MU Peeves Thread
@L-B-Heuschkel a game being listed on arescentral is irrelevant if it closes chargen two days after opening. I’m not sitting around refreshing arescentral every day.
@devu I was going to give it a look as well and maybe spend some time playing instead of running. It was suggested to me as a way to not burn myself out plotrunning to actually play somewhere.
@devu not even close to the same theme and probably about as far different as possible but I also cut my teeth in Pern and am having a v good time on LA 2043.
Responsive staff. Lots of people eager to make hooks AND ACTUALLY PLAY THEM (not just make them up and never RP).
@KarmaBum That game theme looked REALLY cool. I’m glad to hear good things about it.
@farfalla Can’t argue with that. It doesn’t seem to be the norm for Ares games, though.
@KarmaBum I’ll take a look at it. Been a long time since I crossed a good scifi game. Or Cyberpunk as the case might be.
@Anhedonia is good people too.
I feel like Shattered was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. When Spirit Lake went public, they advertised on MSB, and then when they had to shut down apps, there were some people who were vERY LOUDLY UNHAPPY about it. This time they went public, but just let things get out by word of mouth to (I believe) try and keep the influx a bit more manageable, but it also results in people being sad they missed it. (But I also think that they’re estimating they’ll be able to open apps a lot earlier than Spirit Lake was able to.) So I feel for them in the situation, because it feels like there wasn’t a great solution either way. (And, for reference, I’m not speaking from the perspective of someone who’s on the game! I was gonna make a bit but missed the cutoff too, lol.)
@Roz Yeah I agree.
I think we just need to figure out where our line is in the sand here because we can’t say “gamerunners should definitely only take on the amount of people they feel comfortable with” while simultaneously bringing out the pitchforks when apps get temporarily locked down.
We talk a big game here about mental health and balance. We need to apply that to everyone. Even if it means you gotta wait a bit to do the thing you want to do.
Mmm, I think the point isn’t that they shut down apps.
It’s that people are bragging on a place that technically isn’t open to everyone.
Which actually no one playing there did.
Someone NOT playing there lamented about it.
But that’s kind of the conversational drift at this point.
I don’t think anyone begrudges the closure of apps. Just that now the new-hotness is cutoff and still being talked about.
btw did I mention LA 2043 is open?
@Pavel Fair point.
I don’t think anyone who doesn’t suck begrudges the closure of apps.
I definitely wouldn’t say anyone’s brought out pitchforks. I don’t think that people are bragging, either. People have just lamented hearing about it after apps were closed.
Everyone that I’ve talked to about it who would have wanted to play there gets it. They get why a game runner would make the choice to pause apps. Mental health and balance!! People can think it’s the right thing to do while also being sad they missed the window. That’s what a peeves thread is for.
I absolutely feel for the people who would have wanted to play but can’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ETA: I feel for the staff here too. I think Roz is right that there is no pleasing everyone, and they made the choice that is right for them.
FOMO is a powerful force.
Or, I guess, RTYAMOOSYDKAB: Realising that you already missed out on something you didn’t know abut before.
@Pavel Gesundheit.
I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.
@Tez I think what happened is that:
- A person felt like people were talking about fun on private games.
- Another person was intending to just point out the games weren’t private, as they were publicly listed, even if one wasn’t taking apps.
- That kind of morphed into an idea of “does that count as an invitation,” which I don’t think was REALLY the point. The initial point was just “this isn’t a private game, they just didn’t advertise on the board.”
I support any game that has a set limit on how many players they want on it. Many idealize this romanticized thought that having this active game is great, myself very much included. Which is something I’m trying very to beat into my head isn’t the be all, end all goal. Nor should it be.
Having limits is great. That way players won’t be left in the lurch simply because you didn’t have the spoons to be able to help them as best as you could. It does suck when you can’t apply because a game has already reached that limit, but I don’t begrudge the people that run the game that. I have the exact same rule in place if mine ever gets to a capacity that I can’t handle it.
Too many times we’ve seen games just literally blow up to the point where even a team of staff isn’t able to keep up. That’s always the looming threat. And to me, I’d never want to feel like running a game is a obligation. The moment it stops being fun, it becomes a job and I already have one of those. So having limits like that is a great thing.
@Testament the crush of msb/wora/ect has actually derailed games multiple times. a certain percentage of people will app on a game but never really play. I’m pretty sure that’s universal across almost all games. for a variety of reasons. Or they’ll be super active for about a month or so and then fade. So either staff gets overwhelmed and scrambles to try and have lots of things to do for suddenly many people and then those people expect that to continue, or they get overwhelmed with a bunch of new people who might even form a “majority” wanting to make major changes to theme/atmosphere/ect very loudly only for those people to never really continue on (and alienating the people who were actually interested in the original stuff), ect.
I’m pretty sure the runners of this game are well familiar with it, which is maybe WHY they are allowing the 4-6 week rush group to fade out and then re-evaluate what the /true/ size of their playerbase is.
None of the people that do this are bad. Some people are just loud especially when they’re excited and swooping in with familiar circles, ect. But I don’t think any game really knows what the actual playerbase is for awhile after the rush. And sometimes it’s also nice to come in after that, to a much more stable environment as far as culture and expectations go.