@STD Being cognizant of different peoples’ thresholds for consent, when Blu and I were designing Empty Night, we created the idea of Effery, which represents how interested you are in having your character Effed with:
Magic can do some crazy things, like make you forget that you have a blasting rod, or that you made a deal with a very dangerous person until they complete it. Effery represents how willing you are to allow GMs to mess with your character’s memories, equipment, or history. It can be set to None, Consent, Staff, or Full.
None: Your character is your character, and within the bounds of ICA=ICC and combat damage, GMs will not alter it.
Consent: GMs may offer changes to your character’s memories, equipment, or history in plots in exchange for more spotlight time, but you must approve them.
Staff: Staff GMs may make changes to your character’s memories, equipment, or history in plots in exchange for more spotlight time.
Full: Staff or Player GMs may make changes to your character’s memories, equipment, or history in plots in exchange for more spotlight time.
If an advantage is reduced by Effery, the XP will be returned so that the PC may regain the advantage over time.
This is a pretty serious theme in the Dresden Files, so we wanted to recognize it and empower it, while still giving people the agency they want over their characters. Maybe something like that, with people explicitly opting in, might be helpful for those worries?