RL Peeves
Covid recovery sucks. I made the terrible decision to pick up two full time days of the last week of preschool summer camp. Cue needing to lay down in an unused classroom during lunch and seeing stars a few times. And actually crying on the way home due to tired. Now I’m going to bed. And following the advice to take it as easy as possible for the next several weeks.
The shelter I work at is a Vegan place. Which, totally fine.
But this extends to not being willing to kill ants that get into the cat’s bowls. And then today to not killing WASPS that have settled into the lights above our front doors.
I mean, come on. The second they start posing a threat to the cats or our visitors we gotta draw the line. >.>
I have been out of work b/c I got fed up with the BS my manager was putting me through back in June/July (denying me ADAAA days because “it happened while I was on the clock” as opposed to me calling out before going in, refusing to meet with me to change my schedule, etc), and had originally gone back to doing delivery with domino’s… only then I found out I, no seriously, cannot walk or stand b/c of the degeneration in my spine.
So, I went and got another work from home tech support job. It’s one of those things where I technically work for a staffing agency that has a contract with a large tech company. So I’m waiting for the larger company to start their next wave of “new hire” bs.
In the meantime my company offered me some temp data entry stuff…
Which I’m supposed to be starting in about 10-minutes, and was supposed to have gotten in the data that needs entered in email form about 20-minutes ago…
Have received no information.
It’s one of those things where I technically work for a staffing agency that has a contract with a large tech company. So I’m waiting for the larger company to start their next wave of “new hire” bs.
This is the worst part of tech these days and I definitely feel your pain on this. I feel like everyone in the US uses those staffing agencies rather than direct hires unless you’re applying for senior level stuff. Staffing agencies were the impetus for me to go to grad school because I’d rather be a couple hundred thousand dollars in debt than ever have to deal with them again. Not only are they unreliable af like with your temp data entry position shows, but the actual recruiters are sooooo shady. Any of them that I’ve talked to give off serious stereotypical used car dealer vibes and make a lot of promises that always seem to evaporate. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with them, that really sucks.
@somasatori I’m hoping to eventually get hired by the main company. It is the same company I was working at with the previous staffing solutions place. And I, in general, love the work. Just got fed up with all the BS.
Don’t put people on hold for longer than 2-minutes. How am I supposed to explain the problem in 2-minutes when I have to consult a senior tech?
No more than 60-seconds to write up my notes? C’mon, sometimes these tech problems are complicated.
@somasatori I’m hoping to eventually get hired by the main company. It is the same company I was working at with the previous staffing solutions place. And I, in general, love the work. Just got fed up with all the BS.
Don’t put people on hold for longer than 2-minutes. How am I supposed to explain the problem in 2-minutes when I have to consult a senior tech?
No more than 60-seconds to write up my notes? C’mon, sometimes these tech problems are complicated.
Yeah they can be way complicated, for sure! 2 minutes hold limit? The only way I could figure that would be if you had to keep interrupting your senior tech to jump back over to the customer and say “I’m still getting help, just a moment” which seems like it’s more frustrating for both the customer and the other employee, ugh.
@somasatori That doesn’t work either, because it keeps a running track of total hold time.
It’s all whatever. I just need a job to pay the bills until I become a famous romance writer.
Dermatologists who post videos of things getting popped or lanced or whatever need to set up a stationary light illuminating the subject and not rely on that weird light they strap to their foreheads. Hurts my eyes adjusting every time they look away to throw away the gauze pads or get a new tool.
EDIT: I’ve forgotten how to do spoilers here and I’m not leaving this up for people to be forced to read against their will.
Can’t find a house! - April
Can’t find a house! - July
And that is my peeve. Hopefully not the same peeve in September.Had to re-sign my apartment lease. Feels like defeat.
Was forced to drop my target range by 15% because the interest rates just keep rising and now everything hitting the market is unaffordable or a wreck. There is no inventory. I feel like I followed all the rules, did everything I could to be fiscally responsible, and… meh.
My dog’s getting older - he’s going in for his ‘senior wellness exam on friday’. It’s a silly thing, but I really wanted to give him a yard to run around in, while he’s still mobile enough to enjoy it. Somewhere that isn’t forcing him to take 4 flights of stairs just to get to the grass before he starts having mobility issues.
I just feel sick about this whole stupid thing.
Etsy’s ads are ticking me off. They advertise themselves as being small creator but they have put in place policies to discourage those creators. Every time I’ve gone looking for something unique I have to wade through pages of stuff that is cheap made and made in bulk.
Just, ugh.
@junipersky I wish I’d paid attention last week when someone told me about an Etsy alternative that actually supports small creators and doesn’t rip off the people who form its business model. I’d recommend it if I could remember.
@junipersky Goimagine ?
Peeved my principal wants me to text her when I’m free to talk about something we’ve already had an email thread about (she didn’t like my answer). I feel like it’s in her boat now to come see me during my plan time, and not for me to hunt her down.
I did reply pettily- “My plan is from X-Y, I’ll likely be B then Z in those times. Feel free to come find me.”
Internet atheists. i’m an atheist, and these guys (because it is always guys) make me want to go to church just to distance myself from them.