@Pacha make a MUSH without channels, boom.
Don’t forget we moved!
MU Peeves Thread
Why not just make your own superhero smut mush, surely there is room for two lol
@bear_necessities i mean, that’s kind of a silly response in a mu peeves thread. you could say that about any mu peeve. just make your own game!
@Roz said in MU Peeves Thread:
you could say that about any mu peeve. just make your own game!
I mean yes, you could and yes, we have. We’ve also said ‘vote with your feet’ and ‘if you don’t like it you don’t have to play there’ and other such “silly” responses to a MU peeve. They are all good, viable solutions to many mu peeves.
But also it’s my personal mu peeve that there’s not enough games, so pls for the love of god make more.
@bear_necessities Going to make a mush where you rp playing a mush. So you having peeves and dealing with it is the plot.
time to make a mush about making a mush where the plot is coming up with all the things people can have peeves about and figuring out solutions!
Peeve of the day is people relentlessly humblebragging on channels about how important they are at their job.
Should I create my own MU for that?
Everyone is the best at everything. Everyone is the Boss. Now, Everyone has been kidnapped by aliens and placed in a simulated environment to see who would win in the battle of being the best.
What is YOUR skill??
@Pacha said in MU Peeves Thread:
Peeve of the day is people relentlessly humblebragging on channels about how important they are at their job.
For some reason, the words “as an LEO” are running through my mind.
@Pacha make a MUSH without channels, boom.
@bear_necessities said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Pacha make a MUSH without channels, boom.
That just makes the ‘everyone hang out in the ooc nexus and spam chat’ worse.
@GF said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Pacha said in MU Peeves Thread:
Peeve of the day is people relentlessly humblebragging on channels about how important they are at their job.
For some reason, the words “as an LEO” are running through my mind.
Banning politics chat was a mistake, we should be allowed to bully cops.
MU peeve – I’m not on a MU playing.
Also MU peeve – I don’t think I have the time/energy for a new game.
Additional MU peeve – Meeting new people to RP with is either really super fun or really really really stressful.That is all. Carry on. Just my weekly random comment to stay part of the community.
Got to talk to Jill this week. Three times. Time to make chars with more masculine names.
@Gasboy Beef Hardpeck! Blast Slabchuck! Brawn Hardcrush! Rock Stonehard! Fist Punchthud!
@Muscle-Car Big McLargeHuge!
@STD Well I guess I know what I’m watching today.
In World of Darkness games, you have a lot of options to play physical embodiments of lust. For whatever reason (can’t imagine what reasons those could be), such characters are universally described and PBed as conventionally sexy women with tits that, however large you’re imagining at this moment, I can promise you’re underestimating. The objects of lust rather than the lustful, in other words. None of that is my peeve; it’s just context.
I kind of want to find a WoD game and app whatever kind of cousin to a succubus I can get, but my PB would be some subpar dude with no fashion sense, little interest in his own hygiene, and a body pillow waifu he carries with him on those rare occasions he leaves the house. That is one hundred percent the correct take on the material, but it’s also an idea that would get exactly zero RP and would deserve to get none.
Ah, well.
@GF said in MU Peeves Thread:
… such characters are universally described and PBed as conventionally sexy women with tits that, however large you’re imagining at this moment, I can promise you’re underestimating.
Untrue! I disprove the very concept by usually playing them with conventionally adorkable women with fairly un-boob’d bodies.
Your point stands though because I will desc up as 30A and people will pose like the character has massive mommy milkers, even when my poses are like ‘actually… no’ Which means they’re not paying attention to what is happening so why am I there again?
Also I would argue that listing over a body pillow would fall under greed as it is a material object.
I would alternatively argue an equally fun way to pull of your mega-smut is with Gluttony, because they are always about MORE/EXCESS.
And most importantly, it needs to address the lack of Mummy.