@Testament said in Concordia Thread:
In regards to offering this kind of thing on mushes, to quote a friend of mine, ‘When you post “This could have been better” it either turns into “fuck you how dare you” or “yeah fuck this game it stabs the elderly with rusty pirate ship anchors”’
Or both.
To your friend’s point, a lot of MUSHers have the emotional intelligence of a middle schooler, so they’re certainly not wrong.
@Faraday I stand corrected, I am not the most skilled in the combat code admittedly. I know we could’ve individually used the distract command for the archers but idk how we could have represented tying up their legs with ropes to knock them down? I should’ve said from my personal experience I’ve not really seen coordinated attacks like that and I didn’t mean to misrepresent the code!
@Polk said in Concordia Thread:
This is the new Arx-like, right?
Potentially. They do have a roadmap for what some of their plans are, but I wouldn’t be ready to call anything the “new Arx-like” until it has more than 2 weeks under its belt, lol.
@bear_necessities said in Concordia Thread:
@Faraday I stand corrected, I am not the most skilled in the combat code admittedly. I know we could’ve individually used the distract command for the archers but idk how we could have represented tying up their legs with ropes to knock them down?
combat/subdue and some GM negotiation
ETA: This is not a game I’m playing and I don’t particularly care whether they make use of FS3 combat or not, there are plenty of reasons not to including simply GM comfort level, but it does have built in features for healing and non-lethally capturing an opponent.
@bear_necessities said in Concordia Thread:
idk how we could have represented tying up their legs with ropes to knock them down?
No worries. Like @Third-Eye said, that specific thing could probably be modeled with the ‘subdue’ action, depending on the situation. There’s also distract, rally, suppress, treat, and a few other ‘teamwork’ type things.
But certainly not all actions have a code-y equivalent. That’s why there’s a combat organizer/GM to sort those things out. They might adjust NPC actions, apply manual modifiers, or even inflict custom damage. Some GMs make creative use of stances and actions - e.g., a ‘reckless stance’ + ‘pass action’ makes them easier to hit for a turn.
Bottom line though - coded combat is meant to help with the heavy lifting, to automate what can sensibly be automated, but it’s not meant to take the place of RP. Heck, I don’t even use it myself for every fight scene. It just keeps me from going insane spending 8 hours in a 15-on-15 battle
@Anhedonia said in Concordia Thread:
Roleplayers are the worst thing about roleplay. This hobby sucks, we’re all debilitatingly mentally ill for doing it.
Excuse you, but some of us were already debilitatingly mentally ill to start with.
@Aria said in Concordia Thread:
Excuse you, but some of us were already debilitatingly mentally ill to start with.
On Wednesdays we wear grippy socks.
@Anhedonia said in Concordia Thread:
I think any worthwhile GM would concede they don’t know what they are doing half the time.
Even the best-laid plans can be thwarted by a PC doing something even cooler.
I am glad that we have largely left behind all-white games in the L&L space. I think the expectation that most people have is that you will see a diverse cast of characters. I appreciate that about Concordia, particularly where they have course-corrected with their pantheon. I think they are doing some other interesting things in that space, too.
There is maybe no perfect way to handle the issue of cultural diversity and real-world inspirations, but I still think that what they are doing is worth an upnod. You got your Targaryens, sure, and your red-heads, and your Romans–
But there is also a house that has clear East Asian influences and one with South Asian influences. I grabbed one of those from the roster because I am always dying to see something – anything, please, god – that isn’t just your standard Western French-British-Something take on fantasy. Then I ran into players who maybe had been expecting something more Western in the house, so I popped in a request to get more clarity. I wanted to know what staff’s intent actually was, and I like the answer I got.
Rather than directly copy and paste real-world cultures into the game, they’ve made a choice to draw on multiple places for inspiration to avoid generalizing, tokenizing, or fetishizing any real-world culture. In this case, yes, the house has elements of North India, but also Moorish Spain. I’m kind of curious if there’s a connecting thread of thought in that they were both extension of Islamic power at times, what with the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire in North India, but I haven’t sat them down for details – and I actually enjoy classical India better so DON’T FEEL THE NEED TO DRAW THAT LINE ON MY ACCOUNT.
Right now, at this moment, all I really care about is that they are doing something different, something interesting, and something coming from a place of curiosity and thoughtfulness. I wouldn’t say that they are a perfect game, and there’s choices I wouldn’t have made, but holy fuck please I hope more fantasy L&L games in the future draw from a wider well than the tiny Western European fantasy well.
I forked off the BUT WHY thread.
I applaud this, too! There’s no such thing as a perfect take on anything that relates culturally to the real world, but I like to see people approaching it with some thought, and acknowledging feedback.
If I had any desire to play L&L i’d check it out.
@Tez said in Concordia Thread:
I am glad that we have largely left behind all-white games in the L&L space. I think the expectation that most people have is that you will see a diverse cast of characters. I appreciate that about Concordia, particularly where they have course-corrected with their pantheon. I think they are doing some other interesting things in that space, too.
There is maybe no perfect way to handle the issue of cultural diversity and real-world inspirations, but I still think that what they are doing is worth an upnod. You got your Targaryens, sure, and your red-heads, and your Romans–
But there is also a house that has clear East Asian influences and one with South Asian influences. I grabbed one of those from the roster because I am always dying to see something – anything, please, god – that isn’t just your standard Western French-British-Something take on fantasy. Then I ran into players who maybe had been expecting something more Western in the house, so I popped in a request to get more clarity. I wanted to know what staff’s intent actually was, and I like the answer I got.
Rather than directly copy and paste real-world cultures into the game, they’ve made a choice to draw on multiple places for inspiration to avoid generalizing, tokenizing, or fetishizing any real-world culture. In this case, yes, the house has elements of North India, but also Moorish Spain. I’m kind of curious if there’s a connecting thread of thought in that they were both extension of Islamic power at times, what with the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire in North India, but I haven’t sat them down for details – and I actually enjoy classical India better so DON’T FEEL THE NEED TO DRAW THAT LINE ON MY ACCOUNT.
Right now, at this moment, all I really care about is that they are doing something different, something interesting, and something coming from a place of curiosity and thoughtfulness. I wouldn’t say that they are a perfect game, and there’s choices I wouldn’t have made, but holy fuck please I hope more fantasy L&L games in the future draw from a wider well than the tiny Western European fantasy well.
Even approaching something “Roman” kind of makes your average person reconsider what they’ve learned from media over the years when you consider that a Roman Citizen’s ancestry could have hailed from various parts of Africa, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, Britain, or more.
Complicating things is the weird habit reactionaries have when it comes to clinging to historical narratives as some kind territory/playground .
This is an old link but I consider it completely illustrative of what I’m talking about.
No place was ever as homogenous as people assume.
I have been asked to leave this game and was banned. I have no idea what I did, but I still say it is an amazing game and wish it all the best!
@BloodAngel said in Concordia Thread:
I have been asked to leave this game and was banned. I have no idea what I did, but I still say it is an amazing game and wish it all the best!
As much as I agree with games being able to refuse access to anyone for any reason, I do still think that that reason should at least be communicated. That’s just fucking good manners, you know?
Like if you didn’t want to say, that’s fine. But if they didn’t even tell you what you did that was so bad they didn’t tell you stop, just straight up banned you, that’s problematic on their part, since they aren’t even doing the bare minimum to attempt to protect other games or other people from having to deal with whatever that was, since even YOU are now UNAWARE of what it was, so you can’t make the conscious decision to change it.
It’s bad practice to ban/boot someone for reasons undisclosed to even them. Even if it’s, “we just don’t like you, man”. That’s still a reason and should still be communicated.
@Coin I got a forum post. But I don’t know what I did at all.
@Coin Honestly it was a great game, I hope everyone can enjoy it! I loved the concept, the world building all of it!
@BloodAngel said in Concordia Thread:
@Coin Honestly it was a great game, I hope everyone can enjoy it! I loved the concept, the world building all of it!
That’s big of you to say, considering they banned you. But it being or not being a great game concept-wise or even in general isn’t the issue I’m addressing, so much as this specific thing. It’s okay to focus criticism on a specific action rather than weighing it in general, imo.
Two people were fired from our work without being given a specific reason. (“Told they could resign rather than having to put on other applications that they had been non-renewed.”) If professional settings can’t be bothered, it doesn’t surprise me a game would do the same.
@junipersky said in Concordia Thread:
Two people were fired from our work without being given a specific reason. (“Told they could resign rather than having to put on other applications that they had been non-renewed.”) If professional settings can’t be bothered, it doesn’t surprise me a game would do the same.
It’s not a surprise. But it happening in a professional setting does not mean it’s unquestionable or justified in a non-professional setting (or even in said professional setting).
My criticism comes from what I perceive as bad practices for the reasons mentioned.