RL Peeves
The entire Higher Education sector economy.
The entire Higher Education sector economy.
God, I want to burn academia to the ground. My thesis advisor was recently accused by a colleague of creating an “unlivable environment” with her “indifference to academicians,” and she was quietly upset but I was in the background like yeah that’s… why I chose you…
@helvetica I had a great main supervisor. Have also been called ‘the worst PhD student they’ve ever seen’ by another academic who was having a bad day. The economy is just becoming more and more exploitative, and forcing good people to do bad things. And the wider economy of HE is getting to that stage where departments have to just hold on and hope. And the last department alive will get to keep their jobs in their part of the market. And take on crippling workloads. It’s like musical chairs with sadists, but with people’s jobs being on the line.
@Narson a) Fuck whoever said that. b) The biggest joke of the student debt crisis is like… where that money goes. Our deputy department head has to moonlight at a fucking eyeglasses boutique.
RL peeve, it was colder this morning and my joints ached. 3 months away from 40 and I feel like I’m falling apart. Though I guess the good news is that my favorite sports press conference of all time becomes more relevant for me on a personal level.
The real good news is that it only gets worse from here!
RL peeve, it was colder this morning and my joints ached. 3 months away from 40 and I feel like I’m falling apart. Though I guess the good news is that my favorite sports press conference of all time becomes more relevant for me on a personal level.
The real good news is that it only gets worse from here!
Awesome. Can’t wait.
why do I only notice my glasses are smudged when I start driving my car
Peeve: NFTs/Crypto
Not-a-Peeve: Laughing when people who dropped cash in it get played.https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/sarahemerson/seth-green-bored-ape-stolen-tv-show
Meta peeve about the board: I need more people to pick an avatar so that you’re all easier to tell apart at a glance.
I was being lazy but I fixed it just for you.
@Testament said in RL Peeves:
@dvoraen Same.
However, I do want to note that I find myself staring at @Roz’s icon.
It’s so mesmerizing. And colorful. Like hypnotoad.
This is a terribly minor first world RL peeve, but I have to share it because it just happened and I am upset.
When the bag of pita chips runs out before the hummus does is so irritating. And I bought them both at the same time. I just want to be able to eat my hummus without running out of pita chips.
I have to go to a destination wedding.
One of my earliest childhood friends, so I must be supportive. They gave us 3 months notice on the save the date, and final details only emerged about a month ago. This made all of the bookings extremely challenging and expensive.
I’m scared of flying.
I hate the groom.
This is not going to be a good weekend.