MU Peeves Thread
When you put a lot of effort into the game you are running with some others, but all of the credit goes to one person. You could speak up, you could let people know how much you do, but the person who is getting the credit is amazing, so you just don’t say anything at all.
When asking for RP. I (like others) go through a lot of mental taxation without always getting RP representation.
Me: I’d like to play.
Me: I should ask for play.
Me: What if I get silence back?
Me: Does that mean everyone hates me? They might. Maybe I don’t have RP right now because my RP sucks. Should I ask? Would that be invasive to their RL and free time? Does it look like I’m bothering anyone if I ask on channel? Okay, you can do this. Come on. You are fine. Let’s do this. You can do this. Is their char currently involved in anything? Should I ask? Will it mess with their story? What if I get too many people and then I have to bail? Um… no no, it’s okay you can do this.Me: Hey, would you like to RP?
Them: Sure, what do you want to RP?
Me: …
Me: Fuck.So in very long conclusion, it’s not that I want the other person to do the work. It’s more I don’t know what story they like or what they are interested in. If it’s someone I know, then I’m different. Then I’m like let’s RP this. New people though, I’m like wuhoh. Do I only have one shot to make a suggestion and I lose RP partners for life?
@RightMeow if i’m not sure what to do/where to go regardless of if i’m the asker or askee, often times i just admit that. it doesn’t happen often for me as i’m good at brainstorming, but sometimes i do ask people if there’s anything they would want in particular just because, well, if i don’t know them or they don’t have asps or prefs or anything set i mean i can fling a lot of ideas out there but having someone say no i don’t like that again and again is kind of a bummer too so it never hurts to ask.
but i think it’s also okay to say “this is a little awkward but i hadn’t gotten to that stage yet because i was fretting about asking, so let me think about that for a minute, is there anything that YOU don’t want other than the no-brainers?”
i think anyone that is so hung up on people asking them in exactly the right way the first time upon meeting that they will never scene with you ever again probably isn’t a loss for you. in fact, steering clear of folks like that might be the recipe for happiness on the game so you don’t have to play walk on eggshells. most people aren’t like that. maybe they’ll have a brief moment of annoyance, or laughter because accepting used up all their momentary energy so they need to think too, but they’ll get over it. if they cannot then it would have been only a matter of time before you got yourself disinvited from sceneing with their august person anyway.
My usual strategy at that point is to look at whatever info is available on their character, brainstorm 2-3 locations our characters could conceivably overlap, and offer all of them as suggestions.
Then once we’ve picked a spot and the scene starts, it’s just a matter of picking something that brings the characters into contact ASAP. Either that’s posting a starter the other person can directly respond to, or responding to their starter in a way that gives them something to work on. A scene can still be shaped a couple poses in - you’ve almost always got more time to figure out what you’re doing than the 30 seconds before you have to answer that question in your scenario. You’ve just got to break it down into smaller steps.
you know, it’s hard to want to play somewhere when all it seems to attract are actors that want to play damaging stereotypes (keep playing up the Slavic accent for yuks, I see you.) and use wildly outdated and offensive language in their (as yet unapproved – but, seriously) descriptions.
The urge to disappear forever when the Interesting Conflict Dynamic was not actually that. As ever, I am my own biggest peeve.
@ten Whale ah dooo deeclayuh!
Anyone who uses typed out nigh-incomprehensible accents in the year 2024 should be fired into the sun.
@Pavel I ardently agree
People who are consistently always nice to staff.
… And only to staff.
Believe it or not, but you don’t actually have to touch a woman in every single scene you’re in. It’s weird, creepy, and gross.
@Pavel said in MU Peeves Thread:
Anyone who uses typed out nigh-incomprehensible accents in the year 2024 should be fired into the sun.
(Portrait of Scottish novelist Irvine Welsh. An oddly hairless man. Like a monkey ready to be shot into space.)
Seeing cool new characters that look like they might be fun to RP with but not wanting to instantly PM them and come off creepy/overexcited/stalkery/etc.
Casual cruelty on public channels
@Floof ditto