A Constructive Arx Thread
@MisterBoring said in A Constructive Arx Thread:
@Roz Given the recent news about Vince McMahon, I too want to know what that gif means.
I mean I didn’t know the recent news until you said something and I looked it up so I wouldn’t assign anything nefarious to it.
Looks like @watno is just choked up by something that happened if I had to guess, emotional about a story?
for whatever reason the guy looked a lot less teary on my phone when i looked this morning, he almost looked ANNOYED, sorry it is more obviously choked up on my full screen
Didn’t know about recent Vince McMahon news…but now that I do, let’s go with this one instead
I am more shaken up by Ainsley’s death than I really thought I would be. Now I’m like — idk. Spinning in circles.
@Cobalt Me too, tbh. Foundational. He was a very high passion character so it makes sense that he got into your heartmeats, though.
@Cobalt oof 🥺
Ah it was a profound character death. Got it.
I feel a bit bad. I see all the emits and how people talk about stuff going on and think it would be fun. However, I don’t feel invested, at all. I am pretty certain it is because most of what is talked about I don’t understand. I don’t really do much for combat characters so I don’t sign up for much cause a lot of the bigger plot stuff has combat focused. I also would rather ‘give up’ a spot I would take to people who are invested and know all the stuff going on. I am not big on huge scenes anymore, can’t handle them like I did when I was younger… I also know if I go to the ‘info dump’ scenes people do, I’ll get overwhelmed and confused.
I /want/ to feel invested, I just don’t for above reasons.
I’ve enjoyed watching all the scenes my friends are in and cheering for them. SOME SAD SACRIFICES. Some major badasses. GOOD LUCK. Arx has had a wild ride and a lot of good stories.
I get two things from reading stuff from this thread.
That I definitely am not the target audience for Lords & Ladies roleplay.
That Arx, even with all of it’s trouble throughout its history, is a pretty good example of ‘doing it right’ in our hobby.
Congrats to all you Arx players and staff for doing cool stuff.
I’ve had a few weeks to sit with my thoughts, and I must say that I’m actually really grateful that this story had a concrete, definite ending. I’ve never actually seen a story through to the extent that I have with Arx. There are inevitably some loose threads that never got tied off, but not every thread really needs to be.
Every other MU* I’ve been on has just sort of fizzled out like a friendship that’s run its course, but I’m really grateful that this ended up feeling story-shaped from beginning to end. It’s not an ‘ending’ for the characters, and I’m left to tantalizing daydreams about what happened after the curtain fell, and that’s a valuable thing to have.
And on an unrelated note:
I was discussing this with @kalakh - I so wish Arx had the budget of big story projects like Vox Machina or Critical Role, because this setting would make for such a kickass Graphic Novel or Animated Series. Argh!
Be a pretty cool podcast too