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  • RE: MU Peeves Thread



    Everyone is the best at everything. Everyone is the Boss. Now, Everyone has been kidnapped by aliens and placed in a simulated environment to see who would win in the battle of being the best.

    What is YOUR skill??

    posted in Rough and Rowdy
  • RE: MU Peeves Thread



    @Yam is sitting in the rain waiting for me and @Roz to get home from FFXIV.

    posted in Rough and Rowdy
  • RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent


    I would just embrace your occasional senior discount for longer than some of us get to claim it.

    posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: Real life happy


    Dealing with the courts and her bio family had really put a damper on my faith in humanity.

    Between last night and her BFFs’ mom brushing her hair today (she won’t let me near it) my faith is beyond restored.

    posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: Real life happy

    Our foster daughter has some pretty extreme behaviors, and today she exploded pretty spectacularly. So we had to call off going TO a fireworks show because helping her regulate in a crowd of people is impossible.

    We didn’t deprive her though and went outside to see what we could of the big shows. There were A LOT. She was screaming with joy and jumping in and down out of her mind with glee.

    A few houses over a family was setting of some legal fireworks and so she asked if we could go watch. I agreed and we walked over to ask permission to watch.

    This family just reached out and ENVELOPED my little girl in love. First offered a sparkler, then a whole box (“don’t let the fun end!”) Then s’mores, and finally they broke out extra chairs for all of us. Grandpa of neighbors teased her like mad. Just such amazing kindness I almost cried several times seeing the joy on this little girl’s face.

    There are just good people.

    (Also the dad was a smoker and little girl has had some bad experiences with smokers in the past, so it was really healthy of her to have a healthy one.)

    posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: MU Peeves Thread

    @bear_necessities said in MU Peeves Thread:

    @ten said in MU Peeves Thread:

    guess the fuck fruit needs more work.

    Hasn’t Concordia been around for over a year now? It had a good run, not sure why they are “unreleasing” it. It’s ok for games to just end even if the conclusion isn’t satisfactory…

    Damn, totally agree. I wish more people would embrace the idea that it is possible to tell a story and end it. A year+ is a lot of story, and I know that a lot of people had fun.

    There is a lot to be said for an ending. Even if it isn’t perfect. I admire Arx for stepping in to definitively close out their stories. Again, not perfect, and a tremendous effort for those involved, but I loved watching my shows and cheering for my blorbos.

    posted in Rough and Rowdy
  • RE: Pets!


    I’m crossing my fingers for you!!! He looks like a DELIGHT!!!

    posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: Pets!

    @Aria That all sounds so fucking hard. I’m sorry. It sounds like he was really loved, and I’m sure whatever kitty you get will be too.

    posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: Pets!

    I’m fairly sure the rescue I work with is one of the more unhinged ones. I swear they have added several new questions to the app, and every one has a story behind it.

    We are considering a new one “Have you ever surrendered a cat due to medical needs?” Because we have a beautiful orange baby who was surrendered with half his face missing. He turned out to be FIV+, was not neutered, and we had to have his eye amputated on top of all the healing for the infection. Several thousand dollars went in and people donated specifically for his care. Now the owners who surrendered him are attempting to get him back.

    I don’t think this question will make it, but this isn’t the first time a cat has come to us on death’s door, we’ve saved them, and then they try to get the cat back.

    posted in No Escape from Reality
  • RE: Pets!

    @Snackness said in Pets!:

    @Aria this might be a shitty and irresponsible thing I am about to tell you but you seem like you will use it for good so…find a poor rural shelter. Not a rescue. No hoops, no questions besides ‘are you allowed to have a cat.’ Walk out with cat.

    In our area, it is Extremely Hard to get a cat and Basically Impossible to get a kitten. Since I had my heart set on a lil fluffy tabby kitten, I had to do this. I drove like 2 hours each way to a shelter in rural Connecticut to get my terrified, last of his litter, half-feral reject of a cat. And I love him very much.

    posted in No Escape from Reality