RL Peeves
@junipersky Goimagine ?
Peeved my principal wants me to text her when I’m free to talk about something we’ve already had an email thread about (she didn’t like my answer). I feel like it’s in her boat now to come see me during my plan time, and not for me to hunt her down.
I did reply pettily- “My plan is from X-Y, I’ll likely be B then Z in those times. Feel free to come find me.”
Internet atheists. i’m an atheist, and these guys (because it is always guys) make me want to go to church just to distance myself from them.
Realizing that the last cost of living raise I had was completely consumed by car and health insurance premium hikes, I’m net poorer now than I was last year and that is before you factor in price hikes for everything else.
Is this just how it’s gonna go?
I assume poorly.
(Also I am sorry and I empathize for your pain but the pun was RIGHT THERE.)
@SpaceKhomeini car and home insurance hikes have been brutal AF in our area too.
@SpaceKhomeini said in RL Peeves:
Is this just how it’s gonna go?
Pretty much, until the working class rises up.
@junipersky My mil just switched jobs because her principal was absolutely terrible to her. The previous school year she was aaaaalllll about how awesome mil was and this year she would call her at 7-8 at night to dress her down for every tiny thing. The final straw came when the principal told her she couldn’t have a Christmas party in her room for the kids.
Jokes on the principal tho, mil got an easier job paying almost double what the county school board was paying her.
@SpaceKhomeini said in RL Peeves:
Is this just how it’s gonna go?
Pretty much, until the working class rises up.
my worry is that everyone is going to just keep saying this until we all die. but I am so ready sign me up let’s gooooooooo
@Wizz same on all fronts.
I guess no one will do it unless I do. I should learn how to organize communities. No doubt my exquisite social skills will make me the best leader ever, heh.
I mulled over saying this at all at the risk of sounding like the keyboard Marxist I am but at this point we have to be willing to engage in behavior that could be deemed risky, potentially illegal, and destructive (at least to economic output on a large scale).
Even worse, we have to be willing to face these things for each other, and the ruling class has done a hell of a job flooding the zone with an endless torrent of culture war bullshit reasonable people in positions of nominal power all have to prioritize cleaning up the damage from first (and mind you, a lot of that is heinous).
We’re just not there. Not by a longshot. I’m definitely including myself here.
@sao Really clotting up the legal system, there.
@Pavel got an acquittal tho. It’s probably blood magic.
I have had my hair professionally dyed for years (rainbow was my fav). I’ve decided to attempt to dye my own hair. I’m just sitting here looking at all the dye and the things. I’m more than a little nervous to do it.
My peeve is … it’s just hair. I can get it covered if it turns out bad. I use to do this before I could afford to get it professionally dyed. It’s. Just. Hair.
@RightMeow You can do it!