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Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo
@hellfrog Oh I don’t mean Star Wars as a whole. Literally just laser swords specifically. The rest of Star Wars is varying degrees of beans.
Though I have no idea what The Rocketeer is so maybe that’s part of the problem?
@Sammich said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
Though I have no idea what The Rocketeer is so maybe that’s part of the problem?
Easily one of the best movies Disney ever made and like so few people remember it, which shocks me. IT’S SO GOOD
@Sammich The Rocketeer was a relatively short-lived comic book series that can be had in graphic novel format. It was also a movie back in the 1990’s. Both are worth checking out.
I’m assuming Mando Pizza is like a regular pizza but very masculine and self-aggrandizing, with indecipherable crayon scribbles in place of a readable recipe and special dough that’s immune to lightsabers.
I’ve not played on AoA but I used to RP on SW:TOR, and there was maybe one Mandalorian that wasn’t insufferable in some fashion, I may be projecting.
Myself and (possibly) other users have been wiped from the Wiki page. I’m not sure if my own removal is because I blasted the link to this forum on +pub or because I included the link on my Wiki page with a short message about how much I’ve loved this game and the stories I’ve told, but that a moral boundary has been crossed.
I had already left the game over this, but now all those logs, my character page, art - all gone.
They are actively blasting people who dissent, and anyone who tries to speak with Cujo about this situation get “well you can leave.”
They’re wiping characters, removing staff, and doing their best to silence discussion, discredit this medium, and discredit those speaking out.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
ETA: When looking at wiki updates, it shows that pages have been removed, but information on what they are has been redacted. It APPEARS that I have been the only user page removed at this time. Which means that it IS because I linked on the wiki. That does show who I am so lol hi, I played Jehni’va Cihn. Picture added.
@Drowsy I suppose the honesty required for them to openly admit “I want a private Star Wars game themed around sexual assault, so anyone who doesn’t like it can leave” is refreshing. Seems like they could get the same thing at Shang but what do I know.
Wow. It’s been a while since a game’s admin have melted down quite this unproductively because of a series of forum posts.
@Pyrephox said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
Wow. It’s been a while since a game’s admin have melted down quite this unproductively because of a series of forum posts.
It’s easier to block everything else out when you’re forced to confront the mental jungle gym you’ve created to justify your own trash behavior. Most people are able to just step away, thus avoiding the more active and highly visible approach to burning everything to the ground. It’s the price that the administration is forced to pay for deciding that supporting sex pests is a core part of their personality.
@Drowsy said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
because I blasted the link to this forum on +pub or because I included the link on my Wiki page
So we can look forward to certain persons flooding this place with their inanity shortly? Lovely.
@Pavel What could they possibly say in their defense? ‘Sure Hadrix is a sexual harasser, but it’s okay because so was Jabba the Hutt?’
I would not expect the sex pests who are mad about getting called out to expose themselves to a wider community who may be able to identify and out them on other games. It seems like one always does that anyway, but eddie has come and gone, so that fulfills the requirement.
@tsar said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
What is Mando Pizza??
Well, I’ve only heard of it once, and it was in a log sent to me by a fellow player I knew when Hadrix/Bors decided to cheat once.
-(OOC)- Bors Thul says, “Hey - Anessa, RL is calling at me. The wife needs my assistance with some stuff that requires me being a big dumb brute who can move things around the house and to-from the truck. To fill the gap, can I pull in a ringer to take my place? They know Aryn and Ban well and would have come running at their request, even if getting to Delaya late because of circumstance.”
Bors Thul goes IC.
Bors Thul has left.
Hadrix Kora arrives from RP Suites armed with a Modified E-11 - 16571.
Hadrix Kora has arrived.
Gripper (15024) has arrived.
Gofor BB-G04R (BB-Series 17085) has arrived.
-(OOC)- Hadrix Kora says, “Hello. I was informed that House Panteer ordered a Mando Pizza”If you’re thinking that Hadrix-player swapped out his wimpy Alderaanian pilot alt for his twinky Mando alt for a combat scene, you’re exactly right. If you’re thinking that he did so by faking an RL situation and pretending Hadrix was played by an entirely different player, you’re also right. BTW, alts are not allowed to be in the same scenes as each other, and they are not allowed to help each other in any way, ever. Cujo even flew off the handle when one or two people used alts to +nom people they’d RPed with when they ran out of +noms on their main. But then again, Cujo only enforces rules on people he doesn’t like. Predictably, this blatant cheating went unchallenged by staff, as often happens when people staff likes blatantly cheat.
Also, Hadrix-player was insufferable before. When staff didn’t call him on this, he got worse in a hurry. But that’s what happens when you reward unethical behavior by unethical people. Then again, maybe Cujo just likes unethical, toxic people. After all, he’s had Banshee on staff for years.
@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
The game now is essentially run by Sumi/Aryn/Poe (Yes that Poe)/@eddie and whatever other character she has that may not be as well known. Some of your assumptions as to who she was is correct. While there are admirable things about her in real life, her conduct in the game on an OOC level is mostly Toxic. Along with Hadrix/Bors/Koof/Reverberate and Nerys/Amal/Tamsin/Discordia. Aryn doesn’t have a staff bit yet, but I’m sure she will soon now that there isn’t anyone around to do Cujo’s job. How else will he be able to walk down the street and eat his Wendys?
This is Aryn’s MO, and I’ve seen it elsewhere as well: Join a game, slowly create alts everywhere so as to influence activity all over the game, run events to build up a power base, kiss staff asses whenever necessary, and essentially take over the game by being one of the primary sources of plot activity. With lazy owners and staff, this trick works fast. Cujo’s the laziest owner I’ve ever seen.
@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
I can confirm that if they like you, they will take you in. They will give you things. They will make sure you have ALL the stuff. If you start talking about or having different ideas, they are quick to mark you as an outcast. Shut you down with gaslighting or bullying, make up rules, and deny your requests out of spite or fear of competition. I had this experience with Reverberate and more recently Discordia. They will try to groom you but if you have a strong mind it doesn’t take, they’ll talk shit behind your back and start drama. Especially Aryn. She LOVES to tell people how much she hates drama… then will page you out of the blue and talk utter shit about someone you just interacted with.
Another part of Aryn’s MO is to build up a small cadre of sycophants like Hadrix, because Aryn hates most players. Along with all of the above, she’ll host huge events that sound amazing.
But all they are is huge coded fights. Out in the open. With no way to take cover, use stealth or ambushes, bring anti-armor weapons if you’re fighting gang-piloted walkers (yes, you read that right), set up sniper hides, or in any way fight smart. Why? Because if you’re not one of her little sycophants, you’re only there to be shot at by coded NPCs that you have to kill so they stop shooting at you. At standard difficulty, because she’s not even reading your poses. She’s only reading the poses of her sycophantic clique, and they’re the only ones who’ll ever do anything of any consequence at all, ever, in her events. You’re just there to ooh and ah at how utterly awesome she and her friends are.
Oh, and to throw +noms at herself and the clique. That’s the important part. And you’d better throw +noms at them, no matter how utterly awful the event is, or she’ll find some way to sic her pet Cujo on you.
@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
The sex pest problem will continue. Barduur has been reported multiple times, by a couple of people I know, and nothing was done. Banshee, Cujo’s best friend and resident lurker, has also been known to creep on the ladies from time to time, some of them my friends.
Banshee, like Cujo, could have an entire thread here at BMW if anyone wanted to dig into their log files. If anything, he hates players even more than Cujo. He also thinks having help files tells players far too much information about the game’s systems. Not because the players will game the mechanics, but because they just might be better at it than he is.
@SqeakyClean said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
They allow a player named Bizz and Lofty to be a troll and makes dumb comments both OOC and Public.
He’s also known as Oozlevort, a Gand. I suspect Cujo only puts up with him because he’s a dinosaur, and that means he’s loyal to the game.
@kalakh said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
I’ve not played on AoA but I used to RP on SW:TOR, and there was maybe one Mandalorian that wasn’t insufferable in some fashion, I may be projecting.
You’re not. Sumi Kora and her Kora Clan are murderous bullies. They’d reflect even worse on the already bad Mandalorian player image if they could decide if they’re actually Mandalorians or just Mandalorian imitators (despite being listed as a Mandalorian clan in the Mandalorian cultural group). Which they are changes by the hour, depending on which one of them you’re unlucky enough to talk to.
@Drowsy said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
Myself and (possibly) other users have been wiped from the Wiki page. I’m not sure if my own removal is because I blasted the link to this forum on +pub or because I included the link on my Wiki page with a short message about how much I’ve loved this game and the stories I’ve told, but that a moral boundary has been crossed.
I had already left the game over this, but now all those logs, my character page, art - all gone.
They are actively blasting people who dissent, and anyone who tries to speak with Cujo about this situation get “well you can leave.”
They’re wiping characters, removing staff, and doing their best to silence discussion, discredit this medium, and discredit those speaking out.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?And utterly predictable. But they can’t stop the signal at this point. People know who they are, what they’re doing, and in some cases who they’re protecting. They can yank the bag’s drawstring all they want, but the cat’s long since out.
Hopefully this means we’ll see some new Star Wars MUs to catch the refugees fleeing the dumpster fire. AoA almost died between Episodes VII and VIII because Cujo decided to wait two years after starting the game so more information on the setting would be available. The only thing that saved it was several long-standing but decaying Star Wars MUSHes finally going belly-up during those two years. Refugee players from those ended up on AoA, bolstering the WHO (Cujo’s only real yardstick of success) and generating a little activity. But that same phenomenon can happen again.
@Anony-Mouse said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@tsar said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
What is Mando Pizza??
Well, I’ve only heard of it once, and it was in a log sent to me by a fellow player I knew when Hadrix/Bors decided to cheat once.
-(OOC)- Bors Thul says, “Hey - Anessa, RL is calling at me. The wife needs my assistance with some stuff that requires me being a big dumb brute who can move things around the house and to-from the truck. To fill the gap, can I pull in a ringer to take my place? They know Aryn and Ban well and would have come running at their request, even if getting to Delaya late because of circumstance.”
Bors Thul goes IC.
Bors Thul has left.
Hadrix Kora arrives from RP Suites armed with a Modified E-11 - 16571.
Hadrix Kora has arrived.
Gripper (15024) has arrived.
Gofor BB-G04R (BB-Series 17085) has arrived.
-(OOC)- Hadrix Kora says, “Hello. I was informed that House Panteer ordered a Mando Pizza”What the actual fuck.
@DarthSmegma said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@Pavel What could they possibly say in their defense? ‘Sure Hadrix is a sexual harasser, but it’s okay because so was Jabba the Hutt?’
@Das-Auto said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
@Pavel it already happenend with Sumi/@eddie, it won’t happen again.
@GF said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
I would not expect the sex pests who are mad about getting called out to expose themselves to a wider community who may be able to identify and out them on other games. It seems like one always does that anyway, but eddie has come and gone, so that fulfills the requirement.
I was actually going for the “valiant defender” people, not the staffers themselves. The usual bunch.
@kalakh Them coming without consent is a big part of their problem.
@Anony-Mouse said in Star Wars Age of Alliances: Hadrix and Cujo:
Hopefully this means we’ll see some new Star Wars MUs to catch the refugees fleeing the dumpster fire.
grits teeth The spirit is willing, but
the flesh is spongy and bruisedI need a coder toBEND TO MY WILLmake pretty sheets and inventory stuff.AoA was too much like a MUD for my preferences, so the code should be a lot easier in theory (she said, knowing nothing about said code).