Pax Republica - Discussion
As a public defender defending 3 different internet based child sex crimes . . . Don’t let 13 year olds in, yikes, lol.
@doodletilidie said in Pax Republica - Discussion:
@Roz Yes as along as they abide by the rules and conduct themselves appropriately. I doubt we will get anyone that young but if we do, we will allow it. If you’re wondering about our rules regarding mature content you can read about them here:
I gotta be honest. I don’t know how you can have a game with an “R rating” but also allow 13 year olds. Why not just keep the R rating and say 18+ only?
Sorry for double posting but
Characters must be at least 16 years old
PLEASE GOD NOPlease do not allow under-aged characters.
@doodletilidie Just to make it clear it is not judging you bad for your decision to allow kids, it is more experience with this community. Not everyone is… reasonable about their behavior when young ones are around.
Star Wars theme attracts people who are into all kinds of weird NSFW rp. And more power to them, if that’s your thing and everyone is a consenting adult IC/OOC, awesome.
As a veteran of Many Years in the Star Wars trenches though: please do not allow underaged anything. Not players, not characters, nothing. I had to deal with somebody on AOA who tried to RP “underaged sex slave” content at me and I’m still not ok, and that was just the character, never mind player stuff.
I beg you, New Star Wars MU. No underaged anything.
One thing that confuses me about this game (in addition to the red flags above) is that the ad says it’s D20, but the game itself says it uses D6.
@ThisGuy Yeah, I’m in the same boat, so far. Finding that specific book is also an issue, as there’s some revised stuff already ahead of it. The book(s) to be used definitely need a link via their wiki or a help file.
Please reconsider allowing/welcoming underage PCs and players. Please.
I know that it’s impossible to prevent all underage folks, kids lie and all that stuff. But young teens (and other vulnerable people) have been and probably still are being groomed and lured by predators on mushes, ESPECIALLY those that have a wider range of ages in the fan base. Even worse, if you advertise that you welcome underage PCs you will attract a lot of people that you really don’t want to.
I’ve personally provided a safe place to stay when one of those kids (with toddler in tow) who met someone on a mush needed a way to escape someone really scary a couple of years later.
Please, PLEASE take this seriously.
Having previously been staff on a Star Wars game for many years, let me just emphasize that having minor players or characters is asking for a world of trouble. More than once I had to put a stop to some real sketchy stuff from people trying to skirt the rules against underage characters that we did have. I don’t want to imagine the trouble of minor players and characters being welcomed on a game.
Please, Please, please listen to Zephyr and all the others. (Especially the Public Defender.) I went from interested in the game to hard pass over the under age thing. It will save yourself and your staff lots of problems.
If you’re on the fence please go read some of the threads in rough and ready. There are some very well written accounts and testimony from site members explaining why it shouldn’t be done.
Let’s not add another generation of mushers to those testimonies.
@doodletilidie said in Pax Republica - Discussion:
If you’re wondering about our rules regarding mature content you can read about them here:
this page was deleted from the wiki, hopefully for long and serious reconsideration and not just to hide the weird ambiguity around the “age of consent” in the sexual activity section.
Even if certain species mature at ages humans would consider ‘under age’, I’d still suggest mandating an 18+ (for players and characters) limit.
Sure, Mission Vao might have technically been an adult at 14, but she was still child-like in many aspects and there was no romantic nor sexual content involving her. You can’t say the same for people on your game.
@Pavel said in Pax Republica - Discussion:
Even if certain species mature at ages humans would consider ‘under age’, I’d still suggest mandating an 18+ (for players and characters) limit.
Sure, Mission Vao might have technically been an adult at 14, but she was still child-like in many aspects and there was no romantic nor sexual content involving her. You can’t say the same for people on your game.
There were always excuses like that from people who wanted to play/play with underage characters, and 99 times out of 100 they wanted to do so for creepy reasons. I could not care less if it’s canon, opening that door is inviting bad things to your game.
@doodletilidie said in Pax Republica - Discussion:
@Roz Yes as along as they abide by the rules and conduct themselves appropriately. I doubt we will get anyone that young but if we do, we will allow it. If you’re wondering about our rules regarding mature content you can read about them here:
Nah man just don’t do this.
I get wanting to allow padawans or whatever, but this hobby really can’t be trusted with the responsibility to treat children as children rather than sex objects.
@GF obi-wan and Anakin weren’t exactly underage Padawans in the movie.
Instead of repeating all of the NO about kids (except by agreeing with all that NO in this parenthetical), I will query…
WHICH D20 Star Wars? Because there were 3 official editions of D20 Star Wars, and that’s not including Star Finder, either.
(I am assuming Saga, but whomst can say?)
Edit for spelling and because I finally went to read site: eh, so level-less d20 is a thing I considered for a while, but ultimately never really got into.
@GF said in Pax Republica - Discussion:
I get wanting to allow padawans or whatever, but this hobby really can’t be trusted with the responsibility to treat children as children rather than sex objects.
I think people can be 18 year old padawans. Plus that can allow growth into a full Jedi Knight on the grid over a short period of time and actually make sense.