@KarmaBum Was she also an eighteen-year-old with multiple PhDs, part-time shuttle pilot, ninja, punk rocker, and physician?
@KarmaBum I guess she has two accounts here? She shows up a lot as @jujube.
Or at least chookitypok is jujube. Maybe inuki is a friend?
ETA this person also has a habit of making nearly every comment in the OOC room about TS and when asked once to tone it down (not stop completely, just chill), I got called a prude.
@catzilla Ah. I was basing it on the assumption that the only post @inuki made was the ad. Wonder if @jujube was talking about getting banned on zombies in her post, in that case.
That would be the same day.
(not sure that link is going to the right post but i tried)
@Coin said in MU Peeves Thread:
@CuriousGamer said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Coin What game was that for?
Yeahhhhhh, haha. This bitch is out of pocket. So, she currently head-admins that game, where she’s gone gradually more and more power-mad in the mere three-ish weeks it’s existed. I have some receipts, but honestly, none of her behavior is particularly creative. A lot of knee-jerk redacting of rules and previous decisions, and revising history in an effort to isolate and provoke specific players of characters that she deems rivals, particularly those who seem to draw romantic attention. If players leave, even politely, she refits their characters as brutally murdered plot fodder regardless of last will.
No offense to you WoD lovers, but this is exactly what I expect from a WoD cliche.
For instance, I had a benign power approved that added a buffer to all actions. With my character’s dice, most of the time this would result in a +1. The one time I used it on screen, it was during a GM’d scene in which she threw an OOC tantrum because the characters were not responding in a way she deemed appropriate (not the first time), and she refused to continue GMing so some poor uninvolved player ended up taking up the scene. My character was essentially a bystander who was hijacked into it. I used the power to help in a situation she disapproved of and immediately had its usefulness redacted, along with a lovely shamy public post. She loves an all-caps shamy redaction post.
I also encountered some uncomfortable / bordering on homophobic remarks from her over one of my male characters engaging in a flirtation with a roster character, which she wrote in a history with her own PC. This included getting a lot of IC and OOC mileage out of sexualizing a single non-sexual interaction between them. It also included an awkward, unsolicited interaction about how the roster’s family would not canonically approve of a relationship between the two characters, which she then backpedaled as being a class issue.
All in all, a low score on the creep scoreboard. I rate her an avoid, unless you’re a cat who likes to play with your food.
@helvetica said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Coin said in MU Peeves Thread:
@CuriousGamer said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Coin What game was that for?
Yeahhhhhh, haha. This bitch is out of pocket. So, she currently head-admins that game, where she’s gone gradually more and more power-mad in the mere three-ish weeks it’s existed. I have some receipts, but honestly, none of her behavior is particularly creative. A lot of knee-jerk redacting of rules and previous decisions, and revising history in an effort to isolate and provoke specific players of characters that she deems rivals, particularly those who seem to draw romantic attention. If players leave, even politely, she refits their characters as brutally murdered plot fodder regardless of last will.
… along with a lovely shamy public post. She loves an all-caps shamy redaction post.
All in all, a low score on the creep scoreboard. I rate her an avoid, unless you’re a cat who likes to play with your food.
I have a LOT of receipts. Please make popcorn if you want them. Creep score is OFF THE RAILS. Like. First ban I’ve ever had on a game in 25 years. Taking this one as a badge of pride.
She also re-rostered 3 people because they’d been MIA for 5 whole days. Ironically I feel like I noped out of there at the exact right time.
She’s the person I was complaining about who wanted all the dicks on the zombie game. It was so blatant and ridiculous that she’d go out of her way to exclude other female PCs on a summary writeup for a posted scene.
And like just to be clear the sexiest thing my PC did in that scene was lift up someone’s shirt to see if they were wounded there (they were)! So it’s not like I was romantic rivaling her or whatever.
@DrQuinn Now that you mention it, she did GM giving a female PC a zombie bite and then ask about dicks…
I checked it out, it looked interesting, but when i was browsing the roster pcs I was instantly turned off by one of the older male professor pcs whose RP hooks contained multiple lines DADDY DADDY DADDY (like literally it said this on one of them).
I assume this is some kind of personal in-joke, but it was a real turn off even though I don’t usually have a problem with sexual references and stuff, they can be fun. Maybe it was the whole professor and student thing? I think it’s one thing on a private game or whatever, but for me personally knowing a staffer was trying to recruit for a specific PC using that (and little else) just seemed like there wasn’t a lot of discretion there and it’s really that that’s the turnoff.
Or maybe I got full up on finding the SPANK ME DADDY oriented PCs when I was doing WoD apps. Or I’m old and boring and unfun now. Who knows. It was too bad because at least at the time the logs seemed fine and everything else seemed okay. That particular thing was so striking that it popped that red flag right on up there.
@DrQuinn said in MU Peeves Thread:
She’s the person I was complaining about who wanted all the dicks on the zombie game. It was so blatant and ridiculous that she’d go out of her way to exclude other female PCs on a summary writeup for a posted scene.
ROFLMAO. This tracks. I /wish/ all she’d done was exclude me. The LENGTHS this person took to try to steal a singular dick was… I mean. Unhinged is not even close to the right way to describe all of what she tried.
@aine said in MU Peeves Thread:
I have a LOT of receipts. Please make popcorn if you want them. Creep score is OFF THE RAILS. Like. First ban I’ve ever had on a game in 25 years. Taking this one as a badge of pride.
Well now you HAVE to post the receipts.
I’ll get one of those 'ol timey steampowered popcorn vendor things readly.
Kiiiiiiiinda wishing I had come to this thread more before apping into Neitherlands, lol.
It has genuinely been a trip, still trying to decide if it’s a good one or a bad one overall. It’s sad because I have met some people who have been really, really fun and cool so far after a long break from the hobby, but it definitely feels more and more like it has a looming expiration date if they don’t pick up more staff and reorganize.
@STD said in MU Peeves Thread:
@aine said in MU Peeves Thread:
I have a LOT of receipts. Please make popcorn if you want them. Creep score is OFF THE RAILS. Like. First ban I’ve ever had on a game in 25 years. Taking this one as a badge of pride.
Well now you HAVE to post the receipts.
I’ll get one of those 'ol timey steampowered popcorn vendor things readly.
The problem… I’m one of those old people who is bad at tech, and just can write stories. I have no actual screen-shots. I just have copy/paste records I keep on all my characters on every game. I have some TBI and memory issues, so. If something impacts my character, I keep a record to make sure I’m not IC’ly forgetting things due to OOC issues.
I have logs of everything via copy/paste that was bonkers, though. Except last night’s. I didn’t bother to keep the pages I was getting from someone else about the immediate elopement my character was going to be forced into, at threat of death.
Nor of the bbpost where she said that anyone trying to learn your family magic is not your OTP and is just fucking you for knowledge that will get you killed.
Even though she’d read every single log and word between the two, and knows that the magic was offered, not asked for. Even though SHE was the one who suggested Sophia would have known how to read runes in the first place, weeks ago when she was handing out two dots of skills or languages to second years, and that runes/Old Norse were how I should spend one of them.
@Wizz said in MU Peeves Thread:
if they don’t pick up more staff and reorganize.
I love your optimism.
You must play a dude there.
@Wizz said in MU Peeves Thread:
Kiiiiiiiinda wishing I had come to this thread more before apping into Neitherlands, lol.
It has genuinely been a trip, still trying to decide if it’s a good one or a bad one overall. It’s sad because I have met some people who have been really, really fun and cool so far, but it definitely feels more and more like it has a looming expiration date if they don’t pick up more staff and reorganize.
Wizz, buddy, over the course of our peripheral acquaintance we have seldom occupied the same space in the optimism/pessimism divide, and as it seems now is my turn on the latter: there ain’t no reorganizing or added staff that can stop that particular person from being B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
On The Reach she played a nun that was like, banging her priest --they were both Hunters-- and it was just…
I am hearing more and more as people show me receipts, rofl.
@aine said in MU Peeves Thread:
The problem… I’m one of those old people who is bad at tech, and just can write stories. I have no actual screen-shots. I just have copy/paste records I keep on all my characters on every game. I have some TBI and memory issues, so. If something impacts my character, I keep a record to make sure I’m not IC’ly forgetting things due to OOC issues.
Eh, no one here has much faith in evidence anyway, so go ahead and post the creepypasta notes. People will decide for themselves whether to believe them or not.
Except last night’s. I didn’t bother to keep the pages I was getting from someone else about the immediate elopement my character was going to be forced into, at threat of death.
Nor of the bbpost where she said that anyone trying to learn your family magic is not your OTP and is just fucking you for knowledge that will get you killed.
Even though she’d read every single log and word between the two, and knows that the magic was offered, not asked for. Even though SHE was the one who suggested Sophia would have known how to read runes in the first place, weeks ago when she was handing out two dots of skills or languages to second years, and that runes/Old Norse were how I should spend one of them.
Christ. It’s a pity you didn’t keep that page conversation. It sounds like a banger.
@Coin said in MU Peeves Thread:
Wizz, buddy, over the course of our peripheral acquaintance we have seldom occupied the same space in the optimism/pessimism divide, and as it seems now is my turn on the latter
This made me LOL hard. 'Precciate the honesty dude.
I just want to play a fun game with fun people and think happy thoughts for once, whyyyyyyyyyy do things work out this way