RL Peeves
I was supposed to spend most of today working on schoolwork, like getting caught up on my reading. Instead, I spent most of the day in bed and a little bit playing games.
I’m so tired of feeling tired.
Have a head cold. Until I got covid I almost NEVER got sick. Since COVID I’ve been hit every other month with something that has impacted my ability to function.
I’m so tired of being sick.
hooray for getting to spend (hopefully not a lot but some) of my free time/day off getting a stupid ass tire patch. I suspect I know where it came from (the office park where my school is at just removed their speedbumps in anticipating installing new ones but did a shitty job of cleanup, leaving exposed nails in the divots as well as all over the parking lot. They did sort of come by and clean it but we’ve had a lot of people end up getting nails in their tires at work.
It’s etc, not ect.
That’s it, that’s the peeve.
It’s “rein in” not “reign in”. It’s also “free rein” not “free reign”. It’s “takes the reins” not “takes the reigns”.
They are two different words! They mean different things! I know that none of us ride horses anymore, but still.
@Pyrephox I prefer rain. Rain in, free rain, takes the rain!
@Pyrephox Also also, things pique your interest. They don’t peek or peak it.
their they’re there
I get that it’s hard to write “sneak peek” but I promise that’s what you mean when you write “sneak peak.”
@bear_necessities said in RL Peeves:
@Pyrephox I prefer rain. Rain in, free rain, takes the rain!
Is this where I talk about all the people that are secretly makeup because they can’t spell rogue?
If you’re a rogue, the g comes first. Otherwise, you’re rouge! For your face!
Having to pretend that meetings that have marginal use are actually useful. Meetings that don’t serve the purpose they are designed for.
And then when I raise it with my boss she gets annoyed because “they’re good for background”. What’s better is having time to deliver what I need to do or meetings that are useful for what I do, not listening to a colleague bore on about projects I’m not involved with and will never be involved with.
Currently playing chicken with my company as they try to coerce us back into the office. I’m prepared to find a new job if they force my hand but I would prefer not to. Dear Walmart executive we hired right before all this back to the office shit started, suck an entire fart right out of my asshole.
Was just catching up with emails and had a bunch “change your password” from yesterday.
Turns out yesterday was “change your password day” or something.
I thought I got hacked.
Today I learned that in Texas they sell pickles at the movie theater.
I’m outraged this isn’t a thing in NY.
@tsar I’m told non-American theaters often serve alcohol.