Been trying to engage less online and focus more on myself, especially the last few months. Seems to be progressing well, since July 1st I’ve lost 50 pounds and focused on doing more physical activities despite the triple digit heat (though getting used to it more now… kind of).

Best posts made by Rucket
RE: Real life happy
RE: Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo
I have had run-ins with this person on another game. I have heard similar stories from that game.
I’ve also heard stories from people I’ve known who played on AoA.So, uh, I believe what is being reported here 100%.
RE: Wyrdhold Discusion
@Roz said in Wyrdhold Discusion:
I was the Male Character in that snippet and wasn’t really bothered by that one tbh, BUT it was the kind of joke that my PC would absolutely find funny, so YMMV.
But this one in another scene seems at a glance to come out of nowhere literally two rounds in:
“Here, lemme help you,” [He] responds, and if she allows it, he takes the popcorn bucket from her. “You know, when I can’t sleep, I grab some lube and just fucking go at myself.” He makes a gross ‘pop pop pop’ sound that is apparently what it sounds like when a man ejaculates or something? He smiles at himself for giving her the greatest advice ever. “Fall right asleep.” Whether he is holding the bucket or she is at this point, he gnabs a handful and shoves it in his mouth. “What’re we seein’?”Just kind of from 0 to 20? Idk. I think it was a number of different things/reports. Individually they probably could just be like “that’s a bit much.”
RE: Bannings
Also Forgiveness != Forgetting about bad behavior, nor should it.
RE: Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo
As someone who was once friendly with someone the community viewed as toxic…
When the person in question is always complaining about everyone around them, it’s time to view them as the common denominator in everything
RE: Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
You know, fuck scammers man.
Here I am trying to look for a new job because they announced layoffs at my company, and I get an e-mail about setting up an interview. Talk to someone, have a lengthy back and forth and then the more I dig and look into it after the fact, the more and more certain I am of it being a scam. Hitting all the notes from some other anecdotes I’ve found online and its like…
It’s fuckin bad enough dealing with our shit ass capitalist system
If you are just trying to scam people looking for opportunities, you’re a sleazebag POS and need to be yeeted straight into the sun.
RE: Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo
@Meg said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
In his own OOC hilarity:
(:Public:) Cujo
says, “I bet Hadrix.”
[… (removed by Meg)]
(:Public:) Cujosays, “He’s at EVERY combat scene”
god, he sounds exhausting. you can’t go to any combat scene if you want to avoid him? like ever??? fucking what.
I interacted with him on another game. He is exhausting. Very fucking exhausting. And I say this as a male so I wasn’t exposed to his sex pest side, but there were points of just being around him that I wanted to yeet him into the sun.
RE: Concordia Thread
@bear_necessities said in Concordia Thread:
I didn’t see a single help file that suggeted there was racial politics in this game. I don’t know where you caught that assumption either. Honestly based on the PBs already, this is an encouragingly diverse game and race doesn’t seem to factor into anything except your own head.
Pretty much this. I read through the files for at least an hour and a half yesterday and no where has anything been said about conflict based on how people look. In fact, given the rest of game policy I’m pretty sure anyone coming into the game trying to do just that would be shown the door quickly.
RE: Bannings
I have missed a lot in this thread but I feel the need to make a couple of comments.
lol @ the people who were unbanned and their desire for people to apologize for daring to speak up against their right-wing behavior.
not sad that im not unbanned. don’t care, they can keep me banned forever. I feel like the time I spent on the discord has shown me what community I would rather be a part of. BIG SHRUG. and im having fun on Arx thanks to people from that Discord and this community.
obligatory fuck ghost and yes let us shun him.
RE: Predators and Roleplaying Communities
I’ll add to this thread.
Back in 1996-2000, I was RPing in AOL chat rooms and starting my MU RP journey. I had a number of cyber/TS scenes throughout that time when I was 15-17 with people who were admittedly in their 20s and 30s. There were people who knew I was not 18 and would still engage. They presented as female.
At the time, I thought it all very fun and exciting but I was also a horny ass teenage male, so you know, my brain wasn’t thinking of whether or not such things were appropriate. My brain was very much like sexsexsexsexsex.
I lived in rural Atlanta at the time and I even had invitations to see some of these people at Dragoncon. I never went, and over the years I’ve wondered what might have happened. Now, I just look back on it and am kind of like “What the fuck”
As an adult, I’ve strictly tried to keep any RP with people who are 18 and up. I think 18+ is generally the best policy for a MU or RP game simply because there ARE people who would do creepy stuff. In fact, I’ll go as far as to say that I think RPing as underage people is super borderline to me and I will never play someone who isn’t at least 18 or 19.
Latest posts made by Rucket
RE: Lords and Ladies Game Design
@Ominous said in Lords and Ladies Game Design:
@Rucket Could you elaborate on what you mean by “basic House development”?
Apologies at the insane delay I don’t check this place daily. Anyway I liked the basic concept that Arx had of domains and I would enjoy seeing projects people in the house could work on to improve areas of their domain over time. I don’t know that I have any super specific things in mind off the top of my head right now.
RE: Lords and Ladies Game Design
Political systems this, intrigue systems that. Honestly I liked that Arx had some basic House development stuff. I would have liked to have seen it expanded and would like any L&L game to have something similar.
Anyway, someone let me know if a new game comes out! I am feeling some fantasy vibes as evidenced by these High Elf minis I’ve been slowly working on
RE: Glitch's Chronicles of Darkness Ares Plugin
Sad to hear Glitch had to leave the hobby but this is some really slick work!
RE: Real life happy
Been trying to engage less online and focus more on myself, especially the last few months. Seems to be progressing well, since July 1st I’ve lost 50 pounds and focused on doing more physical activities despite the triple digit heat (though getting used to it more now… kind of).
RE: Your Latest Batch of (Silly) Drama
@Meg said in Your Latest Batch of (Silly) Drama:
@dvoraen I’m not saying I am RPing or not RPing, but I’m definitely not RPing, because I’m too cool and busy for RP, having a real life.
(Actually, I just play CS2 instead.)
At least it’s not CoD
RE: MU Peeves Thread
@Tez said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Aria Ooo, TY.
I was reading OP’s reddit AMA the other day and the business decisions Paradox is making with their licenses didn’t surprise me, but did disappoint me. Paradox seems to be leaving a lot of lines dead in the water, presumably to avoid cannibalizing their own base for other lines. Gotta streamline those business efficiencies and maximize your gainz.
I’m still waiting for Bloodlines 2 goddamn it. I don’t know what all happened with the development of that game, but it was supposed to be out years ago.
RE: RL Peeves
Getting out of the shower and looking into the hallway and wondering… am I losing my goddamn mind as something seems to be moving on the floor. Oh no, a damn scorpion
These things freak me out to no end.
RE: Comic Games Are Still Fun!
@bored said in Comic Games Are Still Fun!:
assumed no one here played comic places anymore
There’s still some Ares-based comic games, but they tend not to be so explosive with drama I guess. Anyway, my experience with HAM was from 2020 and both Chaucer and Shakespeare can fuck right off imo. They let some obscenely toxic behavior go along for way too long all because they were afraid of hurting “their numbers”.