City of Glass - Discussion
@Deviant said in City of Glass - Discussion:
Now do one for me!
I can only do changelings so it’s not much of a roulette I’m afraid. No idea how mage or demon work
@Deviant Okay, you’re an Int 1 Doctor… possibly a Demon whose medical knowledge was all linked to closely to the God-Machine so you had to forget it all… an Int 1, Medicine 0 Doctor.
@Cobalt said in City of Glass - Discussion:
head on desk Someone write my character for me.
Cobalt. Cobalt. I made a character on this game.
It’s been literally half a year since my last attempt. YOU MUST JOIN. D:<
@Tributary Finding PB’s is one of my very favorite things. Writing descs is horrible.
I’m fine with writing descriptions so long as they are no longer than, say… three sentences. Three short sentences. I think the only time I ever went for any length whatsoever was for a Changeling, and even then it was nothing compared to the detail most people write:
Elodie’s skin is brass and silver filigree, with each joint an articulated segment reminiscent of a marionette. Her irises are flecks of polished labradorite, and her pupils are a black onyx that dimly reflects the light. When her eyes move in their sudden, twitching jerks, the shadow of gearwork can be seen at the edges of the marble sclera. Her teeth are gleaming ivory; her tongue a rigid carving of carnelian. Her hair is sculplted of dark ebony wood. From her back, between her shoulder blades, a small key protrudes. It is made of brass, no more than an inch in length and three in width, and it turns constantly in a clockwise direction.
Anything longer than that, and I’m out.
I did the thing. The thing was done.
Same but for Promethean. I will never get to enjoy my sad little golems. Also they would be terrible in a MU* format but shut up.
I am the unicorn: I hate writing both descs AND finding PBs, but I can bust out the rest of a character sheet pretty competently in like an hour.
@Sab Promethean was on on FC and TR for a little bit, I’m pretty sure.
Either way, we can open our own place! With
blackjack and hookersMummies and Prometheans! -
@Jennkryst said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@Sab Promethean was on on FC and TR for a little bit, I’m pretty sure.
Either way, we can open our own place! With
blackjack and hookersMummies and Prometheans!That’s wild. I have no idea how you’d do Mummies OR Promethean’s without heavily houseruling them for a MU* context given how nomadic they are by necessity. Prommies especially, since reality hates them and tries to kill them if they hang out somewhere too long.
@Sab said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@Jennkryst said in City of Glass - Discussion:
@Sab Promethean was on on FC and TR for a little bit, I’m pretty sure.
Either way, we can open our own place! With
blackjack and hookersMummies and Prometheans!That’s wild. I have no idea how you’d do Mummies OR Promethean’s without heavily houseruling them for a MU* context given how nomadic they are by necessity. Prommies especially, since reality hates them and tries to kill them if they hang out somewhere too long.
Would def. need to re-read how it plays out in 2e, but THERE ARE WAYS! Maybe make it just not affect PCs, or affect them way less, or have ways to proactively reduce it. Same thing for wastes. Something something LOCAL MYSTERY for them to find out why it works that way.
Mummies, something something temporal entanglement… the same thing that stops Time Mages from doing bit weird stuff, also stops the Mummies from their timey-wimey ‘I go to sleep in 2024, I wake up in 1043’ thing.
Anyways, specifics to be hammered out upon the thing actually happening.
@Sab I remember there was a rule to make supernatural beings pretty much immune to the auto-hate aspect Prometheans induce in others. I forget how, if at all, they handled the Wastelands.
@Jennkryst & @GF I thought they reduced the disruptive nature of Disquiet and Wastelands in PtC 2nd Edition. I’ll have to dig through my book when I get off work.
Yeah, there were lots of options (and some really great ones!) that could totally make up for a lot of things Disquiet and Wasteland do, but I’m mostly thinking about how Wasteland eventually changes their surroundings to try and kill them and how that would effect a static grid.
There would be ways to do it as long as you heavily focused on that as an element of the game as a whole–and some of those ways are probably really interesting–but I’m not sure how much fun it would be in an open game like City of Glass or similar.
Set it in a post-apocalyptic setting. Who the hell knows who caused the wasteland, and everything is already trying to kill you. Done!
@Tez A question before I start putting together a character:
How much are you guys pushing the espionage aspects of Demon in the game?
@MisterBoring I have no scale for comparison. Less than Jason Bourne. Can’t burn covers recklessly. Don’t be a jerk. Share the story.
Last scene I had with a pair of demons included high-tailing it away from an angel that my character accidentally riled up. But characters explicitly, expressly not hidden from other PCs as supernatural creatures and the storylines are expected to work together in a PvE way.
@MisterBoring Everyone kind of sort of has Unseen Senses so they get a tingle when they see other supernatural folks who are part of the Oath (read: PCs with any supernatural merits or a power stat). This does not mean you must tell people you are a demon or that you were created by the God Machine for X reason.
Big question is ‘do you take the cover degradation +roll for revealing secrets like mentioned on that one page of the book or no’
I guess what I’m asking is “Can my character do cool supernatural spy missions as part of his story?”
@Jennkryst said in City of Glass - Discussion:
Big question is ‘do you take the cover degradation +roll for revealing secrets like mentioned on that one page of the book or no’
Cover and the Oath
“The Oath does not trigger any Compromise rolls. Reality counts as “known” with regards to this particular magic and thus does not strain the Cover to risk Glitches, nor trigger any reaction from the God-Machine. Demons have been made aware that all beings that fall under the Oath are, generally, no risk to their Cover. Your character is not compelled to spill every detail about herself the moment she feels the tingle of the Oath along her spine, but she would not react strongly to other demons sharing information with other supernaturals and supernatural humans.”
@MisterBoring said in City of Glass - Discussion:
I guess what I’m asking is “Can my character do cool supernatural spy missions as part of his story?”
@MisterBoring Cool Supernatural Spy Missions are how you undermine the God Machine. Go forth, blow things up!