Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread
@mietze Sorry, it just rubbed me the wrong way that she was trying to use other people’s words to… I don’t know what. Won’t do it again.
@Tez There seems to be a few bad actor threads now, would it make sense to put them into their own ‘Bad Actor’ kind of topic at this point? I know there’s been a couple discussions of others in the not too distant past as well.
For the record, just as a player, I would love to have less focus on what’s going on over there. If I wanted to read what was happening on MSB, I’d go to MSB. The cross-forum drama doesn’t necessarily need to be escalated by breathless reporting back to here.
At a certain point, it starts to feel like people are trying to stir things up and keep drama happening.
@CuriousGamer said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
@Tez There seems to be a few bad actor threads now, would it make sense to put them into their own ‘Bad Actor’ kind of topic at this point? I know there’s been a couple discussions of others in the not too distant past as well.
No. We don’t need a whole section of the forum devoted to talking shit about specific people.
@Wizz It made me giggle too, but I would rather leave them over there so that people who DON’T wanna be reminded can live a better life.
@Wizz It’s not a gif but I first thought of this.
I am always pleased to see the Sea Lion again. It means it’ll be easier to find when I need to reference it. For MU-related reasons. -
@GF said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
@Wizz It’s not a gif but I first thought of this.
This reminded me I made one specific to Ghost at one point.
All I have to say about Macha and Ruiz is what I often say while rubber-necking the Am I the Asshole? sub on Reddit. The verdict of Everyone Sucks Here (ESH) exists and is under-used.
All the goings on, along with Ghost posting shit like ‘WE ARE FINALLY ALIVE AGAIN’, just proves that the only reason MSB hasn’t died yet is because we keep them on life support. They’ve gone multiple weeks (one stretch was like 18 days’ with no posts over there.
Best to just let it spool down to die.
(but also it’s funny that Gany is like ‘why do you not like me?’ when like… MA’AM. You’re the reason it died. You killed it, and tried to throw people under the bus to absolve yourself of the responsibility)
I would call them out to their faces, but have been banned, sucks for them, I am a goddamned delight.
@Jennkryst said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
Best to just let it spool down to die.
^ This.
@Jennkryst said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
I would call them out to their faces
^ Not this.
Banned or not, listen to your better angel on this one. It’s Derp & Macha & Ghost.
WTF can they possibly have to say that’s worth responding to at this point?
KB is right. There is nothing to be gained. There is no understanding to reach. There is no communication to be had. The other night I was so profoundly disappointed in what has become of a good place that I was honestly pretty bummed out.
It is what it is. They are what they are. Let them be. And leave them there.
@Jennkryst said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
All the goings on, along with Ghost posting shit like ‘WE ARE FINALLY ALIVE AGAIN’, just proves that the only reason MSB hasn’t died yet is because we keep them on life support. They’ve gone multiple weeks (one stretch was like 18 days’ with no posts over there.
Best to just let it spool down to die.
(but also it’s funny that Gany is like ‘why do you not like me?’ when like… MA’AM. You’re the reason it died. You killed it, and tried to throw people under the bus to absolve yourself of the responsibility)
I would call them out to their faces, but have been banned, sucks for them, I am a goddamned delight.
That particular section of the forum had not had any posts since October. I’m not shocked that the first thread in six months was someone complaining about being banned, followed immediately by a bunch of wild speculation about a game runner only banning someone because they were TS jealous or some shit (damn, never heard that one before, very original) by the forum admin, and then a bunch of weaseling about how doing that isn’t actually breaking the policies they themselves set out.
Not shocked, but a little disappointing all the same. Couldn’t even make it past the first real hurdle. Didn’t even try.
In any case,
@Jennkryst said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
All the goings on, along with Ghost posting shit like ‘WE ARE FINALLY ALIVE AGAIN’, just proves that the only reason MSB hasn’t died yet is because we keep them on life support. They’ve gone multiple weeks (one stretch was like 18 days’ with no posts over there.
Best to just let it spool down to die.
(but also it’s funny that Gany is like ‘why do you not like me?’ when like… MA’AM. You’re the reason it died. You killed it, and tried to throw people under the bus to absolve yourself of the responsibility)
I would call them out to their faces, but have been banned, sucks for them, I am a goddamned delight.
Don’t forget the part that Gany then stepped down out of admin after she killed it, leaving Derp & friends to turn it into the complete shitshow it is today
@kalakh said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
The first thread in six months was someone complaining about being banned, followed immediately by a bunch of wild speculation about a game runner only banning someone because they were TS jealous or some shit (damn, never heard that one before, very original).
“my friend can’t have broken the rules on that game because the gamerunner is probably a whore,” says man who definitely doesn’t hate women
@CuriousGamer said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
Don’t forget the part that Gany then stepped down out of admin after she killed it, leaving Derp & friends to turn it into the complete shitshow it is today
I actually had no idea she had stepped down. I mean, I guess that made sense after all that happened.
Updated sightings list with new information: At the crossroads: Buffy and Erica.
This feels like it’s getting a little much.
ETA: I certainly think that Macha is manipulative and she’s not someone I want to play with, but she’s not, as far as I can tell and what others have said, an insidious game killer. She’s not an insidious sexual predator people need serious protection from. For The Pack, she seemed like just one among several incidents Cobalt decided she didn’t want to deal with. Her behavior generally makes itself pretty obvious.
@Roz said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
She’s not an insidious sexual predator people need serious protection from.
She absolutely is an insidious sexual predator, it just so happens her targets are typically male presenting characters, and she’s a woman, and that’s rarely taken as seriously as it should be, often including by those she’s victimized, because they don’t want to take away from “real” victims.
Her predatory behavior might be less overtly offensive than when some dude character pages a female character out of the blue to ask “u wan sum fuk”, but it’s still predatory and sexual in nature, because she refuses to take no for an answer and will keep pestering the object of her unwanted affection until they either give in, involve staff (at which point the complaining player becomes a harassment target for her and any friends she may have), or they leave the game.
If he happens to have a reason or obstacle not to give her sum fuk, it must be destroyed.
If the obstacle is another person, she will try to make the IC and OOC relationship go sour and drive the romantic partner in her way off the game. This includes telling wildly exaggerated or wholly invented stories about other players that she can’t back up with logs. She will page the object of her affections outright lies to try and get them to break up.
If it’s the object of her obsession’s player simply not wanting to give her sum fuk, either because he doesn’t like her or he’s gay or he’s just not into romantic RP?She will do everything she can to drive that player off so she can install a new player who will fuck her like he’s “MEANT” to.
If she has staff power, she has no problem using that to make players feel unsafe and unwelcome on what ever game was idiotic enough to give her a wizbit.
These behaviors are highly toxic, sexually predatory, and game breaking, and keeping track of where she’s been serves a purpose of informing folks that they may have encountered her before.