Games we want, but will almost certainly never have
@Tributary said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
I want to make a game set in the world of the Expanse. I loved the Prime show, and now I’m reading the books.
I would 100% play an Expanse game.
Also, cyberpunk of nearly any setting would be lovely, thanks.
The game I want but will almost certainly never have would be the homebrew setting that’s lived in my head rent free for the past 25-30 years and evolved so much over time.
Maybe one day, I can tell Aldera’s story.
@Aria I need my local library to get the 3rd or 4th book back in so that I can continue! But maybe after I have all of the books read…
One of the joys of running an Expanse game is when you invariably run across that one player who needs to get tossed out an airlock, you can just
do them like Alex. Oh shit, looks like your brain’s broken! Sorry friend. -
In the back of my mind I had an idea for an anthology SF game that blatantly rips off elements of Assassin’s Creed, thankfully more or less jettisoning the modern secret society ancient immortals whatever conspiracy plot and more just this basic concept:
A series of researchers of wide, varied backgrounds gather in a secure facility, having identified formerly-living people of interest in various times and places.
Each long-term plot arc is centered around a specific time and place that the characters immerse themselves in and relive the lives and experiences of said people of interest via some handwavey mechanism.
Want to go to Istanbul or Constantinople in centuries past? Sure. Want to be pirates? Go be pirates. Do you prefer the Carribean or want to hang with Zheng Yi Sao? Do you want a big epic politlcal drama? Sure, Medieval Europe or the Italian city-states are there, but maybe it’d be cool to have an arc centered around the formation of the Iroquois League. Want to witness the seeds of Arthurian legend firsthand? That’d be awesome, but also, did you know that Vietnam has their own vaguely Excalibur-like legend?
The well of stories is vast, and it’s a shame there are likely too many logistical difficulties for most gamerunners to bother with.
@Solstice said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
I’ll remove this (slightly) from the spirit of MU* to briefly say:
A new game in the EverQuest franchise, as it’s been seemingly shuffled off to pasture to die under the weight of soulless expansions. I miss ploddingly paced MMOs that felt like worlds, and I’ll probably never experience one again unless gamerunners get serious about encrypting data so it can’t be mined as soon as it’s pushed.
I miss Norrath as it existed in my teenage brain. (So basically anything prior to Gates of Discord)
I don’t know if this solves for your itch in any meaningful way, but google up Project99. It’s a full on EQ emulator locked back at the second or third expansion. Pretty active player base, and it exists I think with tacit approval from the current operators.
I poked around there long enough to relive nostalgia and then remember why playing it consumed way too much of life, and then stopped.
@SpaceKhomeini I don’t want to toot my own horn too much but, that paragraph was very close to Keys’ intro lines:
“Want to fight Nazis in occupied France? Ride with Cortez? Plunder Egyptian tombs, whether in 2000 BC or the 1920s? Visit an Earth where the Roman Empire never fell or European settlers never made it to the Americas? It’s all true — somewhere, somewhen.”
Anyhow, there is definitely a market for what-if and yes-but storylines. Go forth and make it happen!
My latest obsession is Eldritch Automata, a cross between Evangalion, CthulhuTECH, and Pacific Rim where everyone fights beg monsters in fancy robutts where your mech’s health track is dictated by your sanity stat, and your attacks are fueled by STRESS and/or TRAUMA.
Get in the fucking
robotKickstarter, Shinji! -
You just want the glaive.
a game where I get to pilot a mech suit like in Iron Widow/Heavenly Tyrant
Honestly, this could be called “What games should I just get off my butt and make” and it’d be just as accurate. LOL
- Masters of the Universe
- A Transformers game based on the cartoon’s first season with a plot leading into the 1986 movie.
- A Star Trek game.
- A Game of Thrones game set in Lannisport in some obscure time in the past.
I made a big list previously, and now there are more ideas, this time exclusively TTRPGs I want to MU-ify.
- Lancer
- Unknown Armies
- Mork Borg (or anything based on it)
- Scion 2nd Edition
- Zweihander
@MisterBoring said in Games we want, but will almost certainly never have:
- Scion 2nd Edition
I want to love this game, but I’ve read through the books 3 times, and I still don’t quite get how the system works. That said, I think it could be easily converted to Storypath Ultra(which has become my favorite iteration of Storypath).
- Zweihander
There’s an off-shoot of this game based on a fictionalized version of the U.S. Revolution I think that looks very neat. Yeah, “Flames of Freedom: Zweihander’s Gothic Horror Take on 1776.”
@helvetica Several have been tried over the last twelve years or so. Two, the first and the third, were by the same headstaffer, and I believe the third (chronologically the second, run by a different headstaffer) was called Demigod Destinies. I don’t have details, since all my logs were on my long-dead old desktop tower, but I believe all of them used a variation of the Scion 1st Edition system. It worked reasonably well.
The first ran for maybe a year before RL stole away our headstaffer and the game collapsed. Somewhere along the line, someone got the bright idea that, “OMG, people are spending XPZZZZZZ without supervizionzzzzzz!!1!!!” and talked the headwiz into implementing a rule that any advances outside of chargen required playing in or running three scenes focused on training in the desired skill, attribute, and/or area of improvement. This sounds good on paper, but in practice it means that, unless you have the freedom to do little more than play the game all day, ALL of your scenes are going to be about training, and eventually you run out of ways to make training RP even remotely fun. Most of us tried not to involve dice in our scenes as a result. The way I see it, if you’ve earned the XP, you shouldn’t have to justify how you spend it. Yes, this can be abused, but it can and should be dealt with on a one-on-one basis instead of dropping a supervision anvil on the whole playerbase just to swat a couple ‘twinks’.
Someone else on all three games insisted on a rule that all poses had to be a minimum of 100 words. This sounds like a good idea if you’ve ever played with more than a few of those players who only type lazy-looking one-line poses, but again, it doesn’t work nearly so well in practice. 100 words of flowery, descriptive, empty words just to say, ‘Percy opens the door and steps into the room,’ is just as bad. RP slowed to a crawl, and finding a way to stretch poses without excessive empty padding tends to drain the fun out of any scene.
The headwiz of Demigod Destinies also proved to not be a fun person to deal with or play with, unless you were into being verbally abused and talked down to. That game lasted about a year before folding.
At one point I believe the original headwiz tried to reopen her game a third time, but suddenly went silent, and the game died without ever finishing setup roughly a month later. I still don’t know what happened there.
I’d LOVE to see someone try again.
For what it may be worth, I’d also love to see an Aliens type of game.
@helvetica I’ve poked at mechs vs mechs and mechs vs kaiju combat on FS3, and it can definitely work. But changing types (ie, hitlocation charts) during combat would be very difficult.
I would still love to do a Pacific Rim-style mechs vs kaiju game.
@Roadspike I would love a Battletech game. I missed out on the CBT simulator era.
@Roadspike Not if you have a command to just… change the type on the fly. combat/type, one might call it. If one had ever done such a thing.