@GF said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
@Wizz It’s not a gif but I first thought of this.
This reminded me I made one specific to Ghost at one point.
@GF said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
@Wizz It’s not a gif but I first thought of this.
This reminded me I made one specific to Ghost at one point.
Life giveth, life taketh.
It’s taken me a while to post this, but I did share a billion pictures of her, so I figured. We lost my dog back at the beginning of August. She was thirteen, so she had a very good run (and run, and run, and run…), and she’d started getting a bit blind and probably a little deaf, but she was otherwise quite healthy. Then what we thought was a bad UTI turned out to be bladder cancer, and it was pretty clear she already had a partial blockage. Hardest fucking decision I’ve ever had to make, but she went quick and peaceful and on a good day.
There’ll be another dog, hopefully sooner rather than later, maybe even much sooner, but there’ll never be another Riley. She was with me and my family through our hardest times. She was, genuinely, my best friend.
I like to think she’s being a little shit to my brother right now.
I typed up a whole reply to that thread about how to repair the community, as measured as I could manage, looked it over, and then promptly trashed it, just to get it out of my system. It’s a bit cathartic, if time wasting. I was never going to post it, because in all honesty what would be the point?
The OP is the most sealion of sealions, and I have never witnessed him engage in a conversation in good faith. That post is no different. It is a topic worth discussing, but there’s no interest from the people asking the questions in hearing answers contrary to “just keep doing what you’re doing”, in that or any other thread. The solution offered by the OP to the perceived problem is to just do the exact same thing, but to the “right” people (or, excuse me, “cull them”, that’s a fucking yikes, my dude, it can go on the shelf alongside all the other yikes gathered by that equivalence between bullies and genuine predators).
In general, nothing I’ve seen since this whole thing shook out has given me any confidence that MSB can achieve what it claims it wants, in part because I do not believe that is actually what the administration there wants, as evidenced by…basically every response to substantial criticism or pushback, but also by their blatant lying.
Actually, y’all lurking here anyway, here’s the version where I’m too tired to care about moderating myself. You’re lying. You’re lying out your lying lie holes, and anyone who goes and reads the relevant posts/threads can see it. The bans had nothing to do with the Hog Pit. The issues that sparked the firestorm that led to the bannings had nothing to do with the Hog Pit. Most of the people banned were banned over what was effectively a cease and desist as regards posting at all, not because they were super toxic baby-eating ultra bullies subsisting on the tears of the undeserving. And I note that basically everyone spreading this lie is someone who enthusiastically engaged in the Hog Pit. Yes, that means you, and you, and you. All people have to do is look at your posting history. I guess you’re just banking on folks not doing that, but here’s the thing, here’s the big glaring fifty foot neon flashing sign of Painfully Obvious Projection:
If you meant what you keep saying, you would not be lying about what happened and why. There is literally no reason for it other than you’re looking for easy excuses and convenient scapegoats. You banned a bunch of people and declared it good, so why, exactly, do you feel the need to make up reasons to further justify it? The reasons are right there! Anyone can read it! You’re clattering on about bringing the receipts while posting on a forum chock-full of them.
The way you’re behaving toward anyone offering any substantial criticism is fucking absurd (do forgive me, I used the bad no-no word). You’re aggressive as all hell straight out the gate, and when posters get fed up with that behavior and start caring less about trying to engage with you in good faith (as you offer absolutely none), you take it as proof you were right to be paranoid assholes. MSB cannot and will not get past this until you’re willing to actually check yourselves, but as checking yourselves seems to be a nigh herculean task, I doubt you’re up to it.
But that’s okay. You’ve got your little corner of the internet, and you’re welcome to it, and whatever enjoyment you get from it. You don’t actually have to pretend that you want to do better. I imagine most people would prefer you not, in fact. But if you do? Then you need to put in serious effort to fix your shit. And you’re going to have to reckon with the fact that there are people you are supporting and allowing into your corner that have no interest in changing and thrive off of the kind of environment you’re providing, By that, I don’t mean the pretense toward civility or tightened standards on what’s acceptable to post, I mean the absolute sub-zero chilling effect your actual behavior has had on the likelihood of anyone not in your immediate in-group calling out or reporting them.
At the end of the day, it comes down to staff. Do you trust staff to handle this sort of thing fair and reasonably? Then trust that they’re seeing things you aren’t; additional testimony, logs, personal experience, interaction with the accused, etc etc. This is not me saying that staff trying their best don’t still make the wrong call at times, or that their rulings should be taken as the end all be all in all circumstances, but when you boil everything else away, that’s what it’s about.
If you can’t or don’t or won’t trust staff with this kind of thing, then I don’t think it’s likely to help if staff air all the dirty laundry out for everyone to pick over. Everyone is not staff. These are not things decided by popular vote (at least, in every game I’ve ever heard of, they’re not). And it also discourages people who would report abuse but are afraid or embarrassed to have it made public. It’s very hard for a lot of players to reveal it even in private to staff they do trust, it’s often a struggle to convince folks (or convince yourself) to go to staff with issues like this. Every. Single. Time. that we have banned people from Arx during my tenure as staff, someone, and usually more than one, will immediately pipe up to say it was happening to them too, or they were getting strange vibes that they didn’t quite think was worth reporting. It is extremely rare for these folks to target only one person. Even when we pre-emptively banned someone, a bunch of folks talked about how they were already seeing red flags from him.
In this case, from my understanding, the person being accused is staff, and the person who could do something about it refuses to do so. This post is, therefore, a warning to the community, because that’s about the only thing that can be done to try to keep other folks from being victimized.
Do people make posts like this out of malice? Absolutely, I’ve seen it happen. But that’s rare, and the truth tends to out, because the sorts of folks who make up that kind of shit are also usually not targeting just one person.
This idea that someone needs a full court jury of their peers to determine whether they are, in fact, a sexpest/manipulative asshole/general piece of shit is silly. That can’t and will never happen. We aren’t calling witnesses to the stand or doing internet fingerprinting or whatever, there aren’t cops waiting to haul the guilty away or a singular judge with the power and authority to send you to internet jail. All that does is serve to protect abusers with layers of obstacles that victims have to hop through and the insistence that private things be dragged into the public for hobby randos to pick over. This is why demanding receipts in this fashion just doesn’t work. What counts as receipts? What counts as receipts that can’t just be waved off as not good enough?
It sounds like staff can’t be trusted on this game, and at least one is actively causing harm. That’s the point I’d say you’re best off leaving the game, but that’s a lot easier said than done. We get attached to games, to stories, to people. But it’s worth knowing that one can expect no help in this regard, and worth the victims being able to find support and assurance that they are not simply blowing things out of proportion.
I’m going to make this as short as I can. At one point this player commonly went by “Jay”. I know he played on Lion King MUCK a long long while back. He spent years playing on GarouMUSH, bounced to City of Hope after ragequitting, then eventually came back to GarouMUSH, much to the detriment of all, claiming he’d turned over a new leaf. No. Once he was genuinely banned from GarouMUSH, he apparently went back to City of Hope for a while, until he was banned there. Eventually he made it to Arx, and once we knew it was him, we banned him there too. Here’s why:
He’s a fucking sexual predator. I’m not going to mince words here. He preyed knowingly on underaged players, abusing the trust of already vulnerable children, hounding them for TS, personal contact information, nudes, and worse. He stalked them across games when they tried to break off contact, repeatedly lying about his identity to try to get close again. At least once, he stalked someone in real life across the country (this person was thankfully(?) not underage). He did this to several friends of mine, and I can only guess in horror at how many fucking others. He should be in jail. As he’s not in jail, he should be chased from this hobby and from any hobby for the rest of time.
This is why he was banned from Arx, and this is why I’m making this thread.
Going any further feels inconsequential, because given the above it doesn’t matter what kind of a player he is, but since we’re here already, I might as well. He’s a toxic asshole, and he will always eventually out himself as one because while he’s capable of masking or muting his behavior for a little while, he’s entirely incapable of changing it. He cannot keep IC and OOC separate. He will metagame as much as he can get away with. He will (shock of shocks) abuse the trust of other players to get what he wants. He will abuse any power he’s given, IC or OOC. He will be verbally abusive to players where he thinks people won’t report him for it. He’ll lie. He’ll shittalk people behind their backs, then turn around and shittalk the people he was just shittalking to. He’ll attempt to manipulate people he’s abusing into not reporting him, both by trying to convince them it’s not a big deal, and that staff can’t be trusted and might punish them. He’s pushy as fuck about TS, and possessive as hell. He misgendered people on purpose. He throws tantrums when not given as much attention as he feels he deserves. And so on. Name a toxic behavior to be found in this hobby, and he probably engages in it.
He’s had tons of characters and been on tons of games, I can only provide these:
GarouMUSH: Jeremy, Brom, Briari, Alecia, others I know I’m forgetting
From his City of Hope banning post: Brigette, Danielle, Diana, Izayah, Logan, Sonya, Troy, Justin, Andrea, Fogwalker
Arx (obviously): ex-Breccan (sorry any future Breccans)
Fuck you, Jay. You’ve hurt far too many people, I can only hope this helps prevent you hurting more. If any game runner/staffer wants help with identifying him on their game, they can DM me.
derp, this thread’s anger summed up in two words:
we are not a community.
We were.
Shit, I can’t imagine why this person got banned after only three days on the game, it’s a mystery someone help me out.
So, I have this dog.
She has opinions.
And she is ridiculous.
She was very smol. Mother and laptop available for size comparison.
She had a truly enormous family. 13-14 puppies, something insane like that, and she was the clear runt. Her brothers liked to pull her around by the tail and it was very rude. Her owner lived a number of hours away, so at first all we had were videos to pick from. There was one for each pup, but this little monster kept photo-bombing, bouncing around for attention and generally making a nuisance of herself. She was the last of the litter to be chosen, possibly because she was a headstrong little shit far, far, far too smart for her own good.
She is now 12-ish and has life threatening seizures, so there’s no knowing how much longer she’ll be around, but no one has properly informed her that she’s an old lady now.
It’s also really hot, so she’s shedding madly.
To add: People coming to a conclusion or general agreement on a singular issue (or even multiple issues) is not an echo chamber, just like people who are good friends are not a clique. Context matters, and in that regard, there are forum regulars disagreeing in this very thread.
Oh yeah, bouncing onto a thread to go WOW YOU ALL SUCK LOL is also not an argument that deserves fair consideration. Like what goofy ass logic is that? You want to debate something, maybe try providing something to actually discuss. Something less boring than “but what if bitches be lyin’ tho.”
It’s worth noting in general that if someone isn’t laughing at your jokes, they’re at the very least situationally bad jokes, and maybe don’t insist on telling them over and over again to someone that doesn’t find them funny.
But in specific:
@NotSanni said in Unspeakables: The Politics Thread 2024:
@Kestrel said in Unspeakables: The Politics Thread 2024:
One side is accidentally doing Nazi salutes twice
And the other side suddenly cares now that it’s not their side’s cause du jour doing it
I’m stressed. I’m concerned.
lol “accidentally”
Look, sometimes you just caught up in the moment and invade Poland.
It’s been two days and I’m kinda back to the post election night state of “I don’t know how I’m going to do this” dread. That, and I’m angry. I’m really, really angry. It’s not fun to be in my headspace right now, is what I’m saying.
Anyway, shamelessly stealing this from a Discord channel:
@Solstice said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
@Testament said in An Arx Peeve Thread:
The peeve is that I miss you. It was nice to have a place to go if nothing else to hang out.
Fuck you.
To expand on this peeve, a long commute means that I finally have an excuse to get back into reading for the first time in an embarrassing while (or listening, but whatever), and the first book I picked up was “The Way of Kings”, and now I have such a freaking longing for magical fantasy again.
I miss Arvum, I miss how scary magic felt, I miss Adepts, I miss the people I played with all the time, and I am cursing my total inability to get it together enough to want to try to bother to sandbox.
Popping by the Murder for a drink and a truly questionable stew, or the Training Center and bouncing around and hero-worshipping the folks who were kicking butt, or were brave enough to step into the ring. Miss lurking by the beach on a cold winter’s day, perched on a little rocky outcrop and gazing in the general vicinity of Cardia. Slipping through the darker places between the boroughs into the expansive world between and feasting on a truly unhealthy amount of wine and lemon bars.
Curses, y’all.
Definitely in the same nostalgia boat. I’ve been missing it all year (though given the damn year I had, I’m not at all sure I would have had the energy to actually RP, let alone staff). I’ve got much more time and brain now, and hooo boy I’m going to miss having the outlet/distraction this year.
@KarmaBum said in Your Latest Batch of (Silly) Drama:
Really old drama.
I almost put this in the “Good Things” thread just as an example of things I’m so glad we decided as a group to stop doing.
14 general questions, then 33 questions on the gold application and 26 for bronze.
Question 24 on the gold application is amazing.
- During your first hatching that you’re running as a Junior, you hear on the grapevine that your Weyrleader is flirting with prospective candidates and promising them search and/or impression on acceptance of TS. Your Weyrwoman is his RL wife, and has no idea any of this is going on, and in fact, you know, told him on a number of occasions not to TS. What do you do?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen vaguebooking in the form of an application question before.
@RightMeow said in MU Peeves Thread:
I know for me that I have in life been told I’m too much. If you know me, then you know what I mean. I get very VERY excited when I’m excited about things and I babble in pages or I want to RP. I’m just very excited to write a story with the other person or find out what happens next, etc. I am also very hyper and optimist IRL and it carries over to my paging. So, as someone who has been told that I need to calm down. I take that as a part of my personality to fix. I’ve been told it IRL and MU life. Thus, I don’t always know that line on how much is too much and get stuck in a paralysis pattern. Then in an overthinker pattern. Online is worse because I can’t see the other person’s non-verbal cues. I can’t see if you smiled when you saw me. If you frowned or hesitated, etc. Thus I’m left with words that I have to figure out and probably not well.
Oh, hello, it me (minus the optimism I guess, lol). I’m well aware I’ve got no brakes when I get into a certain level of mood, but there’s being aware I don’t have them and actually finding out where I left them. It means I go off onto long tangents on things everyone else isn’t necessarily remotely interested in, then I realize it and get all anxious over “oh my gosh I wrote like three paragraphs/talked for ten whole minutes on Thing, no one will ever want to interact with me ever again forever”. Which is entirely a me problem to work out, but does mean I’m very, very, very bad about actually asking for RP scenes, because I worry I am being Too Much.
I’ve had some folks be assholes about it in the past, so that certainly hasn’t helped (haha, let me tell you about the time someone backed me into a literal corner to tell me everyone at the guild meet up we were attending was talking about me behind my back), but I’m confident my brain would be making this stuff into a whole deal regardless.
@Rusalka said in MU Peeves Thread:
When your PC has a unique ability that helps out with the current major, year-long plot, this is what’s known as an RP hook. People who have their characters ask yours to use their ability are trying to include you in things.
But, by all means, continue to complain on channel about how nobody wants to play with you (and maybe you’re just a bad writer who should pick another hobby) and are just using your PC for their ability, all the while having said PC sit by themselves, speak in a language most other characters don’t know, and be passive aggressive whenever anyone with IC rank tries to be friendly.
For some reason this gave me the mental image of a fuming Klingon sitting in the shadowy corner of a medieval tavern. I don’t know why Klingon specifically, but Klingon.
@Snackness said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
My mom doesn’t remember my name. I knew it was coming, but…still sucks.
I lost my dad to this sort of thing this year, it’s awful. I am so, so sorry you (and your mom) are having to deal with it.