MU Peeves Thread
Believe it or not, but you don’t actually have to touch a woman in every single scene you’re in. It’s weird, creepy, and gross.
@Pavel said in MU Peeves Thread:
Anyone who uses typed out nigh-incomprehensible accents in the year 2024 should be fired into the sun.
Casual cruelty on public channels
@Floof ditto
Jill guest still making the rounds!
Annoying? Yes. Impressive?
… in a way, yes. It’s been fucking 20 years.
This is some torch being tossed down is it not?
Like one day you’re brought into a room and told this is a sad job but if you don’t do it the aliens will descend and destroy us all.
One of those mysteries that means very little that we will never have the satisfaction of solving will be the niche Jill the Guest mystery.
@Buttercup said in MU Peeves Thread:
This is some torch being tossed down is it not?
Like one day you’re brought into a room and told this is a sad job but if you don’t do it the aliens will descend and destroy us all.
What if Jill actually is one of the aliens, desperate to connect with humanity? But sadly all they know of human culture is volleyball and high school sports physicals.
You’re not fooling me, Jill. You’re not fooling me!
@allthecookies said in MU Peeves Thread:
Jill guest still making the rounds!
@Aria said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Buttercup said in MU Peeves Thread:
What if Jill actually is one of the aliens, desperate to connect with humanity? But sadly all they know of human culture is volleyball and high school sports physicals.
… Dare I ask, who is this Jill the Guest?
best descriptor ever!! It’s like… it’s such a sad mystery…
@allthecookies said in MU Peeves Thread:
Jill guest still making the rounds!
Annoying? Yes. Impressive?
… in a way, yes. It’s been fucking 20 years.
wake up, feed the birds, make sure your social security check was deposited, thank the grandkids for the birthday cards, then settle down to log into a random game as a guest and pretend to be a lifeguard to the first female name you see not idle
@Prototart said in MU Peeves Thread:
@allthecookies said in MU Peeves Thread:
Jill guest still making the rounds!
Annoying? Yes. Impressive?
… in a way, yes. It’s been fucking 20 years.
wake up, feed the birds, make sure your social security check was deposited, thank the grandkids for the birthday cards, then settle down to log into a random game as a guest and pretend to be a lifeguard to the first female name you see not idle
Oh sure, judge a guy for having a hobby.
My money was always on Larry Nassar but then he went to prison. I’m fresh out of Jill the guest theories. Glad that guy got shanked and air holed a bunch though.
@STD said in MU Peeves Thread:
… Dare I ask, who is this Jill the Guest?
Jill has been around the MU* community for over a decade now. I’m not sure when the earliest Jill sightings were, but I remember becoming aware of her in the early 2010s?
She connects to games as a guest and pages people with female-sounding names. The conversation tends to start off innocuous: saying hi, maybe asking about the game, etc. Small talk. Eventually it tends to get steered to hobbies, and usually athletics in some fashion, and then it’s about high school athletics, and then it’s about the weird physicals her girls sports team all had to undergo to play sports.
She’ll dip fast if you push back or act weirded out at any point in the conversation, especially if you actively identify her as Jill or guess where the thread of conversation is going. It’s weird conversation, and it’s definitely not an appropriate line to bring up with strangers, but I think because of how quick she is to bolt, most people tend to find her more vaguely baffling but not threatening.
@STD said in MU Peeves Thread:
… Dare I ask, who is this Jill the Guest?
What Roz said above. It’s clearly a two part thing for them. You’ve got:
- The medical/sports fetish part.
- The unwitting participation of whatever female character bit they’re talking to.
As soon as Jill realizes you know who they are and what they’re doing, it ruins it for them. Last night they apparently bounced from City of Glass and moved on to Sixth Estate within a matter of minutes, dropping off each one once they realized the people they were speaking to weren’t giving them one or the other.