Ruiz Thread
@Adora Who is Ocelot? Is that a Ruiz alt?
@CuriousGamer Yes that is/was their discord name at least
@Pyrephox I want to know a LITTLE of the ooc drama. I just don’t want to be involved in it.
Just a little. As a treat.
@Pyrephox Indeed. But this thread and the sister one, have been nonstop. So…yeah. But I agree I wish we could see only RP drama, but it seems to be a good chunk in the last few years that has drifted more and more so into OOC. Either we are being more open or it’s getting worse, I don’t know which I prefer. Also, I was being highly sarcastic on my yay drama time, if it did not come through.
(EDITED: For clarity.)
@BloodAngel said in Ruiz Thread:
@Pyrephox Indeed. But this thread and the sister one, have been nonstop. So…yeah. But I agree I wish we could see only RP drama, but it seems to be a good chunk in the last few years that has drifted more and more so into OOC. Either we are being more open or it’s getting worse, I don’t know which I prefer.
Super disagree that this level of OOC drama is at all new. Like, wasn’t WORA wildly worse than all this?
@Roz I was never on WORA. So color me happily blissful ignorant.
If I recall, been ages, for some of the people on Wora if you so much as breathed wrong they put people on blast.
@icanbeyourmuse oh no. i breathe wrong all the time. i can’t even count the number of times i have inhaled my drink instead of air, like i am supposed to.
@Roz so much worse
replace all the dumbass random gifs that pollute threads here with strings of racial epithets and you have an idea what the “heyday” of WORA was like
People were doxxed on WORA. RL pictures posted of players for others to mock and critique. People posed horrible things (like autopsy photos) on other players’ social media pages and bragged about it with links back because of their anger on what happened on a game and were cheered on for doing so. (Not by everyone but it also wasn’t removed and they were not sanctioned.) People made comments about a disliked player’s developmentally disabled child. I know of at least two cases of someone harassing and threatening to call CPS on a player.
@mietze absolutely maidenless behavior
I mean let’s be real i am certain that stuff still happens. On discord or other more private communications.
But at least from MSB forward as a community we seem to have taken on more boundaries about stuff like that.
@mietze I actually give a LOT of credit to MSB. There was a real shift of culture that began with MSB that has continued, and still continues, I think. It’s one of the things that makes the state of MSB so sad: because it genuinely started from better intentions, and signaled an overall shift in the community behavior.
@Roz Far far worse. Maybe I’m looking through age glasses but WORA was far more ruthless than anything that’s come after it was. And there could be an argument to made that SWOFA was even worse.
There were entire threads dedicated to specific people on WORA, never mind the bad descs thread. And people said some pretty horrendous shit.
So I’d agree the level of OOC drama isn’t new, but the level of vitriol related to that drama has gone down. At least we’re no longer telling players to go play in traffic anymore.
Because, well, that used to be a thing.
Things will still evolve. There will always be room for bomb throwing and Facebook jail, that’s not going away.
But I am glad that for the most part that everyone but the outliers know it’s wrong to grab a rl picture and display it to mock or to invade someone’s space associated with the RL now. If someone tried that on either site even if admin did nothing i am pretty sure far more people would stand up against it pretty strongly. Including some of the folks that might have participated like 15/20 years ago.
I came in at the tail end of WORA and luckily missed some of the worst shit there, but the about-heel that MSB took was still deliberate and for the better. There was a positive energy about making a change that eventually drove some of the more obnoxious old guard away, and while I can’t say that energy remained at 100% over the life of the forum, it’s telling that some of the people still rooting around in its corpse were some of the ones most dedicated to keeping it as close to WORA as possible.
I’ll say it again, good riddance to bad fuckin’ rubbish.
I see, well I stand corrected.
@Testament Links to absolute disgusting and notorious pornography dropped and disguised like a rickroll. As Mietze said, the posting of autopsy pictures being spammed at Seanan Maguire’s livejournal. Wishing cancer on people. Absolute awful insults being thrown around.
@Cobalt said in Ruiz Thread:
Wishing cancer on people. Absolute awful insults being thrown around.
Oh shit, I totally forgot about that.
Yeah. Wild times.