Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent
@moth I tore my rotator cuff sleeping back in 2019. Sleeping. Basically woke up one morning unable to reach behind my back with my right arm.
The MRI of my shoulder was so painful, I ended up screaming at the tech at around the 90% mark. “Just four more minutes!” she said, and I, already in tears, shouted, “NO!” And then I got scolded. And then I had to get another technician to help me get dressed because I couldn’t put on a shirt or a bra by myself.
Doctor was satisfied with the images that she got. Did 8 weeks physical therapy. Still wasn’t better. Did surgery (without a second MRI because the orthopedic did not want insurance second-guessing him). Did another 4-6 weeks of PT.
Currently have full range of motion and no pain. Hope you also have a good outcome.
Get another doctor.
Also, the proper response to off having vacations is: Awww, that’s cute. Tell me again how you became a doctor so you could actually help and not judge. No, really, I’ll wait. Could you not hack your law degree?
But seriously, get another doctor.
@RightMeow I’m planning to discuss it with my primary soon. But yeah, it’s super fun having a deteriorating spine in your thirties and all the doctors see is my age and my weight which is 100% caused by the spine since my health went down hill including my weight after I was no longer able to walk.
@Cobalt uuuuuugh fatphobia is the worst
I’ve probably told this story before, but I once started having a lot of trouble breathing. My O2 saturation was in the high seventy percents; if you’re not familiar, most people become deeply irrational if it dips below ninety, so I guess I should be proud I was still on my head. Went to my PCG, who did no examination of me and said, “You’re too fat to breathe. You need to lose weight. Here’s a prescription for weight loss pills.”
It got worse. I ended up having to go to Urgent Care. The doctors there took one look at me, said, “Oh, you’ve got bronchitis,” and gave me a few days of steroids. I was right as rain before the day was out.
I mention all this to really hammer a point: fatphobia kills. If your doctor is fatphobic, drop them.
Therapist told me they’re resigning today. Next month I’ll have had my fourth new therapist in 4 years.
It’s not their fault at all. I just can’t help but feel frustrated at having to rebuild trust from square 1 so many times. And on an irrational level, I worry that going through so many doctors means I’m a problem that keeps failing to be resolved.
I’ll be fine eventually. I just don’t feel okay right now.
@Dreampipe said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
I’ll be fine eventually. I just don’t feel okay right now.
If we can do anything to help support you in keeping the brain weasels wrangled while you re-establish with a new person, please reach out!
@Dreampipe that’s so hard. Mental health care is so hard. I feel this.
I know we haven’t interacted much. I’m here if you want to vent though. If you just want to mind spew and have no response – hit me up too. I know for me (I can’t speak for others) sometimes it’s good to just type it all out and get it out of your head so you stop replaying. Just make sure you tell me you were spewing and not to reply so that I don’t.
I’m sorry you are feeling this way.
@Dreampipe said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
And on an irrational level, I worry that going through so many doctors means I’m a problem that keeps failing to be resolved.
So long as you do what you can to use the skills and strengths you’ve been taught/learned about, you’re on the road to recovery. I know that just sounds like an extra burden, but honestly you’re the one doing the work, your therapists are just showing you how you can.
I love my work. I love my coworkers. I love my company.
I hate my boss.
She just came back from maternity leave, a whole month earlier than she’d planned. It’s been five days and so far I’ve broken down in tears in a meeting with my favorite teammate once and woken up at 4AM without being able to go back to sleep because of anxiety twice.
I don’t want to leave. I’m going to have to figure out a way to leave, because this is going to be terrible.
I may literally go outside and scream at the top of my lungs. My rheumatologist who told me she would not help me get on disability and who has told me I have “connective tissue autoimmune inflammation”…. Fucking diagnosed me to:
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- inflammatory polyarthropathy
- Polyarthritis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis of multiple sites in my spine
- Fibromygalgia
- Other psoriatic arthropathy.
This may be more information than my one wants to know about my heath but these are all things listed as CONFIRMED and ACTIVE in my medical records SHE KEEPS but she did not bother to tell me and yet hasn’t convinced her I’m disabled.
@Cobalt said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
yet hasn’t convinced her I’m disabled.
One wonders what her criteria for disability is. I’m so sorry; that’s grossly unprofessional behavior on her part. Is there any way you can find a new rheumatologist? You certainly deserve a better one.
Bodies are SO terrible, and I’m really well and truly over the defective meat-suit my electrified jello got assigned as its transportation mech. Absolutely on team yeet it all into the sun and just give us brains in jars with alexa and screens and think to text uploads already!
Also. I’m sorry that we’re all in this horror-show of dystopian lacks of basic existence level needs due to faults we were just assigned long before we had any concepts of what existence meant, much less what it SHOULD be. But If I have to be a (rarely) walking dumpster fire, I’m glad to at least share the glow with you over the smell of inedible s’mores.
So much love and compassion to you, my friend. I absolutely see your struggles, and share the disgust and contempt for those making your life and existence harder instead of better.
@Cobalt Take your records and get a second opinion. Because having fibro on it’s own is usually enough to qualify for disability.
This is the reason I found a new job and quit my last job. At the end, it wasn’t worth it.
- the slow recovery time of this shoulder injury.
- my dog’s allergies to life.
- my asshole roommate - also known as my brain.
- fucking health insurance.
Moving in the midst of medical procedures.
Trying to figure out how to move with one and a half people. My SO and I don’t have many friends nearby.
Having no job security.
Being in that shitty medium place were I currently make too much for income restricted apartments, I make too little for an apartment that isn’t restricted unless I want to up my already 2 hour one way commute towards 3 hours…
Ridiculous problems but I needed to vent.
Since December:
My MIL had to have surgery to remove a mass in her lungs. The surgery went well and she’s recovering.
My mom was admitted with pneumonia where I found out she has COPD, asthma, and possibly diabetes. She’s home and recovering and planning on quitting smoke.
Two of my husband’s uncles (brothers) have died, one of them just two days ago.
And we’re coping as best as we all can. This is just life stuff, it hits everyone. But man, I’m just walking in this sudden understanding that my parent’s generation is really starting to decline. I’m witnessing it happening in a very real and clear way that I guess I never actually saw before.
@tsar said in Real Life Struggles/Support/Vent:
Since December:
My MIL had to have surgery to remove a mass in her lungs. The surgery went well and she’s recovering.
My mom was admitted with pneumonia where I found out she has COPD, asthma, and possibly diabetes. She’s home and recovering and planning on quitting smoke.
Two of my husband’s uncles (brothers) have died, one of them just two days ago.
And we’re coping as best as we all can. This is just life stuff, it hits everyone. But man, I’m just walking in this sudden understanding that my parent’s generation is really starting to decline. I’m witnessing it happening in a very real and clear way that I guess I never actually saw before.
When my dad died a few months ago, my mother told me something she was told when her mother died: when our parents die, when their generation passes, it hits us particularly hard because in a very real way, we become the frontline. There is no buffer. We are next.