Silent Heaven: Small-town Horror RPG
@mietze I really apologize if I came across in a negative way. I was writing distracted while moving around on mobile.
@Pyrephox said in Silent Heaven: Small-town Horror RPG:
@mietze Haha, yeah. I made a medical examiner before doing thorough reading, thinking I could do autopsies on people who got et by monsters and the like - turns out no one stays dead, so there are no corpses to autopsy. I have a very cool forensics kit, but I’m not entirely certain what use it is - certainly, no one is clamoring for blood tests or DNA samples in the same way they’re begging for…shoes.
I answered a question without realizing that I was condemning myself to an in-game existence of typing a direction and then having time to make a cup of tea before entering the next room.
This kind of reminds me of when I used to play on TGG. The combat system was astonishing, in a quasi-RPI sort of way, but I generally played medical characters because I didn’t like the idea of being one bad die roll from death. Even then, one time my PC got shelled to death because there was an artillery strike on the hospital and I was AFK. Not particularly fun.
Lots of other folks liked that risk, though. For me, it was a dealbreaker; for them, it was a selling point.
I think the main thing is to just be clear about expectations. Awhile ago we discussed disconnections and Jumpscare said:
@Jumpscare said in Silent Heaven: Small-town Horror RPG:
That can’t happen. I’m sorry if I misspoke and it came off that way, but your character can’t suffer any harm when disconnected.
That doesn’t seem to be the case from what’s been described here. It should be clear what you’re getting into one way or the other.
If you fall asleep in real life there’s always a chance of someone harvesting your organs. I’m honestly not sure what the problem is here.
Hi there! I’m really sorry that came up, and I talked to the player of the affected PC. I offered a retcon to the individual affected by this, because it really shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
For two reasons: First, if you get disconnected (and not intentionally have your character fall asleep outside of safety), you’re supposed to be safe from anything like that. Second, characters are protected from anything like that from happening in their first week, even if they do sleep out in the streets.
So it somehow bypassed two checks for safety. I’m sorry that affected you, and as soon as I get back to my computer, it’s one of the first things I’m going to fix.
@Vulgar-Boy said in Silent Heaven: Small-town Horror RPG:
If you fall asleep in real life there’s always a chance of someone harvesting your organs. I’m honestly not sure what the problem is here.
The problem here was that the character got disconnected outside of a safe zone, which should have caused the protection to kick in. I don’t think it’s okay to downplay this.
I do think that if the tools to allow PCs to prevent other PCs from doing malicious shit are not available for 7 days, then that should be an indicator to avoid the malicious shit RP, not to intentionally do malicious shit with the knowledge that no one can really stop you. One of these is learning from systems, the other is taking advantage of them.
@Jumpscare said in Silent Heaven: Small-town Horror RPG:
The problem here was that the character got disconnected outside of a safe zone, which should have caused the protection to kick in. I don’t think it’s okay to downplay this.
I was not being wholly serious. I’ve only ever had organs taken while I was asleep once, and I probably deserved it if I’m being honest.
@Vulgar-Boy Look. You just gotta remember: if your one-night-stand offers to draw you a bath, it’s great if it’s hot. But if there are ice cubes in it, you should probably call it an early evening.
@Pyrephox said in Silent Heaven: Small-town Horror RPG:
@Vulgar-Boy Look. You just gotta remember: if your one-night-stand offers to draw you a bath, it’s great if it’s hot. But if there are ice cubes in it, you should probably call it an early evening.
And if the bath is in the basement, look out for easily-accessed building supplies.
After discussion in the Silent Heaven discord server, we’ve decided to restrict this mechanic to NPCs/monsters only. PCs will have the option to opt-in. By default, it’ll be blocked.
This is probably the way I should have done it originally. But I’m always open to changes, and I think this’ll be a positive one.
@Jumpscare said in Silent Heaven: Small-town Horror RPG:
So it somehow bypassed two checks for safety. I’m sorry that affected you, and as soon as I get back to my computer, it’s one of the first things I’m going to fix.
Code goes awry sometimes. Props to you for acknowledging and remedying the issue.
@Jumpscare That’s really encouraging. It was late when I signed on to find…all of that so I think I misinterpreted a few things that were said in our conversation and didn’t get that there had been things the code should have prevented and thought it was a me mistake. It was definitely overwhelming to then find out later that before I could even RP my body had been in a scene and…
It just was definitely not the greatest first impression. I’m really glad to hear that none of that was intended gameplay for a new person.
Yeah, I gotta say A+ on how all of this has been handled. It’s really reassuring.
Yeah, still not the game for me (I’m not down with any level of having things done to me while I’m offline) but the handling on what appears to specifically be a bug is very positive.
Responsive staff, willing to acknowledge mistakes, and implement changes in response to feedback/complaints?
Just… damn.
I feel like I should admit that I’ve been following this thread for months and playing there since it opened and this is the first time I realized that it’s Silent Heaven, not Silent Haven.
@Vulgar-Boy I also had that same thing happen. A realization when i finally joined the discord that i’d had the name wrong the whole time
Still very impressed by this game, as the horror elements are starting to kick up. @Jumpscare is a beast of a coder and a headwiz, and the playerbase is by and large great. Looking forward to seeing the next few phases of the game roll out.
T Tez forked this topic on
Guys. Gals. People of all genders. It is 3am.
I’m locking the thread for a little bit until the other admin can come look at it.
Chill out.
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We are unlocking this thread with the following notes:
This is a reminder to please adhere to the rules of engagement for this section of the forum. This is not rough and rowdy. Do not be rough and rowdy.
No one gets to decide another person’s sexuality. No one gets to gatekeep or invalidate another person’s sexuality, or gender expression, or anything of the sort. This is not appropriate at any level. Further actions on this will be grounds for a ban.
Accusing a game of bigotry is a big thing to throw around. Come with real receipts, not just because they took disciplinary action against you.
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