Good things in Mushing
@sao Me reading the one spelling as ‘Air-un’, ‘Aye-ron’ and ‘Uh-run’.
Sometimes there’ll be a player you really like that you just kinda lose touch with after you both lose the connective tissue of the game you were on at any given time. MUSHing is a transitory hobby, I try not to get too down about it.
Then 15 years will pass.
Then you meet a player you really like a new game and you both think you’re a TOTALLY NEW FUN PERSON.
Then one day you’re talking about old games and you realize that, in fact, you played together quite a lot on that one random game 15 years ago, and the internet has now brought you back into proximity for the first time in this decade+.
Sometimes the smallness of the hobby is actually nice.
@Third-Eye This happened to me on a game that I’m on right now. Started RPing with the person, was having so much fun with the scenes. Then a group of us starting talking OOC and I realized that I had RPed with that person about… a decade ago, I want to say? And I loved the RP then, too.
So it was a really nice surprise to connect with them again. I wish I ran into more people that I used to RP with years and years ago. I’ve lost touch with so many people.
got in touch with a couple of buds that have been on a Discord server, snagged them, dangled the carrot of cooperative writing and we revisited an old idea –
(remember the intricate, elaborately awful villains and champions you used to invent when you first learned to game?
do you sometimes indulge in the guilty fantasy that now that you’re older and wiser you could do something really fun with those concepts?)
boop. embrace the cringe with nuance, right?
I made a sandbox and I’m outlining plot.
I used to check BMD daily because there were so many problems in the hobby that there would inevitably be new fireworks going off each week. I’ve always seen this place as a valuable resource to warn and discuss.
But for most of 2024, there have barely been any red flags anywhere.
Did we do it? Is it truly a brand mu day?
It feels nice.
Hearing someone sharing a story about one of their favorite scenes ever from a few years ago on a game you recently joined, and realizing it was a scene that you ran as a ST that stuck with them this long.
Encountering and reconnecting with an awesome player who you knew 19+ years ago on a completely different genre of MU*.
It just seems like complete fantastic serendipity.
And then playing with them and discovering that not only are they just as good as you remember, but are actually better. Their RP has improved!
RPing with someone who you can do comedy with and is able to roll with your dumb one liners as you giggle to yourself.
@Nilli you know who you are
@tsar I’ll play emotional support rivals with you any day
you? yes, you. not me. but YOU. dang. you made an interesting character.
thank you for being interesting.
@Jumpscare Naw, it’s the same shit, but it’s no longer considered wankery to punish players for pointing at it.
@Gashlycrumb said in Good things in Mushing:
@Jumpscare Naw, it’s the same shit, but it’s no longer considered wankery to punish players for pointing at it.
I’m trying to parse this. Are you saying that you think it’s no longer considered a bad thing if a player is punished for what they say about a game on forums and such?
@Roz Yes.
Sorry, though, it’s not the thread for it. I was being implusive.
Finding out someone I felt uncomfortable with, but not uncomfortable enough to openly voice my objections to:
- Actually has a known history of much more serious permutations of this behaviour on other games
- Was already shown the door on my current game without me needing to say anything
Thank u yes I knew I wasn’t just crazy, and I am so happy to know I’m now playing on a game with safe, healthy, vigilant staff.
Today someone AMBUSHED ME (idk if you’re on the forums but you know who you are if you read this) with a link to a website for a game I played around 2012-2018. It was run by a head wiz who became a close IRL friend and who passed away in 2019. I had no idea the site was even still up.
What a kick in the feels. All the old logs are there, and our snapshots of funny ooc moments, and our pictures and playlists. There are lots of captures of jokes and stories and fun moments of my friend who’s no longer with us, and other friends as well, some I still talk to, some I don’t.
I am so grateful and I am so sad. MUSH is such a strange medium in the way it can feel so all-encompassing at the time, and then enough time goes by and it’s just a little snapshot of how things were, and who you were then, and all the fun times you had writing stories with other people way too late into the night.
Really, really grateful and sad.