Pax Republica - Discussion
@Roz Yes, thanks for noticing, sorry about that but the game is actually still in beta as we are actively working on and developing it, trying to update files, pages, and other materials related to the game. The R rating was something left over from someone who had agreed to staff a really long time ago who ended up just abandoning the project less than halfway through before we’d even fully formed all our ideas and theming for it. Thanks for noticing!
R Roz referenced this topic on
Neat to see a High Republic MU*!
I didn’t see mention of it on the wiki, but is there a ‘hub’ world? Basically, a planet which is meant to be the focus of the MUSH?
If not, you might want to consider having one, depending on whether you’d prefer folks focused on high level stuff (so you’d probably want one of the Core Worlds) or a more gritty focus (so some planet on the expanding Rim). Not doing so has a distinct possibility of fracturing your playerbase.
Not a criticism, but just something curious: why do you not allow droid PCs?
It says that the game is D20-based. Is there a link to where I can buy a copy of the relevant book?
@STD Most likely the hub world will end up being Coruscant or possibly Eiram or E’ronoh which was where Starlight Beacon was, but we are still building the grid, tbh. But we might not have one and actually just try to keep our game pretty small which will hopefully help prevent fracturing, but mainly because we do not have currently have very many staffers.
We don’t allow droid PCs because in game you are allowed to have one as a resource and assign stats to it but it must be attached to a character. During the High Republic, droids were less advanced and you don’t really see any that don’t belong to anyone or are free roaming. If this game was Clone Wars Era we might not have had that rule, but because the game is set in the High Republic, we’ve decided not to allow droid PCs.
@doodletilidie said in Pax Republica - Discussion:
@Roz Yes, thanks for noticing, sorry about that but the game is actually still in beta as we are actively working on and developing it, trying to update files, pages, and other materials related to the game. The R rating was something left over from someone who had agreed to staff a really long time ago who ended up just abandoning the project less than halfway through before we’d even fully formed all our ideas and theming for it. Thanks for noticing!
Thanks for the response!
Just to be super clear: that means that players as young as 13 will be allowed?
@OnceWas I mean you can buy a d20 core rule book off of ebay here but I don’t think that’s necessary or would recommend that because our game isn’t verbatim everything from that rulebook, because it’s a very different era. I would just check out our character creation page and the policy page on our wiki. You can also pop on the game and do +help +roll to see how the rolling works.
@Roz Yes as along as they abide by the rules and conduct themselves appropriately. I doubt we will get anyone that young but if we do, we will allow it. If you’re wondering about our rules regarding mature content you can read about them here:
@doodletilidie Be aware that if you allow players under 18 you’re subjecting yourself to the COPAA laws. Additionally, you may be opening yourself up to liability if you allow R-rated content on a wiki that is geared towards 13-year-olds (per your NSFW policy) or by allowing mature RP at all without the players involved having any means to verify the age of the people they’re playing with. Big can of worms. Don’t recommend.
ETA: COPAA is specifically for under-13 but other regional laws may still apply for under-18s, especially European players. Still don’t recommend.
As a public defender defending 3 different internet based child sex crimes . . . Don’t let 13 year olds in, yikes, lol.
@doodletilidie said in Pax Republica - Discussion:
@Roz Yes as along as they abide by the rules and conduct themselves appropriately. I doubt we will get anyone that young but if we do, we will allow it. If you’re wondering about our rules regarding mature content you can read about them here:
I gotta be honest. I don’t know how you can have a game with an “R rating” but also allow 13 year olds. Why not just keep the R rating and say 18+ only?
Sorry for double posting but
Characters must be at least 16 years old
PLEASE GOD NOPlease do not allow under-aged characters.
No kids. Much like no capes!
@doodletilidie Just to make it clear it is not judging you bad for your decision to allow kids, it is more experience with this community. Not everyone is… reasonable about their behavior when young ones are around.
Star Wars theme attracts people who are into all kinds of weird NSFW rp. And more power to them, if that’s your thing and everyone is a consenting adult IC/OOC, awesome.
As a veteran of Many Years in the Star Wars trenches though: please do not allow underaged anything. Not players, not characters, nothing. I had to deal with somebody on AOA who tried to RP “underaged sex slave” content at me and I’m still not ok, and that was just the character, never mind player stuff.
I beg you, New Star Wars MU. No underaged anything.
Let me add my voice to the chorus with:
One thing that confuses me about this game (in addition to the red flags above) is that the ad says it’s D20, but the game itself says it uses D6.
@ThisGuy Yeah, I’m in the same boat, so far. Finding that specific book is also an issue, as there’s some revised stuff already ahead of it. The book(s) to be used definitely need a link via their wiki or a help file.
Please reconsider allowing/welcoming underage PCs and players. Please.
I know that it’s impossible to prevent all underage folks, kids lie and all that stuff. But young teens (and other vulnerable people) have been and probably still are being groomed and lured by predators on mushes, ESPECIALLY those that have a wider range of ages in the fan base. Even worse, if you advertise that you welcome underage PCs you will attract a lot of people that you really don’t want to.
I’ve personally provided a safe place to stay when one of those kids (with toddler in tow) who met someone on a mush needed a way to escape someone really scary a couple of years later.
Please, PLEASE take this seriously.
Having previously been staff on a Star Wars game for many years, let me just emphasize that having minor players or characters is asking for a world of trouble. More than once I had to put a stop to some real sketchy stuff from people trying to skirt the rules against underage characters that we did have. I don’t want to imagine the trouble of minor players and characters being welcomed on a game.
Please, Please, please listen to Zephyr and all the others. (Especially the Public Defender.) I went from interested in the game to hard pass over the under age thing. It will save yourself and your staff lots of problems.
If you’re on the fence please go read some of the threads in rough and ready. There are some very well written accounts and testimony from site members explaining why it shouldn’t be done.
Let’s not add another generation of mushers to those testimonies.