Why I didn’t RP tonight:
@junipersky Look at all. those. KIIIIITTEEEEENNS. eeeeeee
Less happy news, Archer, Kirk, Pike, and Picard are all going back to the shelter today and I have feelings.
My boys made me cry as I left the shelter. Picard put his little paws up on the bottom of the door window and stretched his whooolllleee body up and watched me leave him there.
@junipersky said in Pets!:
My boys made me cry as I left the shelter. Picard put his little paws up on the bottom of the door window and stretched his whooolllleee body up and watched me leave him there.
I would not be so strong. YOU ARE DOING GOOD THINGS. They will go on happier and better socialized to good homes!
We got another dog back on Memorial Day weekend. He was a rescue out of a terrible situation on the Texas-Mexico border (multiple infections, inch deep cuts hidden under matting in his fur, fleas, ticks, you name it) and despite being surrendered by his previous owner, we’re honestly not sure he’s ever lived in a house before.
I cannot stop laughing at the crazy-eyed reaction he has to pup cups, like the sugar high hitting his bloodstream is just the dog equivalent of this child.
First time my Lyra (grumpy asshole calico I love to my last breath that thinks fostering is STUPID) didn’t try to run off my foster fail Calypso. Just let her sit nearby in the sunshine. I can’t get over how Caly’s fave looks like she just won a million dollars.
Eventually they did split up, but my Black senior Kiva acted as a good buffer so they could all have some window sunshine.
This gives me such hope that someday Calypso will wear Lyra down until she gives up and just accepts her annoying sister.
I think he’s swell.
Utter perfection.
When it’s your life’s duty to guard mom from the outdoors but you’re just…so…sleepy…
I love how the perspective makes him look a pony-sized giant barely small enough to fit in the car. Please don’t tell me how small he actually is. I am enjoying this mental image too much.
Actually, he is not a small dog, though he insists on trying to sit on my lap as though he is. He also tends to flail around like an idiot while he’s doing it.
This TikTok is basically our lives now.
@Aria Fluffy boi
He is a glorious floof. What’s his name?
@moth His name is Benny…
AKA Big Ben, Benny-Bens, Mercedes-Benz, Benjamin Button, Doofus, Creature, and “What the fuck are you doing NO!”
@junipersky said in RL Peeves:
When we ask, “Why did you love this cat?” Please tell me what the cat DID that you enjoyed. Don’t just tell me it felt like they chose you. That doesn’t inform me at all, and honestly makes me wonder if you will cope well when they might be shy living somewhere new for a bit.
Now, that said, sometimes God does intervene so that a particular animal goes with a particular person. My pot babies where shy af and had hid for every single person who entered that room. The first person they ever came out for after going back to the shelter was the woman who adopted them.
OKAY GUYS. I WANT TO KNOW. How did you pick your cats / dogs. WHY?
I picked my idiot boy after being SUPER DETERMINED to get a fluffy kitten and finding out there are no fluffy kittens with an hour and a half of Boston.
So I drove an hour and forty minutes to see him, found that he was the last of his litter at the rescue, was extremely shy and half-feral which is undoubtedly WHY he was the last–
–but he was very, very fluffy. He was very, very scared at all the noise. He burrowed into the nook of my arm and tucked his head against me. Nothing makes me more of a sucker than feeling like animals feel safe around me.
My other cat is a failed purebred breeding momma. My sister got her last kitten, and the breeder gave the momma to us at a discount, since she wasn’t having big enough / quality enough litters.
@Tez I wanted a fluffy kitty and she was v pretty. Plus her foster mom said she was more cuddly than playful – she tended to cuddle a lot with her mom while her siblings played – and I also liked the idea of that.
When I met her, I honestly wasn’t even bothered at the idea that she might not immediately come up to me or whatnot. I grew up with cats, so the idea of cats being skittish around strangers seemed super normal to me.
I was still grieving my old man and while I was walking by an adoption event and there were two adorable black cat siblings hanging out on the top cat tree ledge and while he was looking at me the boy cat fell off the ledge onto his head and then started to attack his own tail. So they came home with me.
@Tez It was the start of Labor Day weekend, and I was heading out to do some errands. As I approached my car, I heard forlorn kitten cries. But I saw no kitten! I walked around the car, because I didn’t want to crush kitten, and eventually found the kitten: he had climbed up one of the tires and was hiding in the wheel well, crying sadly.
I went back inside, got some bits of cold cut meat I had, and sat down beside my wheel and lured him out. He was tiny and sad, and when he realized I wasn’t going to hurt him, he began throwing himself against me with desperate affection and shaking his little tail.
Obviously, I took him inside. “I’m not ready to have a cat,” I said. “I’ll take him to the shelter when they open up after the holiday.”
Three years later, he is my best and most fluffy boy.
OKAY GUYS. I WANT TO KNOW. How did you pick your cats / dogs. WHY?
I had just moved to the city a year or so prior, and I was regularly bartending at a local dive/music venue when I got my husky. The neighborhood I lived in is like… right by the river. And it’s a pretty spot to run and be outside. So, I was complaining that all the people with dogs were making me jealous. (It was also one of the first time in my life that I didn’t have a dog.)
One of the women I bartended with had a family connection with a litter, and people kept flaking out on adopting the last puppy. I wouldn’t be able to drive to meet him for a week, but sure enough he was still there. He was way bigger than his sisters and I think maybe that contributed to people opting out.
And my other dog, I got a year or two ago through a rescue service. He and his brother were surrendered way before they should have been separated from their mother and they weren’t doing well. According to his paperwork and according to him, he is a full Rottweiler.