Real life happy
I’ve had a truly impressively bad experience with therapists, of late, but I finally found one that’s kind and willing to listen to me, and adjusted her treatment plan when I told her that I’ve not had good luck with CBT. We’re unraveling this wonky ball of yarn together, and it’s been helping. A lot.
I feel super grateful to have finally landed on someone who’s treating me with empathy and kindness.
Today I am happy that a bunch of librarians organized a normal tourist expedition to one of Florida’s most historical resorts.
@shit-piss-love said in Real life happy:
Today I am happy that a bunch of librarians organized a normal tourist expedition to one of Florida’s most historical resorts.
Something normal? In Florida?
I’m having to step into our level 6/7 teacher’s shoes while she is out on bereavement for a suddenly lost family member.
School starts next week.
I’ve never done middle school, and while if it was /my/ class, I could easily do this, knowing I’m going to hand it back to her makes about 50% of the start of year things… not really whatI should be doing (Class culture, specific routines like, how to put her books back on the shelves, etc) since she will have to redo them to her norms the next week.
This left me crazy flail had stressed.
Until I logged onto to HT and saw the player Sienna.
She teaches 7th grade literacy. I paged her and went “HELP PEASE.” She SHOWERED me in all the plans and activities she did this week.
I’d be dead right now without my Mu* connections.
(This is in happy because I’m so happy and there didn’t seem an appropriate game-related place.)
@junipersky Sienna is a friggin’ saint and I
her to bits (and that makes me RL happy, too, just knowing people like her are out there to help people)
I have trained my dog incorrectly.
I’ve had her since infancy and she’s my first ever pupper, so I’ve been learning as I go along.
One of the first things I taught her to do, just because I thought it would be cool, is to high-five me.
Unfortunately, I have erred. I have not successfully instilled in her that she’s only supposed to do it when I raise my hand or say the word. So now she’s almost two years old and she just gets exuberantly excited to try and high-five me constantly, at every possible opportunity.
I’m not mad because it’s the cutest mistake I’ve ever made, and I’m doing a poor job of correcting it with my inability to hold back the instinctive positive reinforcement I provide every time she does it.
This is my RL happy, it’s simple and it happens frequently every day.
@Kestrel I have a similar issue with one of our cats. We taught him to give us a paw when we feed him a snack.
Now he’ll often come up to you and lift his paw up, waiting for you to show your palm so he can tap it and get a snack. At random.
We call it “having his credit card out”.
@shit-piss-love said in Real life happy:
@Kestrel I have a similar issue with one of our cats. We taught him to give us a paw when we feed him a snack.
Now he’ll often come up to you and lift his paw up, waiting for you to show your palm so he can tap it and get a snack. At random.
We call it “having his credit card out”.
Your cat trained you well.
We did this with our dog - and because we give our dog a cutesy voice to ‘respond to us’ in, when he tentatively puts his paw on our arm for something random, we always reckoned he was saying, “Fren. Fren. Is okay.”
So now whenever he puts his paw on us, it’s a Fren Request.
My partner started teaching my very food motivated cat to sit up like a meerkat for food at some point, and now she does it when she wants things, not just when she’s offered things. She’s doing it AS I TYPE because I haven’t fed her breakfast yet, adding on the new behavior she’s randomly attached to it and meowing every time she pops up on her back legs.
Oh, and she ‘bites’ me (more like putting teeth on skin than actual biting) when I don’t comply, which she reminded me of when I went to see if I have the meerkating on her tiktok. I don’t.
At this point most of her behaviors are both very annoying and the most adorable thing ever at the same time. XD
I have this scraggly-ass old lady cat named Gordon who’s a shaggy, baggy, bony, but ultimately happy and KNOWS SHE IS QUEEN OF THE WORLD tabby cat and her ‘thing’ when I’m not attentive enough is to leap like a gazelle back and forth over my laptop + lap until she gets the attention she wants. If it’s a
snakeSNACK she wants, when I stop typing or whatever, she immediately sticks a nose in my pocket.She’s a pretty cool old cat. Just as pushy and snitty as her mom.
ETA: I do not keep snakes in my pocket. Silly typo.
@eye8urcake said in Real life happy:
ETA: I do not keep snakes in my pocket. Silly typo.
Nice try covering up that Freudian.
@Kestrel said in Real life happy:
I’m not mad because it’s the cutest mistake I’ve ever made, and I’m doing a poor job of correcting it with my inability to hold back the instinctive positive reinforcement I provide every time she does it.
I am pretty sure the dog has trained you not to leave her hanging.
As I am now working through training a second Boston Terrier, I’m pretty sure that my first dog didn’t actually learn anything other than how to get me to do what he wants immediately.
“If I go up to bestfriend and do my trick called got you (fall down on back and put feet in air), then bestfriend will know I want to FITE and stop what she is doing to play with me!”
“If I do my trick where I sit like a good boy and stay (stare at her long enough), bestfriend will know I want something and follow me even if she just said she is working right now!”
“If I bite bestfriend hand and wait for her to say SOFT then go get a toy, she will play with me even if she is trying to write a pose right now!”
Edit: I forgot his best trick…
“If I chew on this particular plug - not every other plug in the living room that I never even touched - then bestfriend will come out of the office, groaning about how I unplugged the modem again, and spend five minutes playing with me while it reboots!”
I just discovered that Forever Knight is on Amazon Prime.
@shit-piss-love Oh wow. I barely remember that show. I need to watch it again.
@Pyrephox said in Real life happy:
@shit-piss-love Oh wow. I barely remember that show. I need to watch it again.
It’s so very campy and has terribly low quality production even for the early '90s, but the themes and certain presentations are indelibly inked into my brain. They laid the groundwork for how I understood World of Darkness settings.
This question from my practice quiz for my digital marketing class was completely unexpected and made me laugh out loud.
“Imagine a niche company Hats for Badgers Inc. Which of the following would be the most cost effective method for advertising to its (probably very narrow) customer base?”
Teaching my first college class tonight. I am so incredibly excited!
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