Challenge: Post Your Worst Pose From Your Oldest Log
Because you know what? We’ve grown as writers! And it’s funny to laugh at ourselves as we earnestly experimented in trying to find our voices.
You and only you are the determining factor for what makes it your worst pose.
I’ll start.
Redwall MUSH, 7/30/1999
Kyan’s breathing quickens, his pulse raises. “You’ll never understand, Lica! You cannot understand this feeling! You cannot understand at all how it feels!” He looks at his paws, still yelling. “You didn’t kill your mother, Lica! You don’t have to see the pain you caused the only family you have left! You don’t know how it feels to enjoy the smell, the smell of blood on your sword, on your body. You don’t know what it means to screw up the lives of your friends, you just know that I am “depressed”, and am acting like an idiot! Well I don’t care anymore! Because I’m nothing like Aren and Hora! I’m much worse.” His sharp tone softens at the last three tones.
I only want to die a little bit reading that. The true embodiment of hilariously grimdark backstory and angst. Because broody, overcapable (and hilariously melodramatic) boys really were my thing in 1999, apparently.
YES I am here for this.
I went delving into the depths of angelfire and the wayback machine for this log, as my personal copies have long since been lost to the depths of floppy disks.
Aerrin rolls her eyes as she turns away. “Well, I’m glad you’re so interested.”
That’s it. That’s the entire pose. My primary early RP sin was being super boring.
I don’t know for sure when this was, but I’d guess around 2000 or 2001.
@Tat said in Challenge: Post Your Worst Pose From Your Oldest Log:
That’s it. That’s the entire pose. My primary early RP sin was being super boring.
Oh god, the amount of times I would pose into a scene and lurk in a corner waiting for someone to notice me was truly awful. I eventually learned being present wasn’t enough to be interesting. Eventually.
I deleted everything I had logged when I finally severed myself from the toxic game I was playing for eight years(ish?), but I did make a log of a part of a scene once just to immortalize the one moment, across every PC I ever had in that game, where the attractiveness code ranked my PC a 10.
I feel like the combination of fuckery in the game and in my head leading to me doing that is absolutely worth a dishonorable mention in a ‘worst logs’ thread.
Now… please shoot your ‘worst’ poses into my veins, kthxbai.
I grew up on Iron Realms Entertainment. Here’s the RP equivalent of pictures of me as a baby. (I’m Lilah in this.)
I’d pick out my worst pose, but I’m not sure any of those says and socials count as poses at all.
I’m really glad I never kept any of the RP I was in from over a decade ago. My anxiety probably couldn’t handle it.
When I went to google, to search for logs of my very first character on my very first game, I just gotta say that the google image suggestions were…
…pretty choice.
Teraille sifts through pages briefly before adding. “An example of /uncommon/ knowledge would be this: ‘In the seventh year of his time as Lord Holder, Jarin decided that all crafters were fools outsider of their area of specialty, and decreed that their advice be ignored except as it pertained to the specific area of their schooling.’ Do you see the difference?”
Tereza nods, “Yes.”
Teraille nods. “Good. Any questions thus far?” She glances around the room.
Tereza shakes her head, “No none.”
(Harper’s Tale, 1997)I think it speaks for itself.
Aw, but it’s cathartic to look at how far you’ve come.
Except for the rare occasion when you find a total gem of a post and you question if you’ve grown at all. T-then the anxiety returns. But luckily then you can just keep reading and cackling.
The entire log!? This is bold. Were the smiles and smirks poses, or were they coded reactions? Either way, golden.
You were merely mastering the true power of bringing brevity to storytime.
oh god this is awful, the oldest log i still have involves me playing a french PC with a
i hate you, @Solstice
“Tsk. Don’t be silly,” she scolds him lightly, setting down the two glasses and uncorking the bottle with a loud “Pop!” Ignoring the stream of froth running down the bottle over her hands, she pours the two glasses. “I shall not hear of you not having some.” The woman replaces the flutes with the bottle, handing him one and taking a sip of the sweetly wonderful liquid from her own glass. “Zere is /nozing/ in the world like aged Dom Perignon…”
(X-Men Movieverse MUCK, 2001)sadly i don’t have my earlier stuff from the 90s
@Roz said in Challenge: Post Your Worst Pose From Your Oldest Log:
PC with a
accentmine too! and they gave me a gold dragon for this nonsense
You say “No. I was never taught t’mend or anything.” If she had been taught, she wouldn’t be stabbing herself every other stitch and there might be some semblance of order to the crooked line edging its way down her fabric. “An’I don’t ‘member askin’ /you/ t’help me any.”
Wednesday, January 13, 1999, 5:30 PM on SouCon -
While the original Ekkar’s face goes blank, it’s quickly replaced by a wriggling “specter” of blind fury that shouts a number of quite audible curses that become fainter as the form gradually vanishes but not without mindlessly shouting “Wait till you see what I’m capable of!” as it recedes into the background.
(Dragon’s Fang MUD, October 26,1999)My descriptions were AMAZING. For a bit of context, this was a, iirc, Tel’aran’rhiod-based scene. Something that @Roadspike misses and wishes he could do more of.
Wow, Pastebin. Just. Wow.
So I guess I lied and I found a few old logs from my first ever hardcore permadeath RP PC.
Including my first ever permadeath. Augh.
Fuck me, I’m actually crying over this shit all over again.
So, in the interest of ‘baby pictures of arrpeez,’ this is my first roleplayed death.
Audrey’s Death is the whole thing, for the masochists out there, assuming the link works. The first 7/8 is a shitty fight (I was always so bad at Haven-fighting, it’s fucking hilarious, @Kestrel has BEEN THERE WATCHING HOW BAD I AM BEFORE and this one is even worse) and the last eighth is just… melodrama gold, IMO.
Enjoy, or laugh, or cry, or mock, or whatever makes you feel good. I’m happy because I finally HAVE A THING TO SHARE IN A THREAD THAT’S NOT A GIF!
I don’t have any of my really bad stuff since I appear to have lost every log before 2009 in my own files, and I was a decade into this thing by this point, but this is from my oldest one and it’s pretty bad just for the meta alone. I like to think I’m more graceful these days.
Bell pads past Drusus and Sasha. She almost pipes a hello to them. Almost. But, something about the way they’re interacting makes her keep flopping by. Leaving them to themselves. A little smile coming to her face. Aw. Boys are cute.
(Battlestar Genesis, February 2009) -
@Tat said in Challenge: Post Your Worst Pose From Your Oldest Log:
That’s it. That’s the entire pose. My primary early RP sin was being super boring.
I see your boring and raise:
Cally glances up as Abagail hovers nearby and orders some tea.
Yes, I was a serial tea-sipper, unable to properly socialize in group scenes or whenever there wasn’t some kind of action involved.
And the less said of some of my early plots, the better. Cringe.
Unfortunately, I’ll have to rely on @Solstice for any actual (edit: EARLY, I have many terrible) terrible poses from me, as, unless they’re buried very deep, I lost my Redwall logs a long, long time ago.
I did find what I think was the very first Shard scene on Arx, in which she literally talks to no one, utters three words in total (to an NPC server), and then leaves. A promising start.
Oh hey, you want a pose from my very first character on a MU* after MUDs? When I was playing Kitty Pryde? When I didn’t quite understand to pose in present tense, not past? Ok.
Standing up as well, Kitty moves to behind the desk, catching Jean into a hug. “Thank you. I better go pack and tell Piotr I am leaving. I won’t tell him too much, of course.” She walked out of the room calmly, though she didn’t feel that way at all. With an absentminded phase through Jean’s door, she felt a flutter of apprehension. Better go read what’s on that drive.
I cannot post my oldest logs…
My oldest log is an actual journal where I transcribed an entire IRC window’s worth of RP one night.
I was 15. It was bad. Poses ended with smilie or winkie faces. I can’t even post the character names because I’m pretty sure the guy who ran the channel still googles himself constantly. I also swear they wrote Elf Only Inn about him.
@DrQuinn i want a picture of this, so bad. i got five bucks if we can make this happen.