a hate hard-on for me for having a different opinion or perspective than you. And rather than being able to see someone else’s point of view or offer different points you feel the need to target and attack whatever you disagree with, like you’re trying to WIN the forums. Okay. You win. We good?
BTW, in case you missed it, my thoughts on 2043 winding down were fairly accurate and confirmed by the Director’s player shortly after, so feel free to acknowledge that. Or not. You don’t have to be at all reasonable in your crusade, or even connected to reality, but it does take a big dent out of your entire premise that I don’t know what I’m talking about.
And in your second example I very much know what I’m talking about, having been heavily involved there. For you to say otherwise is just showing your complete ignorance of the entire situation, ironically.
So its obvious that we don’t share similar opinions on things. I’m okay with that. Different people can see the same things differently. I don’t have to be mean and nasty about it when someone disagrees on a point. If you do, that’s on you. If your hate fuels you, do what you gotta do. Come at me.
But just know it is completely unnecessary. And if I did something to offend you along the way, it was completely unintentional. Feel free to message me and let me know what and I’ll try to resolve it, if possible.
@Warma-Sheen said in MU Peeves Thread:
BTW, in case you missed it, my thoughts on 2043 winding down were fairly accurate and confirmed by the Director’s player shortly after, so feel free to acknowledge that. Or not.
Where did this happen? Please show me.
Because this is exactly what my problem with you is. You do not have your finger on the pulse of anything, but you post with this “I know what’s up” mentality.
I talk to this person every single day. I am pretty sure you do not. And your theory about why he closed the game (lack of support) is wrong. He posted in and told you it was wrong - which, after what a PITA you were on LA, is more than you deserve - and you still read it as you being right.
Plus, you’re jumping to the defense of someone I know for sure is telling lies about me and why I banned her.
So yes. I got beef with you.
There’s probably more in your post to respond to, but this is the meat of it.
Just saying TY to @KarmaBum for moving the brawl into the Rough and Rowdy peeves thread like a true hero instead of keeping it in the game gab concordia thread.
Okay, that’s it, HAVE AT.
@Tez you should pay her for doing your job for you. what salary do you get here? time to split it.
@Meg My salary is actually in the negative here so instead of paying her I’ll just say nice things in her vague direction.
@Tez said in MU Peeves Thread:
Just saying TY to @KarmaBum for moving the brawl into the Rough and Rowdy peeves thread like a true hero instead of keeping it in the game gab concordia thread.
Okay, that’s it, HAVE AT.
omg i feel so noticed
but also
I appreciate what y’all do up in here to try and keep things fair and level.
@Warma-Sheen You seem to consistently enjoy being a giant pain in the ass. I’d say that you have no awareness of it but I think you actually do and that’s what gets me. You trying to turn getting called out into some kinda form of ‘targeted harassment’ while insulting, name-calling and being hateful (all while saying you don’t have to be mean and nasty) is laughable at best but honestly truly exhausting.
You didn’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to LA. You leapt to the defense of a predator. You came onto a discussion for a game in a genre you aren’t even interested in playing to not so lowkey accuse the gamerunners of racism. Now you’re coming at @KarmaBum for just pointing out the obvious and trying to paint yourself as some innocent victim or whatever. Just stop it, no one is buying what you’re selling.
Just gonna say it: Warma might be a pain in the butt, but if almost anyone else had been the first to bring up that particular Concordia issue – like if helvetica had said it first rather than being the first to agree – it would not have gotten a response of “no one would ever care about this.”
I’m not invalidating anyone or anyone’s experience as that is not what I’m about. I’m also not choosing sides because I really don’t have one.
My only issue in this thread currently is that we (I say we because we are a community meaning we are awesome as one and not so awesome as one) are starting down a road of personal attacks.
It’s okay not to agree. It’s okay to put comments on a thread that you have a lot of information about or no information about. It’s okay to have a perspective that is you specific. It’s okay to call people out on that. Great.
It’s starting to come as an attack though and I’d like to politely request we tone that back a bit.
I say this with no admin power or no power at all, just a request. Which means it can be ignored.
Let’s just try to be kind when we can.
Thanks for reading!
BTW, in case you missed it, my thoughts on 2043 winding down were fairly accurate and confirmed by the Director’s player shortly after, so feel free to acknowledge that. Or not. You don’t have to be at all reasonable in your crusade, or even connected to reality, but it does take a big dent out of your entire premise that I don’t know what I’m talking about.
Sorry, but they were not fairly accurate. You made a lot of assumptions about game runners like Director lacking “patience and support” and “doing it alone” and not having “the support they needed to keep it going.” As one of three staffers on that game, I feel we did just fine with the workload we had, and Director had patience in spades. He responded quickly and always handled things respectfully and treated players with kindness, you included.
You always have the choice: stay and enjoy what a game runner can offer for as long as they offer it or go open your own game. Get your big team together and write hours and hours of lore and then tell your stories for people. Oh, and hope and pray against all odds that nothing pressing in your RL comes up, because you’ll have to put your game and its players first, above everything else. Apparently, that’s the only way it’ll hold any value in your eyes.
Try to remember that there are people with feelings behind these staff bits that put a lot of their time and creative energy into something that didn’t work out in the end, and nobody could be more sensitive or aware of that reality than they are.
Good day.