There was a small oWoD MU* a few years back that I really loved. The premise was a smallish city in which Reality Was Fucked – everything was screwed up for all the Spheres, but in interesting ways.
Changelings didn’t have to worry much about Banality, but Bedlam was a constant danger.
Werewolves had no trouble with Banes, but Wyld spirits were running amok. Even worse, there were bizarre instances of Wyld and Weaver spirits combining to produce fresh dynamic horrors in the Umbra.
Vampire bloodbonds just straight up didn’t work. The place was considered off-limits for Tremere and Sabbat and became an Anarch stronghold overnight. Without the mental compulsion from the bloodbond, the Cammie power structure was in ruins as former ghouls rebelled against their masters.
And something went Terribly Wrong in the Mage sphere (where I was), to the point that the Technocracy and Traditions were assigned to work together to figure out what the fuck was going on. The previous Construct and Chantry had both become unstable, with all the personnel mysteriously disappearing.
All the Mage players were great and it was an absolute blast discussing the difference in outlook between the Union and Traddies while trying to chase down the mystery. We had weekly meet ups in the backroom of a bookstore to share information. My Void Engineer would bring donuts!
Sadly, the staff had RL interfere (it was run by a husband and wife team, I think) and had to shut the place down. Still, it was great while it lasted. Some of the best oWoD RP I’ve ever had there.