@Third-Eye said in Bannings:
It would be hilarious it MSB installed some sort of mod to turn profanity into ‘fork’ and such but this is maybe too self-aware.Something Awful has a language filter for people without an account and honestly it’s way, way, way funnier than any actual swearing.
Randomly - I hate that your sig has that song stuck in my head now. THANKS A LOT. >:|
I wanna be like ‘I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed’ but I’m mad AND disappointed, because I’m a COMPLEX HUMAN BEING.
It started as a joke and now I’m listening to them on Spotify a ton unironically. So that’s what I’ve gotten from this. -
Belittling rape, misogyny etc., doesn’t make you look like less of a misogynist, Devrex. If it hurts you that people would say this about you, then stop fucking doing it.
I called Cullen a rapist because he is a rapist. Like, I would love to share his criminal record with you, I have it right here, but it’s against the rules.
And I feel compelled to drive this point not to be hyperbolic, but because that fact has been questioned incessantly, here:
And because the undertones of MSB’s discussion, prior to me posting there to make that point explicit, very much were of the fear-mongering suspicion that Hog Pit threads might contain false accusations, and that receipts are necessary, and oh no, what if all these poor innocent souls have been damned because you all didn’t do your due diligence. These points were made in particular by Ghost, and upvoted by you, and Derp, and the rest of your sealioning fanclub.
Which by the way, I think is despicable, and dangerous. And not despicable in the sense of, ‘Oh I don’t quite like the theme of this game, perhaps I should play on a different game instead; each to their own.’ But in the sense that makes me feel compelled to say something about it because people could get hurt, have been hurt, and are hurt, by the delegitimisation of their trauma and the benefit of the doubt you wish to confer to predators with multiple accusers. Such as Rysen too, for example, which is why I assume people other than me felt the need to rebutt the comments about him, too. These are not assumptions; this has been made explicit.
By the way, Ghost, still paying attention? This is why I do not accept your apology, why I doubt your intentions, and why I bring up the fact that you’ve always done this, dating back years ago and are still doing it right now.
So don’t act like you’ve always been an ally or that it’s disingenuous of me to bring him up.
My sincere apologies to simplications for getting them mixed up in the crossfire; on the other hand, Cullen is a crypto-fascist, as is ppurg, the other dude I’ve been known to harp on in the general MU* community about being a fascist, and your mockery of my willingness to call people out on that certainly makes you look like someone who’s either in their camp or tolerant of it. Which is further backed by this thread of yours from three years ago, which was directed at me. And it’s relevant to bring that history up because you’re still doing it. The only “apology” for it you’ve offered was coupled by an untrue accusation, simply another of your classic attempts at DARVO. The aim of that was not to apologise, but to justify.
P.S.: Thanks for successfully getting the person who posted the exact account you referenced in your reddit comment, the one about him threatening to send nudes to her boss and stalking her on social media, to delete her testimony. Your actions have material consequences, and it is not hyperbolic to say so, nor to react to them.
This actually inspired me to go grab something I remembered from the Arx Thread when Breccan was banned.
I mean, I get it, irrefutable evidence is a big claim, and this is the guy who argued you can’t hear things over the internet, but this is where he went first, in the middle of a dozen people who actually played on Arx remarking about the dude setting off creep meters. Other folks expressed interest in the details, because that’s natural, but derp’s the only one who immediately went to ‘but what if it’s fake’ about a banning on a game he doesn’t play and a situation he knew nothing about.
At best, it’s some weird and incredibly tone-deaf semantics argument in the middle of a bunch of people going “yeah, dude was sketch”. But it didn’t give me much confidence toward his ability to appropriately handle these situations. Dude doesn’t think about the effect of the shit that comes out of his mouth.
I tried to not walk away from either board (obviously that changed today). I wanted to see the best in both and in some ways I do. This is how I view the situation – also I’m sorry if it triggers someone. I hope you know that’s not my desire.
It’s like a divorce and remarriage. You are the child who’s parents (that you both love) have separated. You may understand it or you might not. Then this new parent comes into the situation with a remarriage (aka admin change). They have a different parenting style. You are still hurting and not sure how to express your trauma. They aren’t helping you work through that or giving you grace. They are demanding you respect them because they are this new parent now. Didn’t you know your other parent is just jealous of them? You need to respect them to earn their respect. They aren’t really meaning to be an evil step-parent, but they have never been one before. They are making a lot of mis-steps. They are making the situation worse by reacting instead of being proactive.
That is how I view all of this.
I definitely respond to bad things with sarcastic humor, it’s armor. If I can find some sort of way to laugh at something, then maybe it isn’t that bad or scary or shitty.
My own moral disgust with MSB aside, I would infinitely rather be where there’s joy.
I think dismissing @kalakh’s “cheeks flapping” post as virulent and vile is selling it short. It was creative and clever. It made me laugh.
We’re a hobby of logophiles; I despair for a community that would rob anyone of expressing themselves with a full palette of the English language.
@kalakh I mean, you are talking about someone who was told that if he wanted to stop being accused of apologising for abusers he should stop apologising for abusers. That person was…
checks notes
Oh, the person that hired him onto staff the board.
Oh, are we unproductively slagging off MSB? Thank god, I’ve been holding this in for hours.
Derp, you condescending shitweasel, how dare you drop your smug, dismissive, clearly-just-to-get-the-last-word “I disagree” and then go off on that childish tangent demanding I take you more seriously than you take me, insisting that I educate you about my private fucking motivations that you do not care about except as they could be convenient ammunition for you to use?
I had paragraphs more written about you, but I deleted it out of pity. Your desperation to cling to the absurdly petty authority of moderating MSB suggests issues I frankly don’t feel like a good person taking you to task for. I hope some day you get help for them, but until you do, seriously fuck off with your dismissive superiority.
I mean, I get it, irrefutable evidence is a big claim, and this is the guy who argued you can’t hear things over the internet, but this is where he went first, in the middle of a dozen people who actually played on Arx remarking about the dude setting off creep meters. Other folks expressed interest in the details, because that’s natural, but derp’s the only one who immediately went to ‘but what if it’s fake’ about a banning on a game he doesn’t play and a situation he knew nothing about.
When all t his started with Gany, my initial reaction was ‘lawyers should never be staff’. I’ve since expanded that to judges, politicians, and maybe cops.
I mean, I get it, irrefutable evidence is a big claim, and this is the guy who argued you can’t hear things over the internet, but this is where he went first, in the middle of a dozen people who actually played on Arx remarking about the dude setting off creep meters. Other folks expressed interest in the details, because that’s natural, but derp’s the only one who immediately went to ‘but what if it’s fake’ about a banning on a game he doesn’t play and a situation he knew nothing about.
When all t his started with Gany, my initial reaction was ‘lawyers should never be staff’. I’ve since expanded that to judges, politicians, and maybe cops.
It’s really hard to explain how much of this is because… honestly… Derp is such a mansplainy little turd, that it is hard to swallow that he “wins.” He and Ganymede essentially have the keys to our shared history. And it hurts to think of losing that (for the 4th time?) because of this narrow-minded little man who doesn’t have the common decency to yield to the will of the community he was supposed to be entrusted to oversee.
Derp should have done the right thing and stepped aside when it became obvious how upset so many of us were.
Ganymede should have done the right thing and asked him to step aside when it became obvious how upset so many of us were.
The misplaced trust in Ganymede over the years compiled by the smug crowing imagined in the background by that tiresome manchild…
It still stings.
So that’s why I’m still reading, even though I know I shouldn’t. I’ll grow out of it soon.
They won’t.