City of Glass - Discussion
head on desk Someone write my character for me.
@Pavel I was like “oh I wonder what happened” and then saw him lash out on the chat backlog and was like “oh he’s one of those”.
Yeah it was Polk, so.
The funniest part was that in his meltdown he was all IF FALCONET MARKS ME GONE IT’S A LIE like … no, son, it’s not a lie, you banned. You think there’s gonna be a no transparency ban in THIS house? Pls.
Help, help, I’m being repressed.
@Roz said in City of Glass - Discussion:
Yeah it was Polk, so.
I barely pay attention to these forums and saw this coming a mile away.
@Roz said in City of Glass - Discussion:
Yeah it was Polk, so.
Which is why I went from ‘please give me all the details now’ to ‘oh. Alright whatever’ almost immediately.
@Cobalt said in City of Glass - Discussion:
head on desk Someone write my character for me.
spins roulette wheel
You are a CHANGELING of the WINTER COURT. You are a WIZENED and your seeming is that of the FARWALKER. Your favored Arcadian Contract is the STEED, and your common contracts are LIGHT-SHY, NEVERTREAD, SEVEN-LEAGUE LEAP, and ICE QUEEN’S CALL. Your royal contracts are ERMINE’S WINTER COAT and MIRROR WALK.
@Cobalt said in City of Glass - Discussion:
head on desk Someone write my character for me.
Your parents were killed by Dalmatians and you grew up hating animals, eventually becoming a fashion maven who wants to skin animals for fashionable clothes. Except wait, animals are good and wholesome, why is the God Machine having you do that?
By questioning the God Machine you have become a Demon, and now must Sabotage the whole clothing industry. Good luck.
@Cobalt I feel that way about character descs. I write them but then I see others’ descs and think “why can’t I write like that??” I end up just listing my character’s features in the end and hope to get by.
@Smile if it helps, i don’t think i’ve looked at a character desc in years unless i had to remind myself of basic features to incorporate into my poses with them if they weren’t listed in shortdesc, and pretty much promptly forget it immediately.
i’m sure there are people out there that judge descs but sometimes those people are also kind of okay if they self-select out because they’re too good for you, you know?
Honestly, a desc with actual information in it is just as good as a pretty desc. The only descriptions that turn me off are the ones that are like… super purple.
@sao i like the ones with orbs
Now do one for me!
@mietze said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@sao i like the ones with orbs
Now I want to make a magic user that uses (magic) orbs for their spellcraft, and desc them as packing some large orbs.
@dvoraen Approved.
@dvoraen said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@mietze said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@sao i like the ones with orbs
Now I want to make a magic user that uses (magic) orbs for their spellcraft, and desc them as packing some large orbs.
Every aspiration, short and long term, will just be ‘contemplate orb.’
@Smile said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@Cobalt I feel that way about character descs. I write them but then I see others’ descs and think “why can’t I write like that??” I end up just listing my character’s features in the end and hope to get by.
She makes me write her descs. She has for years.
I make her find me PBs, and she makes me write her descs.
@Deviant said in City of Glass - Discussion:
Now do one for me!
I can only do changelings so it’s not much of a roulette I’m afraid. No idea how mage or demon work