pls help get rid of this pop up
I don’t know if it’s a regular thing; I have a vague memory of seeing it pop up when the forum first started out, and then once again literally yesterday, but I haven’t seen it between then. It could be that I only refresh the window, I never navigate away from the site in the tab itself.
It only happens when I actually close the chrome app on my phone. Which I close down my apps often, so.
@Meg Close apps? I do not understand. (she said, jokingly)
@Meg It’s a Chrome thing, not an us thing. Chrome insists on “installing” every goddamn website lately.
@Pavel gross. I don’t get it on any other site, which is weird. It might be a specific trigger though, idk.
@Meg It could be something to do with the forum-y nature of it. I honestly don’t remember what I did to make chrome siddown and shut up.
If ya’ll figure it out, let me know too please!
Like I said, my solution is to be such a nerd I never close the tab.
Tangential follow-up - Why does my phone keep crashing and have all this lag?
I found this, which might help?
@Roz I tried but still getting it