2 Jun 2022, 18:12

Went in to the office yesterday physically. I love my work family VERY MUCH, but it takes anyone all of two seconds looking at my face to know I’m in hell right now, and trying to figure out how much people actually want to know when variations on the dreaded, “How are you?” comes up is like a field of landmines.

Even telling people the good stuff results in uncomfortable questions, and I’m at a point where my ‘fine’ or perky ‘doing good!’ isn’t fooling anybody. ‘Things are rough but I’m managing’ just prompts for details. It doesn’t help that my immediate team was very free with info initially (to ensure I got the space I need) so people like, know what to ask.

hate this. I hate wearing my heart on my sleeve and I hate having an expressive face and I hate being so easy to read. I just want everyone to be normal at me.