RL Peeves
I am gainfully employed. There is no way in hell I’ll be buying a house any time soon unless I’m moving to some area out in the middle of nowhere in the future.
Housing crisis is in full swing right now pretty much the world over. Neither renting or buying right now is a reasonable prospect for the middle class; housing simply isn’t available, and what is is either garbage or being offered at a price point WAY above the actual value. This has roots in a lot of things; it was already a problem in many many places PRIOR to the pandemic due to Air BNB type stuff and corporations buying up properties in massive numbers for it and the wage value issues, and then the eviction moratoriums happened (without a plan in place for this very obvious consequence), and – it’s ugly and it’s going to get uglier before it’s over.
edit: changed from an insta repost to the original new yorker piece
“But no, it’s going for $500,000 and will be sold to an Airbnb developer who’s going to rent it to completely normal people who nonetheless will manage to ruin this entire neighborhood.”
lol, yup.
We spent the first half of the year, for various reasons, trying to find a house. We could afford places but nothing like what I believe we should be able to get with our financial situation. Ultimately, for various other reasons, we decided to keep renting in the city for at least another year. Prices have dropped some in the semi-rural target area we are looking at but have not really moved in the urban zone we currently live in despite talk about the mortgage rates dropping or other things that are supposedly going to fix the issue. We’re exceptionally lucky that we can both reliably WFH and expect to indefinitely, and that makes the more rural/exurban options available to us. If you have to work on-site and therefore live in a place where you can commute, I just don’t see a way forward unless the next decade of housing is constructed under completely different zoning laws than we have. (Narrator: It won’t be.)
@shit-piss-love What bugs me is that while I suspect there’s a real estate bubble that’s going to burst in the future… lots of people thought that, and for many years.
The other thing is, if we’re headed into a depression then all bets are off. Sure, should things really go to hell and people start to default on their mortgages then yes, there will be more houses on the market (and probably at a lower price) but… is that something to really look forward to?
And even then, assuming one is enough of a cynic, all bets are off when society as a whole is under extreme duress. For example we have jobs today, but if things are bad enough are we still going to feel quite as secure about a 15 year mortgage even at better terms?
The only reason why we have a house in the area we do is because we bought over 20 years ago, in the cheaper unincorporated area. If we were buying now even with current income I am not sure we could find something even within an hour of where we are, and it would probably be a fixer upper. It’s been hard seeing my kids realize that they won’t be able to even rent a single room apartment anywhere near here. Not that it’s bad to share housemates in your early adult life especially but I think that is likely how its going to be, even in family situations, for the foreseeable future. Not just bc of investors, though that’s taking away a lot of “old fixer uppers or starter homes” that people used to rely on. It’s really depressing.
It’s still Internet based vs meatspace, but it’s not mu*-based or -adjacent so I’ll put the peeve here.
I made the mistake of joining a sub about a popular television show I’m watching and I’m peeved that I can still be remotely surprised by how fucking stupid people are, in general.
@eye8urcake Having that issue with a band and also a show right now!
Major DDOS attacks right as I’m trying to sign off for the night.
Who would have thought that unhinged “we have the best nuclears” rant was actually a sales pitch.
@shit-piss-love said in RL Peeves:
Who would have thought that unhinged “we have the best nuclears” rant was actually a sales pitch.
No. Stop. Don’t.
Got Covid
@junipersky Oh no!
I heard someone comment downstairs about no fudgesicles in the box in the freezer, and yet still the box has not yet made it into recycling. Sigh. I gave up and am now going to get rid of it. Alas, trolling fail.
@mietze Fill it with rocks and leave it
I’ve had the same cough since June. Since June.
No, it’s not COVID. I’ve tested negative multiple times. I’ve also been sent for a chest X-ray, which looks completely clear. I’m now on antibiotics to see if that will knock it out and while they don’t seem to be helping, they have done a fantastic job of giving me horrible stomach cramps since Wednesday.
I apparently have Schrodinger’s fucking cough, and my doctor’s brilliant response at this point is “Have you tried cough drops?”
@Aria If I get a cold, I always end up coughing for a good 6-8 weeks after the fact. It’s apparently A Thing (post-viral cough) and it’s stupid and bodies are just dumb.
I hope it goes away soon!
@Aria so this might be a long shot, but a friend of mine noticed their son was always coughing every few hours for months. Wasn’t sick, doctors were a bit baffled, cough didn’t seem to be bothering him, but mom is a scientist and started keeping track of various things and it turned out…to be gluten. Once she put him on a gluten free diet he was fine. Cough never returned.
Another potential cause of a cough is if you take an ACE inhibitor for high blood pressure. I’d think a doctor would have warned about this but it’s best to never assume. So if anyone out there takes one and is always coughing, that could be it.