@DrQuinn Yeah it kind of felt like, violating? I don’t really know how to describe it since I had 0 commitment to the place, so wasn’t like a character I invested any real time into.
But still was my concept, a simple “hey do you mind if I use them to make a roster” would have sufficed to know my opinion on the matter.
@Whisky said in MU Peeves Thread:
Yeah it kind of felt like, violating?
This tracks. My limited experience with her is that she steamrolls and gaslights.
From the moment she got approved, she spent every scene trying to bully or beg any male PC to take a (cold!! we don’t even have hot water cuz game with ZOMBIES!!!) shower with her while OOC and IC insisting (against reality) that everyone on the game was already in a relationship.
She’s here to write smut. If you’re not gonna finish CG and TS her, then she will give your PC to someone who will.
@Coin said in MU Peeves Thread:
the Orichalcum
@Coin said in MU Peeves Thread:
On The Reach she played a nun that was like, banging her priest --they were both Hunters-- and it was just…
The second she complained about everyone “already having paired up” on the chat channel (like a week after the game opened??), I knew she was problematic. The booty shorts was just icing on the cake.
It’s a shame because I was really looking forward to the Magicians game until I realized it was a bastardization of theme and just a thinly veiled set-up for TS. Whatever.
Do find it funny that she didn’t just kill off some characters but their whole goddamn family, lol
@Whisky said in MU Peeves Thread:
Said that and that I needed help to understand it. Wasn’t really given any explicit direction, then told exactly what I needed to do. Adjusted my sheet according to the rules at the time, resubmitted then the rules changed again so I would have to change the concept again. Was told my choices were all wrong and weird
This tracks, getting approved was an enormous pain in the ass because she literally rewrote the rules as I applied too.
I mentioned my character had a little flame spirit he’d summoned living in his lighter, having taken a dot in Familiar and not really seeing anything else about it anywhere, and she was like, “no, no, not possible, summoning is very complicated and difficult and needs a lot of prereqs, did you see the rules about it?” And I hadn’t, so I reloaded the site and she had just uploaded an article about it, loooooool.
(Of course, her main there is a summoner.)
I’m a stubborn fuck and just wanted to play somewhere to stop being rusty and didn’t really care anymore, so I just worked with her, but if she had just taken my character like she did yours I would be royally pissed, investment or no.
Capital-Y Yikes.
never trust a staff who can’t admit to their own fucks up, even as something as small as not having posted clear rules on x.
I never even finished making my character on the game, after having some lengthy but pleasant conversation with other players about my concept and if it would work.
Largely because once I’d chatted with them - and briefly with her - she got into a massive and public argument with a player who said they didn’t understand the magic rules, which were spread out in several places, and trying to figure out if they were missing information or really just didn’t get it.
After punting said player off the game (which she called ‘disinviting’ them), she paged me out of nowhere to apologize for me 'having to see that '. Was friendly and generally helpful even though I echoed much of the same things that the person she just punted said…
Even put up a more consolidated article like the punted player asked for that was apparently so disrespectful and problematic.
What was the difference, you might ask?
The punted player was female - or at least their character was. My login was a nickname used by both genders, but primarily (and historically) one used by men.
The second I referred to my character as ‘she’, the helpfulness evaporated and I got one line or one word answers.
Gee. I wonder what could possibly explain the shift.
I feel like any player who cannot seem to treat people with kindness and respect on their own game is unlikely to treat people with kindness and respect on my game.
As such, she’s been “disinvited” from Under the Stars. I sent her a very polite note indicating that we did not feel that she was right for our collaborative environment, and I have heard nothing from her since.
I have noticed a certain amount of new players joining us who had concerns about her presence. She has been unapproved, and if she makes herself a nuisance, she will be Gone. Not ‘dead’, just gone. I have no need to be petty and spiteful. I do not care to be vindictive.
@STD said in MU Peeves Thread:
@aine said in MU Peeves Thread:
I can ask if the guy who taught Sophia runes still has it. If so… I’ll see if he’ll re-send it my way, should you actually still care after all of the above.
I find myself morbidly curious, yes.
Ok. This is a spammy-ass mess, too. Cobbled together out of backlog via Potato and a few Discord chats. Truly, just. Batshit levels of bad choices…
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “Anyone can look at any of the family magics close and slow to replicate it. That’s how it’s taught internally. But to have an outside learn it? Holy shit, that’s problems.”
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “No, that’s like treason.”
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “So if people find out that you’re learning actual rune magic from him, Leto could be killed and/or have his memory wiped of knowing ALL MAGIC, cause then it means he wasn’t trusted. The same goes to you.”
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “The /only/thing right now, if you guys continue with this, that will save both your lives ICly, is to get married.”
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “And you become an Eriksen. You’ll still probably both have your memories wiped of knowing rune magic (since y’all wouldn’t be considered trustworthy), but at least they wouldn’t kill you.”
<Questions> Sophia (@Jenn) says, “I mean. I think all I can do there is let Leto and you talk, if/when he’s online for that. I know he has taught Sophia how to read the runes over the last year-ish. She can’t CAST them, but. She can translate the language? I don’t know how that does or doesn’t end up working out if anyone ever learns that he has taught her, I just know that he said that he did?”
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) facepalms.
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “Knowing the language is basically knowing the runes.”
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) squints.
<Questions> Sophia (@Jenn) says, "I mean. That was the reason that went into the +request I sent in when you offered second years 2 language or skill dots, and then suggested to me that as often as Soph and Leto hung, she’d probably know the runes… And then you added that dot to my sheet? So? Why is your own idea from two weeks prior that YOU made happen suddenly an issue tonight?
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “Old Norse = runes for rune magic.”
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “It’s like realizing that runes are a different thing. That’s what rudimentary Old Norse lets you know. Idk. Whatever. Just odn’t let anyone find out ICly”
<Questions> Sophia (@Jenn) nods a lot. "That’s why Soph only squeezed Leto’s hand when the hedge did her things. She knows she’s not supposed to be able to read things, and tries not to show or let it catch on. I maybe should have made that clearer or asked if you wanted subterfuge rolls or something, in retrospect, now that we’re chatting about Soph’s sheet and stuffs.%% New forum post Forbidden Secret Family Magics - Don’t teach it to non family members (2/3) posted to Rules Clarifications by Wizard.
<Questions> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “What’s done is done. Just don’t let anyone find out ICly.”
Forbidden Secret Family Magics Wizard
Rules Clarifications (2/3) Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:21pmI am just going to state this again so people in the back can hear.
The forbidden secret family magics (Sealing Magic, Omnyoudo, Wuxia, Rune Magic, etc, etc) are FORBIDDEN and SECRET for a reason. Outsiders do what they can (lie, cheat, fuck, murder) to get their hands on these secrets. It’s incredibly closely guarded.
Teaching your family secret magics to a non-family member will result in being hunted by your clan, becoming a pariah, and, if you’re lucky, only have the knowledge of said magic stripped from your mind (as well as the person you taught it to). If you’re not lucky, let’s just hope you’re lucky.
So don’t do this. It makes no sense for anyone to teach their secret family magics to non family members who weren’t deemed worthy of their secrets.
+============================~==+====<PM> (to Sophia) Ilaria says, “I sometimes wonder if she realizes how snarky she sounds on channel, or just doesn’t care. But it can be off-putting to new people.”
<PM> (to Ilaria) Sophia (sophie) says, “Like. I’m not trying to cause shit for no reason. I’m just trying to understand what lane she wants Sophia to be in. She’s been telling me all along that I have Sophia’s talent wrong, she can’t do what she tries, etc. And yet. By the end of all of that… SHE LITERALLY DESCRIBED SOPH’S TALENT as exactly what I’d been trying to say it was all along?”
<PM> (to Ilaria) Sophia (sophie) says, “AND. She literally knew, from Sophia’s +request, which she had been the one to suggest and then after approved, that Leto was teaching her the runes because he was trying to teach her the magic. We all decided that Sophia can read and understand the runes. She just can’t inscribe them or imbue them with power. So like. It’s there, in a recorded paper trail. I am just so confused.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Ilaria has been reading the stuff. If she ‘didn’t understand’ what Sophia could do, why’d she allow you to app it in? I think she’s being difficult, just to be difficult. She definitely has her favourites and it’s obvious. Her tone from person to person changes.
<PM> (to Sophia) Ilaria says, “My take? You were in better favour with her when you put in the app, so it wasn’t as big of a deal. She’s annoyed with you and Leto now, so it’s suddenly a ‘OMG! He’ll have to die! It’s TREASON’ situation.”
ll be back as quick as I can!<Chat, Questions, RP Requests> Leto has connected.
<PM> (to Leto, Sophia) Wizard says, “We need to talk. So it’s my understanding that you’re teaching Rune Magic to Sophia?”
<PM> (to Leto, Sophia) Wizard says, “Secondly, from reading of logs, you gave her some objects that have your specific rune magics inscribed on them, yes?”
<PM> (to Sophia, Wizard) Leto says, “Firstly, yes, and Sophia has already alerted me about thematic issues with that and we are discussing resolution. Secondly, yes I did, items that have been invalidated since our discussion about said runes-in-clothes.”
<PM> (to Leto, Wizard) Sophia (sophie) says, “I am staying out of the Erikson magic part. If Leto wants to stand by Sophia knowing his runes, we’ll figure that out. As to the gifts he’s given her, she has the coat stashed in her closet and hasn’t touched it. The only rock rune she has that she has tried to use was the one that was intended to protect her from dreams, but, it has been failing anyway.”
<PM> (to Leto, Sophia) Wizard says, “Here’s the thing about those gifts. The reason the family magics are forbidden and secret is because anything produced by them is always always always a direct sympathetic link back to the caster. Those gifts from Leto? Someone could steal them and make him blow up from a universe away and no would know how it happened.”
<PM> (to Leto, Sophia) Wizard says, “That includes Fitzgerald, Tsuchimikado, Wong, Laveau, Balamkamche, Sargonian, Murshid, and Kahuna secret magics.”
<PM> (to Leto, Sophia) Wizard says, “It’s why they’re rarely cast.”
<PM> (to Sophia, Wizard) Leto says, “We’ll let you know what we decide. Makes sense”
<PM> (to Leto, Sophia) Wizard thumbs up. “Just submit it as a request so I know. Thanks!”%% Luka spends a luck point on Friendship Magic.
<FS3> Luka rolls Spellwork: Success (8 7 5 4 1)
<FS3 Rolls> <FS3> Luka rolls Spellwork: Success (8 7 5 4 1)
<OOC> Luka says, “Conrad gets +1”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “I’m using one of Sophia’s Themauturgy dots to cast Eye of Soph, as a single practitioner. Sophia is going to take the triple time to do so. It’s a short first-year cantrip, though. I would say even x8 it would be 5-10 minutes, max. She’s throwing all of her knowledge and talent into the cast, too. What dice roll do you want? And, rolled prior to the pose, or after it?”
<PM> (to Sophia) Zayden (Zay) says, “That’s spellwork. So it only take like 3 seconds.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Zayden (Zay) says, “And you can roll or pose first, whichever.”Research is Sophia’s lane. Laurent says he needs some, she nods. She looks his way as he asks her to. She considers what it is that he wants her to try to look into. “I can look and collate what I can find, but. That’s your year, not mine. You’ll have to make the library requests. Grab me the books you think you need, and I’ll get them read and put together for you.” What’s one more topic to cover compared to the vastly growing list of things she’s trying to read up on these days? And that’s not even counting the actual required readings for her summer electives, her upcoming fall term reading list, or the research she’s already starting into about what she’s wanting to cover as her second year thesis this year. Sophia is drowning in books. At least when it’s ink she’s going under in waves, she doesn’t miss how hard that makes it to come up for the gasps of air that keep pulling her back into the next new things.
She looks up when the firsties join them in the hall, rather than waiting in the locked safety of Leto’s room. “Damn it.” She says it softly. She’s not angry, she’s not even disappointed. She’s just scared. “I know we all know she can’t be alive and dead at the same time,” she tells the group, her voice still soft. “But we don’t know which version is where or what. Stay out of her way, whatever is happening, this isn’t something to get in between, ok?” She’s not dumb enough to try to shove them back into the room they’d chosen not to be ushered into. But. She’s still going to do what she can to keep them out of any harm that may or may not come of things. She nods at Zayden as he tells them all to keep him in the loop. “Yeah, will do. Same, though. Check in now and then. If there’s not what should be under that shroud, be careful.”
While she’s talking to Zayden, Luka is offering some magics of her own. Sophia swallows hard at the target he picks. She’s not surprised to see Luka casting, and, she’s not trying to stop him at this point from any choices or decisions he’s going to make. Rather than looking at any of the men, Sophia’s eyes find Ilaria’s, letting the woman’s eyes and smile anchor her through the spellwork they seem to be planning to do. Laurent’s zone of truth is not something Sophia knows how to cast. She had considered a revelation charm, but… Instead, she decides to channel her own efforts and intentions into something similar, but more aptly named. Eye of Soph. If they’re going to be casting longer, stronger magics… Someone needs to keep an eye on Sparrow. Sophia isn’t the strongest caster in the bunch, but. If Sparrow is Sparrow, she can slow a blind girl down. If Sparrow isn’t Sparrow, she’s willing to be an obstacle between her friends and whatever she might or might not be instead.
She’s talking to herself softly. Her hands have lifted and are making the gestures the tutting requires. She’s throwing every bit of her theory talents behind her work, and she’s taking some time to do it. It won’t be quick. But. It’s not a long spell. Even multiplied, the cantrip is no more than a minute two at most would do the trick. While she starts to work up her cast, double and triple checking each and every piece of it, she’s also slowly starting to walk her way down the hallway and towards the stairs.%% New forum post Boosting Rolls With Magic (2/4) posted to Rules Clarifications by Wizard.
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “Ok. So. Three times eight. One minute, since she’s putting in a lot of extra thoughts/effort?”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “I meant to send that ages ago. Only just realized it went to Darin instead.”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “No rush at all. I know you have to be DROWNING. Just. Whatever dice you want from me, once you get caught up.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Zayden (Zay) says, “Spellwork roll. +3 for extra rounds.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Zayden (Zay) says, “Sorry, I wasn’t clear in the last page.”
<FS3> Sophia rolls Spellwork +3: Good Success (8 7 7 6 5 4 3 1 1)
<FS3 Rolls> <FS3> Sophia rolls Spellwork +3: Good Success (8 7 7 6 5 4 3 1 1)
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “No apologies needed AT all.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Zayden (Zay) says, “There’s magic all over the place. The whole house itself, your friends casting the magic ritual, at least half of the Natural students in the crowd and Sparrow.”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “Are there different types/flavors of the magic? Can anything about Sparrow be noticed to be blended, or over-whelmed, or anything that a sweet, gentle, nature girl wouldn’t be expected to seem, magical aura-wise?”
<PM> (to Sophia) Zayden (Zay) says, “Well, there’s no specific bent to the magic, just that there are magical energies. Hers is definitely a darker aura, but you don’t have anything to compare it to. Other students there seem to be getting darker by the moment too. Its more of a mood ring thing than anything else. As a 1st year spell it isn’t that informative.”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) nods lots. “Works for me. I can ROLL with that. Soph will text Zayden, and then make some notes for herself to make sure that if/when he brings back whatever is or isn’t under the shroud, she at least can remember enough to try to repeat the spell to see what if anything is or isn’t alike. And. Again. THANK YOU for running this.”
<PM> (to Sophia) Zayden (Zay) says, “You would know, just by virtue of learning the spell that you wouldn’t get anything off a corpse unless it had an active spell or was not a corpse.”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “It’s the making sure it’s not-not a corpse thing. Because if live Sparrow is real Sparrow, something else MIGHT have made the body. Or she’s triplets. Or who knows. Just. She’s still gonna try to look at both. LOL”
<PM> (to Sophia) Zayden (Zay) says, “Yep. No problem. Just wanted to be clear.”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “Seriously. I have NO expectations from this plot. I doubt Sophia will ever know, or get to find out, unless someone else tells her about it. Just. I have no idea how to extract her from the stories and need to know of others.”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “I do not want Neitherlands to not be fun for other people. And yet. The other people keep not having fun, and asking me to try to help. And like. Sophia’s fatal flaw has ALWAYS been that she just cares too damned much.”Honestly. A long and complicated spell done with the support of an Erikson is probably not the first thing Leto has done in this hallway to raise eyebrows. The fact that he’s supporting Conrad in it while doing so this time… That may be a factor. There may even be speculation amongst the gathered crowd that the boys are all doing this due to the brunette who reaches the edge of the truth’s zone and then just sits down. Sophia seems to be as resigned to this as she was when they got into it at Welters. She’s as resigned as when they were in the hospital at her bedside. She gives every indication that she’s just sitting down out of having lost the will to fight. It’s like bubble jail, redux.
All except for the shape of her fingers as she peers through them at those amassed now upstairs. She’s looking over EVERYTHING under the guise of simply covering her tired eyes. She takes in the casters, the firsties, those who have come out to speculate and film it. She takes in Sparrow. Her head leans back against the wall, short enough to rest back against it without the banister. Sometimes, being the typhoon’s stormy-eye amidst too much boy drama works in a girl’s favor. Sophia - for once - is glad to milk her ruined reputation now for all it might still be worth.
Eventually, she rubs her eyes, lowers her hands, and pulls her phone from the pocket of her shorts. Her hair still smells like bonfire and barbecue. She’s still wearing one of Conrad’s old college tee shirts. She thumbs open her text messages and sends off a message.
(TXT to Zayden) Sophia: Hey. The boys are still casting for the truth. Aura-wise. Magic everywhere, because Brakebills. But. I know what this version of Schrödinger’s Witch looks like. If there’s anything under that shroud to bring back, I’m curious to know if it’s the same, dead as it should be, or something in between. Seriously. Be careful. If this is the real her… Whatever made whatever you’ve gone to find? It’s likely going to be pissed that you’re looking.
<OOC> Zayden says, “Sophia: If you’re trying to pretend you’re not using magic on everyone else, roll for that. Subterfuge or stealth. Anyone else would roll against that to notice what you’re doing.”
<OOC> Sophia says, “I mean. It’s a FLIMSY attempt. But like. It’s the only cover she’s got. LOL She’s fine being caught out with her casting, she just wants to make it look like she’s trying to see if the boys are trying to get the truth of of Sophia, rather than Sparrow.”
<FS3> Sophia rolls Subterfuge: Failure (5 2 2 1)
<FS3 Rolls> <FS3> Sophia rolls Subterfuge: Failure (5 2 2 1)
<OOC> Zayden nods.%% Wizard replied to forum post Forbidden Secret Family Magics - Don’t teach it to non family members (2/3) on Rules Clarifications.
Let them talk.
Because now, the crowd needs a cover story. Something to distract them from what they’re /actually/ doing and what they’re actually preparing for. “Hey Soph-” Leto curses under his breath. But you know what? Fuck it. “What do you think about all this drama? I’m achin’ to know.” Yep, bring it right on back to drama, make it look like something COMPLETELY different.
And hopefully, give everyone else a chance to question this mystery not-dead woman.The very worst part of this? The casting isn’t even complete yet. Sophia could at least try to lie. But. It would defeat the entire purpose of the cover she’s trying to build for her friends. And. She already knows she’s a truly terrible liar. She closes her eyes. She cannot make herself watch any of them as she answers that question. Of course it’s Ken who saw right through Barbie’s act first. He’s asked. And now? Sophia has no real choice but to answer. If Sophia ends up all over the internet saying this… Her mother may not ever have been prouder. But Sophia has never made an effort to make Essex proud, not for a long, long string of years. Her head is still resting on the wall behind her, and her body slumps back to join it, too. At least when she stretches out her legs across the hall, she’s effectively working to be a tripping hazard along the path to the stairs. What does she think of all this never-ending drama? Please. Let her tell them all.
“I think that it sucks that my bestie would rather hate me than talk to me.” Even if they have found a version of a truce. Even if the apologies have been started being made. “I think it sucks that I’m falling for a guy who makes no promises and hasn’t even taken me on what most would consider a date yet even if he has been the most stand-up human I’ve ever met, and he’s had every reason knocked on his door at three am too many times now not to have damned good reasons to be done of it.” A Fitzgerald. Essex is so delighted. The invitations to Christmas dinner are going to intensify. “I think it sucks that the hedges hate the classics and the classics hate the hedges, and I think it sucks even more to be half of each, so. Enough to be off both sides and not enough to be on either.” Team Breakbillionaires for the win instead. “I think it sucks that when I got my first life-time scar, my once roomie didn’t want to talk about it, but…” She gestures a hand towards Conrad as she leaves her eyes closed, “She spent plenty of time asking me to tell her about the physical details of a dick she could have just asked him to show her himself.”
Is it popcorn for a movie? Not really. Is it absolute gossip fodder after everything that has gone down? Candy may have never been sweeter. Her eyes are still closed, so she doesn’t see the tall dude who had asked who invited them, but her gesture moves towards where Leto’s voice has posed his own question, and she goes ahead and answers the unseen dude who had asked it. “Summer electives. Lee invited me.” As if that gives Sophia any actual right to be there. But. It’s definitely enough truth within the not lies she’s telling to try to stick with her story. Is she close enough to Conrad’s zone to count? Yes. She’s just inside the outer edge’s of the chalked lines of it. Nothing is more believable than a truth that throws a dagger at someone you love. Is it a good explanation? Not at all. Is it enough to limit the potential fallouts and expulsions? Maybe.
Is there consent involved in what they’re trying? Not really. Was there consent involved when Conrad and Laurent each had smear campaigns aimed their way for a murder that seems not to even have happened at all? Not really. Sometimes, the ugliest fact in life is the simple truth that a lot of times, all hurt people do is hurt other people as they keep trying to stagger forwards.Luka isn’t also large. But he is in really good shape, and he’s already truthful. Plus, whether not the golden glow remains or has already faded, he’s pretty. You never know what’ll work in a situation like this! “We’re really sorry for the disruption,” he explains, his expressive brown eyes going large and puppylike. “We won’t be much longer and I promise we’ll get it cleaned up really fast.” He casts a concerned glance in the direction of Sophia’s performance, unsure of whether or not it’s a distraction or it’s real. “My friends are in a personal crisis and it’s made them unstable and a little unreasonable.” Where’s the lie? Did he lie?!
<OOC> Zayden says, “Luka: Was that all in the Zone or not? Be clear about that part, please, cause it is obvious to everyone looking.”
<PM> (to Luka[Web]) Sophia (sophie) says, “It is BOTH! LOL. We’re distracting, WITH the truth. Just in time, apparently, to be force-married to the OTHER dude.”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “Sophia is NEVER sitting in a truth zone again after this. LOL”
<OOC> Luka says, “Sorry. It can be in the zone. None of it’s a lie.”
<OOC> Sophia fist-bumps Luka. “Come join Sophia in the ‘truth is WAY worse than lies’ club!”
@aine Also. Too much spam for a singular post here… Let me continue:
Leto — 19/06/2023 16:30
Wizard is getting on my last damn nerve
Leto hates his family and…I honestly don’t care enough on an OOC level to have Leto NOT show Sophia the secrets of runes XD
And I don’t want you to feel forced for Sophia to look Leto’s wayJenn — 19/06/2023 16:34
It’s not like Sophia and Leto couldn’t be happy together, if they were forced to be.
Like. Sophia is falling HARD for Conrad, and it’s gonna break her heart when he eventually moves on to the next shiny, fun thing in his path. But. She can do hard things, especially to save her own life. And Leto’s.
The fact that she “hates ret-cons” and so now that she has changed her mind with ZERO warning and we cannot just ‘unlearn’ Sophia knowing runes… This does NOT need to be as much complicated bullshit as she’s trying to force this into being.Leto — 19/06/2023 16:36
But if she doesn’t love Leto romantically…she’d be a prisoner of the heart. Leto would understand and protect her, but he wouldn’t want her to regret.
She’s probably going to get her heart broken anyway, mind…
But Leto loves Soohia with all of his heart and he’ll protect her until he diesJenn — 19/06/2023 16:39
Soph’s currently choosing not to love Leto romantically, because she knows already that she would NEVER survive losing her bestie if it failed. And she has never known anyone to love her unconditionally, it’s only ever been for what she can or can’t offer them. She cannot lose Leto to the internalized fear that she might one day not be enough.Leto — 19/06/2023 16:40
That makes a lot of senseJenn — 19/06/2023 16:40
If she chose to change her mind… If she decided to love him romantically? They’d make it work.
Like. Even her parents love what she does, and who she could be, not who she is.Leto — 19/06/2023 16:45
Nah, he’ll be deeply worried that she’s marrying him for survival and it’ll be something they grow into, and she’d be unhappy doing so because she’d rather be with Conrad
But he won’t be unhappyJenn — 19/06/2023 16:47
Oh, fuck. I have just realized the WORST part of this… And the only hope is that Wiz is too stupid to realize she could make it happen…Leto — 19/06/2023 16:47
Oh?Jenn — 19/06/2023 16:48
Old Erik had hooks with Leto and with Sophia. He was THERE for most of her being taught runes. New Erik said he was cool with having been in Barbie last year, but, didn’t want to commit to it this year without seeing how it plays out on screen.
And like, I get that. Being stuck hooked with strangers you don’t know can be a LOT.
But like. I also know new Erik is her RL friend, because of her getting pissed when Sophia mentioned Erik as a former barbie at the dangerous rivalries scene.
If she thinks to put all of that together… All she has to do is tell Erik typist to IC’ly tell his family that Leto taught Sophia their runes and such.Leto — 19/06/2023 16:50
Which forces Leto and Sophia to get engagedJenn — 19/06/2023 16:51
Maybe. If Leto has enough family good will to convince the Erikson’s to let him marry Sophia in. But like. Do you think he does? Or do you think they’re both just killed about it? I’m pretty certian that all of this complete mind-changed familly magic ret-con is just a very elaborate and transperant ruse to get them both just killed about it.Leto — 19/06/2023 16:54
Leto’s primary beef is his father
Daddy dearest wants him more involved with family traditions and to come home during the summer. Leto wants to stay in America because Sophia is there
Rana, mother dearest, and Leto have a wonderful relationship. They’d both be happy if the reason Leto wasn’t coming home at all was marrying him, so the problem would fix itself
If Leto REFUSED to marry Sophia, then they’re both fuckedJenn — 19/06/2023 16:56
He would have every right to make that refusal.Leto — 19/06/2023 17:05
He loves her too much
He would at least propose to her. He won’t be the reason she dies
He swore to protect her, and regardless of pain, his heart still endured for her
*enduresJenn — 19/06/2023 17:19
OMG! Just got this from Conradtypist. Now double dying! This is genuinely all just BONKERS.
lol, marry Leto!
Sorry, catching up on backscrollLeto — 19/06/2023 17:40
I was really worried this dog shit would ruin any story you and Conrad wanted to tell, so I’m happy he’s on board
And yep, I got a feeling this is gonna be fun - she’s paging me again for answerss.
I was basically just…
Yep. I know. I’m on it. Fuck off XD
I tried to keep it short so she had no ammoJenn — 19/06/2023 18:58
I feel as if this potential option of ‘fixing’ the problem at the very least should also loop in Conrad, as it could HEAVILY impact his character potentially, too? But like. I DO NOT KNOW how to bring that up.Leto — 19/06/2023 19:03
Sure we can at least get his OOC opinion on this fix and go from there
Are YOU okay with Leto and Soph potentially getting engaged?Jenn — 19/06/2023 19:08
I… Gods. I don’t even know. Like. A DECADE from now… Long after Conrad may have finally left Soph’s dumpster fire life behind him? Because the pair of them want that choice on their own? Probably. But like… To appease Wizard? IC’ly, I think Sophia could be happy with Leto if she chose to be, but it would not be an easy thing for her to choose. OOC’ly, it’s going to suck.Leto — 19/06/2023 19:08
Sorry, I didn’t mean to put us in a spot
IC’ly I think it could produce interesting story in spite of Wizard because we have writers chemistry. OOC’ly…yeah, I feel terrible
I don’t want to fuck you and Conrad’s thing and didnt want to upset either of you. And I don’t want to force anybody into anything for my fuck up didn’t know about the ‘we protect our spells if we will kill all’ thing
Just thought Dope ass costs are dope
*coatsJenn — 19/06/2023 19:11
I think ALL of us were shocked by this ruling.
Like. Calliope uses the Tkchouonkmardff that I can’t spell origami shit in EVERY other scene.
Mason’s mom and dad both use Fitzgerald magics. YOU read my +request that she APPROVED about the reason Sophia knows runes is Leto was IC’ly teaching her, and HAD BEEN for a full year. The +reqest that SHE had been the one to suggest Sophia should know in the first place!Leto/Jett — 19/06/2023 19:12
This is her way of trying to force something to happen because she’s a selfish storyteller. And…yeah, it’s wild. Anybody can see that shit and just…take it?
Not at ALL how magic works XDJenn — 19/06/2023 19:14
There was a HEDGE WITCH who used actual Erikson magic IC’ly in her last plot scene, you were just with a friend at the hospital. And it wasn’t Sophia’s magic, so… She just SQUEEZED Leto’s hand, hard.
That witch is alive, fine, and fucking well as hell off in NPC land, so far as anyone on-screen has seen or knows.Leto — 19/06/2023 19:16
but yeah, Wiz does what Wiz wants to as long as it suits Wiz’s whims.
She’s a ‘do as I say, not as I do’ GMJenn — 19/06/2023 19:17
I feel like you should ask her what happened to that hedge, as OOC info, so you can make a good choice about your character and his story.Leto — 19/06/2023 19:19
Dunno if that’ll get me anywhere. She’ll just try to twist the reasoning I think, but I can still give it a try!Leto — 19/06/2023 19:32
<PM> (to Wizard) Leto says, “Question, did the hedge witch using Erickson magic get killed? Just so Leto has a deeper IC understanding that exceeds general rebellious tendencies?”
Waiting to hear backLeto — 19/06/2023 19:45
<PM> (to Leto) Wizard says, “She left and GTFO of town.”Jenn — 19/06/2023 19:45
Conrad thinks the entire situation sucks. He is declining to give any OOC opinions other than that he thinks it’s shitty you and I have to decide this. Whatever it is we decide… He will IC’ly be absolutely wonderful about it. He doesn’t want Sophia to die. He would rather her be a friend than miserable or outright gone. Leto can be a bro at any point he’s willing to stop trying to punch him about things.Leto — 19/06/2023 19:46
<PM> (to Leto) Wizard says, “She wasn’t using rune magics. She was using seidr. Not galdr.”
<PM> (to Leto) Wizard says, “Seidr was stolen from Grecian fateweavers.”
<PM> (to Leto) Wizard says, “But the Eriksens wiped out the fateweavers (allegedly) a while ago during their conquests. So seeing someone ELSE use seidr is probably more than a bit disconcerting.”Jenn — 19/06/2023 19:46
I know what none of those words mean.Leto — 19/06/2023 19:46
<PM> (to Leto) Wizard says, “If you wanna hunt her as part of your plot, I say go for it. There’s a reason why I posed it during the scene, but unfortunately, you weren’t around.”
Apparently, the hedge asn’t using Eriksen-specific magics SPECIFICALLY but apparently an offshoot. The hedge gtfo’d and probably gonna get got at some point.
and Yeah, for once I agree with Conrad XD
and I dunno if Leto will ever not want to punch him about things, but…he would rather have Soph alive and well. And it is shitty that we have to be the deciders about this, but I do want you to be happy with what we decide, so I’m deferring the ultimate decision to you. With this information…which way are you leaning towards?Jenn — 19/06/2023 19:51
If Leto and Sophia do this… There has to be a life-long truce with Conrad, in regards to Sophia being his friend and Leto not being an ass about it. She will NOT cheat, or give him any reasons to think she might. Either him. But. If she is forced to marry a man to save both their lives because she didn’t know she needed to reign in her curiosities… That’s gonna be required.Leto — 19/06/2023 19:52
Leto would acquiesce to that request. He probably wouldn’t seek out friendship with Conrad, but the ending of hostilities would be honored. He understands before they were lovers, Conrad and Soph were good friendsJenn — 19/06/2023 19:53
Sophia’s typist will manage to get Sophia’s head wrapped around this. But. It’s really hard to have to fucking let Wizard win on this one. This isn’t the way of getting to write stories or find futures that either Sophia nor Leto deserve.
So. That said.
Whatever you take to Wizard… IF and/or WHEN anyone IC’ly finds out Sophia knows Erikson magics… Sophia will accept a marriage proposal. Leto will do EVERYTHING he can to convince his family to let them set the future date for AFTER they have graduated. For their own safeties, if nothing else. Untrained magicians are dangerous, they need all the education they can get.
And then. If we are all still alive and miserable after graduation… She will marry Leto. She will try very hard to choose to be happy. They will maybe have children or a good life. They will maybe just be miserable little shits who hate each other. I’m doubting the game will still be up and going by then, so. Moot point anywah.Leto — 19/06/2023 19:57
That’s kinda the pain in the ass. We just got shoved in a bad spot.
But, this is a good plan for the situation we’re in. We do what we do until or unless word gets out, then Leto will take a knee. Maybe things naturally gravitate towards that anyway just to give Wiz the finger, but this is a good plan. Hopefully we are still alive.Jenn — 19/06/2023 19:58
If you can live with those terms, and if you can get Wizard to agree… We’ll figure it out.Leto — 19/06/2023 19:58
ok. I’m sorry again didn’t think we’d be in this spotJenn — 19/06/2023 19:58
Sophia won’t end it with Conrad until that knee has to be taken, mostly… Because she doesn’t know it’s coming. And because for a dude making Soph no promises… She has fallen HARD for him anyway.
Her mom was a hedge who got knocked up by a Magician of good standing when he was at Brakebills and she was at NYU. The Starkes were cut off from their family and its magics. Sophia comes from magical bloodlines, but she has no family connections/magic/power through them. And she wasn’t told as a kid /why/ they didn’t have those skills, so she didn’t know not to learn Leto’s when he was sitting right next to her writing and casting them for a year.
So. Sophia didn’t know she shouldn’t learn as much about her Ken as she could. And. Ken was so at war with his father that he never knew he should shut up when Barbie was around.Leto — 19/06/2023 20:01
Yeah. I’m thinking thats it.
I doubt Leto sees it coming either.
He really doesn’t want to interfere with Sophia’s love life. Pain is pain, but the last thing he wants to do is force her to be with him. He’d only do it to save her life.
He loves her, sure, but…he doesn’t want her to be unhappy. and that’s a whole conversation that Sophia won’t be pleased with (unless Conrad breaks it off, but I doubt that’ll happen)Jenn — 19/06/2023 20:02
At least it means, should it happen, that they’ll be saving each other.Jenn — 19/06/2023 20:11
I’ve told Conrad that this is what you’re pitching to Wizard:
Sophia doesn’t know that family magic shouldn’t be shared, IC’ly. Her mom was a hedge witch who was knocked up while at NYU by a Magician at Brakebills. It’s why Essex always pushed Sophia to pick a good last name, but. Sophia never knew why. Her father was disowned as a Starke, but Soph thought it was because teen parents.
Leto and his father fight so terribly that he wasn’t ever told not to teach Sophia runes. His fae mother wants her son happy, and probably pushed Leto to share, over the last year, once Leto told his mom about Sophia and her existence and how he felt. Because fae are good at stretching truths while they’re not lying in order to get what they or someone they love want to have.
IF and/or WHEN someone IC’ly learns that Sophia is aware of Erikson magics… Leto will propose. She will accept, because she doesn’t want to die, and she doesn’t want to be why Leto dies, either. They will both do EVERYTHING they can to ensure that the date is not set until AFTER they have graduated and finished any post-grad studies. Because untrained magicians are dangerous AND in danger, and thus education is to be encouraged.
If and/or when that happens… Sophia’s condition to Leto is that he never gets to question her friendship with Conrad, and he accepts any offers of bro-dom that may or may not still be on tables. Even if Conrad has dropped Sophia by then, they’re kind of the sorts of people (at least so far) that seem like they could stay friends.Leto — 19/06/2023 20:12
That’s pretty much the gist.
At least they’d be alive.Leto — 19/06/2023 20:21
Okay, put in the request. We’ll see how it goesJenn — 19/06/2023 20:42
Oh. My. Gawd. Soph’s typist is an idiot.Leto — 19/06/2023 20:42
What happened?Jenn — 19/06/2023 20:43
I forgot I use my real name as my Discord handle. I always nickname people as their character names so I remember who they are.
I’m like… JENN? WHO TOLD YOU?Leto — 19/06/2023 20:43
Haha XDJenn — 19/06/2023 20:44
I was so fucking CONFUSED.Leto — 19/06/2023 20:47
I’m so sorry XDJenn — 19/06/2023 20:47
Oh, yeah, no. It was HILARIOUS. Just. I could not figure out what my tell had been! LOL
Neitherlands is the only place I haven’t linked my Ares Handle.Leto — 19/06/2023 21:24
Ready to get mad?
Wizard’s response to the job:
There is no way that Leto’s father wouldn’t have said: Son DO NOT share this magic no matter how tempting the pussy is. That would be incredibly irresponsible for him otherwise to at least not tell Leto.
Irrespective of her mother wanting him happy or not, the fact is he broke major taboo within the family that is putting him and his immediate family at risk.
IF and/or WHEN someone finds out that Sophia was aware of Erikson magics before a proposal, both Leto and Sophia will have their minds scrubbed of the knowledge of rune magic and any other family spells. Clearly, he couldn’t keep it in his pants, so to speak, and thus is considered irresponsible to know such powerful secrets of the family. That is assuming that they get married. The threat of immediate death and being hunted by other Eriksons and members of the Order, as clearly they aren’t trust worthy.
Sophia is not relevant to the conversation other than that she’s the one you shared info with. Sophia’s family does NOT matter as she never bought Magical Family, no matter what she says about her family history. It’s only important to her and whoever thinks she is important, which in the case of the members of the Order is not them.
There are other magicians just as talented as Sophia and Leto and murdering the two to preserve the Order’s status quo is but a small loss if that’s the case.
Conrad is also irrelevant to the conversation at hand. Sophia’s conditions are meaningless when it comes to how YOUR FAMILY VIEWS YOUR ACTIONS.
Further, if Leto’s MOTHER encouraged him to share Family secret magics, she needs to get murdered as well.
ere is my counterproposal:
Leto and Sophia get MARRIED NOW. Shotgun wedding. NOW.
One other option:
You and Sophia both get mindwiped. The existence of Rune Magic is wiped from both your minds (you lose the advantage). Your father and mother plead to the Order to not have the two of you killed or insta married, especially since Sophia is considered a huge liability as she was stealing your magic while dating a Fitzgerald.
You lose Magical Family Status. You become a pariah, but you’re still allowed at Brakebills.
Restricted magics in the library are forbidden to both you and Sophia as you have been shown to lack the proper judgement to know when to share things and when not to.
But at least, you still keep the rest of your magic, you aren’t expelled, can continue with plot. You just lose all Eriksen bonus.Jenn — 19/06/2023 21:26
Sophia never claimed that she had magical family? What part of her family having NOTHING was not clear?
Can I send that to Conrad?Leto — 19/06/2023 21:26
Because I’m about to lose my shitJenn — 19/06/2023 21:37
Honestly. I’m BEYOND pissed that she is saying Sophia STOLE Leto’s magic… Like. FIRST OFF… WIZARD WAS THE ONE THAT SUGGESTED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! He has been etching runes in front of her for a year. He offered to teach her. I am NOT at all angry with YOU for that.
But like. Sophia didn’t STEAL anything.Leto — 19/06/2023 21:38
I’m about to tell Wiz to fuck off. Repeatedly. I’ve never in my life been so angry at a GM
Thanks for not bein’ mad at meJenn — 19/06/2023 21:39
I am so, so, so fucking sorry you got mired into all of Sophia’s mess. Just tell her Leto never taught her runes. She can have my norse dot back, and not reimburse it. Fuck her stance on being able to change her own mind ten times a day while denying ret-cons while her players try to play catch-up with each and every new ruling.Leto — 19/06/2023 21:39
Hah, fuck that
No offense, of course
But no GM is gonna give me ultimatums and come at me in aggression. Nope.
Already part of the canon. She’s just being an absolute bitch and being an unyielding one at that.Jenn — 19/06/2023 21:40
Unyeilding? She just keeps TAKING extra ground.Leto — 19/06/2023 21:40
And I’m about to yell at her.
She assumes Leto and Soph slept together.
It wasn’t for sex ya fuckin’ asshole, was to keep her safe from wounds YOU inflicted.
She’s a fuckin’ moron
Sorry, sorry…getting angry.Jenn — 19/06/2023 21:42
Leto and Sophia kissed, ONCE, and stopped half-through it. She has read EVERY word Sophia and Leto EVER typed at each other, except the hospital because that one is still being written.Leto — 19/06/2023 21:42
I need reasons not to tell her to go fuck herself right now.
Because every time I reread it I feel more insulted
Like…does she just…live in her own world?Jenn — 19/06/2023 21:49
Because you are trying hard to not be a shitty person, and without you, she kills off Sophia, then probably fucks the corpse?Leto — 19/06/2023 21:49
Well the ultimatum is either Leto and Sophia get hitched right the fuck now or they get mindwiped and forgotten by their families.
So I’m itchin’ to yell at people.
Because that’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever been given a ‘choice’ aboutJenn — 19/06/2023 21:51
Post it all, word for word, on a bulletin board, and put at the front of it: Wizard herself approved Sophia being read in on being able to read magical runes, just not cast or etch or imbue them. It’s been approved for almost two weeks on a barely three weeks game. Now she wants the dick and is mad she didn’t get it. So. HERE! Make popcorn and enjoy!
Then copy/paste.Leto — 19/06/2023 21:55
God, how much I’d love that.
It’s that she’s demanding I make massive changes for other players.
If it was just me, I’d tell her to fuck off by itself but I’d probably oblige
It’s that she’s forcing your character to do shit Sophia doesn’t want to do
and putting Conrad on the bench
for Leto’s fuck up that she made no rhyme or mention about previouslyJenn — 19/06/2023 22:00
It’s the same reason Sophia has been complying. Because changes to her impact way too many other people.
This was Luka’s reply. I am DYING of laughter now!
Like married right now on the stairs or it can be a seperate scene
Get married in this scene that will never end that the head admin is simulteneously ignoring and micromanagingLeto — 19/06/2023 22:02
God, wouldn’t that be a treat.Jenn — 19/06/2023 22:03
Conrad can be their witness, as best Bro. Luka can give her away. Sparrow can be ordained to run the ceremony.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:04
As funny as that would be…
I feel like I’d ruin your story with an instant marriage, or at the very least throw too many curveballs in your direction, and god I feel like it’d damage Sophia and Leto’s relationship because it’d force Sophia to break up with Conrad, the one thing she doesn’t want to do.Jenn — 19/06/2023 22:08
She doesn’t want to do that. She DOES want to live. And she CANNOT live if Leto isn’t alive.
She also cannot live if SHE is why Leto loses his mother.
Sophia is choosing easy and comfortable, because it is easy and comfortable. But. I think we have ALL seen that she can absolutely choose to do hard things. She can bear a lot of fucking pain, with a smile.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:13
What does Conrad think about all this?Jenn — 19/06/2023 22:19
He thinks it’s absolute batshit crazy. But also. He doesn’t want to add to the drama nor the stress by making it worse on anyone.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:19
That oddly makes me feel even worse. Because I don’t want to kneel to the ultimatum.
And if I lose my shit, the story ends anyway
I’m telling her to fuck off now
I swear to christ
Every time someone breathes
ANNOUNCEMENTJenn — 19/06/2023 22:25
I just did. On chat.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:26
I must be highJenn — 19/06/2023 22:27
Like. FOR REAL. Does she think none of us talk to anyone, just all through her?Leto — 19/06/2023 22:29
Ready to see me get banned?
Really ready?Jenn — 19/06/2023 22:31
I can’t.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:31
Did you get axed?Jenn — 19/06/2023 22:31
%% You have been booted for disruptive behavior. Please play nice. You are in timeout until Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:35pm.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:32
Thank God. Because now I can tell her to shove it up her ass. ETA, five secondsJenn — 19/06/2023 22:33
Ah, we both know I got no patience for that.
I had said 'Leto says, "Fuck you. Once on thursday, twice on friday, thrice on saturday, and work the quads on sunday. I’ve got every single receipt of every ill-intent and everything you did colossally wrong that you thought was right and secret and they’ve been distributed to multiple players, who will remain unnamed. Next time you think of making a game? Do yourself a favor and don’t invite me to it. Don’t peek at private scenes, don’t try to fuck every single person there, don’t bully my friends, and don’t play favorites.
And in case you thought I was sorry or slipped? Fuck you. Preferably in a way that’s unenjoyable.
Oh, and since you fondled Austin’s balls too? Tell him the sixth fuck you for wishing a character - of a very nice lady and team player - got shoved into a fire. Shame on you.
I’ll take my ban now, please and thanks. Oh, unfriend me on discord while you’re at it.
And in the name of the spirit of RP and mushes? Go fuck yourself.
aaaand banned! FREE AT LAST
God, I feel like I can breathe againJenn — 19/06/2023 22:44
Psht. If you fucked her that regularly, she wouldn’t have had this much time for that much drama.+==~
Forbidden Secret Family Magics Wizard
Rules Clarifications (2/3) Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:21pmI am just going to state this again so people in the back can hear.
The forbidden secret family magics (Sealing Magic, Omnyoudo, Wuxia, Rune Magic, etc, etc) are FORBIDDEN and SECRET for a reason. Outsiders do what they can (lie, cheat, fuck, murder) to get their hands on these secrets. It’s incredibly closely guarded.
Teaching your family secret magics to a non-family member will result in being hunted by your clan, becoming a pariah, and, if you’re lucky, only have the knowledge of said magic stripped from your mind (as well as the person you taught it to). If you’re not lucky, let’s just hope you’re lucky.
So don’t do this. It makes no sense for anyone to teach their secret family magics to non family members who weren’t deemed worthy of their secrets.
(1) Wizard replied on Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:50pm
For extra clarification:When you are taught the FORBIDDEN FAMILY SECRET MAGICS by your parent/cousin/auntie/uncle/grandparent/whatever, they will make it absolutely crystal clear that you are NOT TO TEACH IT TO ANYONE OUTSIDE THE FAMILY.
Family members will also not encourage you to share FORBIDDEN FAMILY SECRET MAGICS so you can be happy with your true love. If she just wants you for your magic, she either works for Lady Albany or she isn’t your OTP.
+==~==============================~~~~~==+====<Chat> Sophia (@Jenn) says, “Hey, Wizard? No offense, but like. You DO KNOW we can all read your bbposts, as well as the channels. We all know when you’re making snarky assumptions that backtrack on story YOU YOURSELF approved via +requests over a week ago, right?”
<PM> (to Zayden) Sophia (sophie) says, “If I get a nuke for that chat comment, you were one of the more fun and least drama parts of this. Thanks for telling great stories.”
<Chat> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “All the bbposts are meant to be read.”
<Chat> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “That’s why they’re bbposts.”
<Chat> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “They’re also meant to be public, that’s why they’re on there. So no, absolutely no offense taken ð”
<Chat> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “Also, for the rest of the class, since Miss SOphia would like to take her business public. I never allowed of approved Leto teaching FAMILY SECRET RUNE MAGIC. Would you like me to post that as well? Cause I can.”
<Chat> Wizard (@chookitypok) says, “But that is all. Thank you! ð”
<Chat> Sophia (@Jenn) says, “LOL. I have a log of the +request, but like. Go off. Most of your game has already seen it anyway.”
<Chat> Sophia (@Jenn) says, “I have said, posed, and told you ALL along… Sophia can READ the runes. She cannot imbue, etch, cast, etc any of them.”
%% You have been booted for disruptive behavior. Please play nice. You are in timeout until Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:35pm.
Disconnected from host. - 19/06/2023 - 22:30:28
@aine Part fucking three, I guess…
Jenn — 06/06/2023 10:55
Ok. Leto Conrad, Conrad Leto. Can we wrap and post this library scene, or is there more to be done? Do we need to ask Wizard prior, in case she has other plans?Leto — 06/06/2023 10:58
I’m down either way, I think it’s reached a natural wrapping point. I don’t think there’s much to be done! I figure if Wiz has plans they’ll shoot us somethingJenn — 06/06/2023 10:59
Or they’ll just shoot us. Just wanted to check first.Conrad — 06/06/2023 11:01
Yeah, same page hereJenn — 06/06/2023 11:02
Cool. Gonna wrap and post, then. That way anyone who showed that wants to make follow-up plans with Wiz to do cool things with the plot they’ve been thrown can grab those plots and run with them.Conrad — 06/06/2023 11:03
Conrad has his bill fold at the ready.Jenn — 07/06/2023 09:07
As loathe as I am to do it… I feel like at this point, we probably need to invite Wizard to the scene? She’s going to want to oversee this, because she’s probably going to want rolls and things to go along with it - even if the only reason we’re doing this shit is so I can stop trying to type around nonconsentual NSFW shit anytime Sophia is on camera. Anyone mind if I page her about it?Conrad — 07/06/2023 09:45
I don’t, but I’m not really in the scene anyway
12 June 2023Jenn — 12/06/2023 21:23
Ok. And. Also… I know IC’ly we’re not group texters. But. Soph’s typist has a shit memory. Someone remind me tomorrow that Iris and I dedcided Soph’s later roll will be spellwork -3. And then tell me how to add the -3 part.Conrad — 12/06/2023 21:23
15 June 2023Jenn — 15/06/2023 17:10
Y’all are going to have to let me know if Sophia gets nuked while I’m at therapy tonight. LOLLeto — 15/06/2023 17:17
What’d I miss? But will do!Jenn — 15/06/2023 17:20
Everyone got to talking about game mechanics and complicated dice rules. I had to run out the door mostly right after Getting a NO, Sophia, just no.Conrad — 15/06/2023 17:51
I have no idea what other Aresgames she’s talking about. Probably all the WoD wannabe spinoffs I’ve been seeing. The people who know Ares and FS3 really well don’t use degrees of success. We set up magic to work as part of the combat system and use weapon and armor mods to handle the effects of magic as if it was a gun you were shooting or whatever. FS3 is 100% designed to favor players succeeding most of the time.
I’ve been using FS3 since it was on PennMUSH, it’s really not designed to be mucked with as much as a lot of the games have been doing. Mostly because they want to avoid coding up their own system.Leto — 15/06/2023 18:09
I hate WoD so much >.<
Been seeing a lot of ‘Say you’re a WoD game without saying your a WoD game’ too nowadays. FS3 is SO user friendly and over complicating your best mechanic on a game is deadlyConra — 15/06/2023 18:13
I used to WoD a lot like 15 years ago
But I got tired of it
FS3 is for games like Battlestar Galactica or something. It was never meant to support magic. You can make it work, but she’s trying to force FS3 to do things that mess up how it is designed.
So I agree totallyJenn — 15/06/2023 18:22
I think you are BOTH right. Also. Break over. Must go back to therapy now.
18 June 2023Leto — 18/06/2023 20:35
Choose violence!Conrad — 18/06/2023 22:31
wtfJenn — 18/06/2023 22:32
Like… For realllll… I keep staring at that Sandoval scene tempted to pose in with:
It’s barely even mid-June, and Sophia has had the worst summer of her life already. She’s wearing a black tank-top that shows off an ugly, symbolic scar on her right shoulder blade. She’s wearing denim shorts and black sandals. She’s got her pale-pink backpack carried by the top handle in her right hand. She’s not in healing course, but, overall… It seems like the kind of summer elective that may come in handy, all things considered. She lifts a hand, waving to Calliope, and she’s most of the way to a seat when she spots a redhead she’s never wanted to see again. “Fuck.” She reaches for her phone, and just blatantly snaps a picture while under the guise of sending a text message. “I thought this was Intro to Healing, not autopsy.” She just kind of stands there and stares. “Schrödinger’s Witch. Lovely to see you again, not still dead in your box.”Conrad — 18/06/2023 22:37
So, do we know yet IC that she is lying?Jenn — 18/06/2023 22:41
She may NOT be lying. The dead body may well have been the lie.
All we know is that someone cannot be both dead and alive at the same time.Conrad — 18/06/2023 22:42
Has anyone removed that dome to see if there is actually still a body there?Jenn — 18/06/2023 22:42
But. Since the guy she’s falling for is one of the ones being framed for that death… And Sunset’s bestie is the other one being framed for it… Seems like finding out which is which might be worth it to Soph either way.
I don’t think Austin is going to answer Soph’s calls. Zayden showed up as quick as he could, though, and seems to think it’s worth poking at.
They were the two left to deal with the body.Leto — 18/06/2023 22:47
HmJenn — 18/06/2023 22:52
Well. One more source of Sophia’s research was cut off.
Dear Ms. Starke,Given the nature of your request, I cannot with good conscience give you carte blanche access to materials that the Order has deemed highly restricted, if not outright forbidden. However, I /am/ of the mindset that if you give a specific research proposal with the topics you are interested in searching for with particularly specifics of your inquiry, I would be very much oblidged.
As a note: There are no Enochian civilization. Enoch was considered the first city, East of Eden, built by the surviving son of Adam and Eve, Caine in the land of Nod. Enoch is mostly considered allegorical by most scholars. As such, there are no histories of such a city that would exist in our library, even in the restricted section that you are referring to.
The Codex Magica is a particularly sensitive book in our collection, and thus, I would like specifics on your inquiry. Again, I cannot give you access to the book carte blanche, but with certain specifics as to your research interests, I can make copies of pertinent references.
Warmest Regards
Elena Devries
I will deal with that tomorrow.Conrad — 18/06/2023 23:00
So…what 8 hour spell are we trying to cast?Jenn — 18/06/2023 23:02
Fuck if I know.
Zone of Truth and True Sight should not be long, complicated spellwork.
I feel like even if we three rounded each, that’s under ten minutes total. This woman, unless she isn’t Sparrow or wants to prove she’s not frail and blind? Ten minutes with all eight of us should NOT be an issue.
Wiz invited two first years to a scene with an NPC she didn’t think would get challenged. They drug Sophia along since Soph knows how to get into the treehouse, and she had a good IC reason to have been there. And now she’s trying to cover her ass without taking responsibility for her own stories.Jenn — 19/06/2023 20:24
Ok. So. As fair warning. Sophia is actually, for once, INTENTIONALLY leaning into the boy drama with her next pose. Since there is now an audience with camera phones out. Starke may as well give the audience an easy explanation. I am so sorry to BOTH of you in advance for that one.Leto — 19/06/2023 20:25
Oh boy
That’s okay Jenn!Conrad — 19/06/2023 22:45
Wow. That was…something.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:46
Ah, and yet so freeing. Welp, happy to be gone from that stress. My GodConrad — 19/06/2023 22:49
haha, her bbpost about Leto being banned.Jenn — 19/06/2023 22:50
Please send. I need a reason for popcorn. LOLLeto — 19/06/2023 22:51
Couldn’t help itConrad — 19/06/2023 22:51
Leto player has been disinvited from the MU*.
Telling staff multiple ways to fuck themselves and that certain other players balls’ are constantly fondled by said staffer is not a way to remain ingratiated to a game.
Any questions, please send questions my way.Jenn — 19/06/2023 22:51
OMG. Leto. WHICH staffers? Whose balls? I am DYING.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:52
Oh, well Austin decided to remark ‘good riddance’’ after you had gone and I took that personallyJenn — 19/06/2023 22:53
Awww.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:53
So I politely told Wiz to stop fondling him with favoritismJenn — 19/06/2023 22:53
Also. Not surprising. He’s a shit human.Leto — 19/06/2023 22:53
politelyConrad — 19/06/2023 22:59
And now Laurent appears to be pissed at how we went about this casting.Jenn — 19/06/2023 23:00
I mean. Sophia’s ONLY ic suggestion, OR ooc suggestion was to cast ‘true sight’. Past that, it was out of my hands all around.
Luka and Ilaria paged to ask if I would go with them to a scene. Leto OK’ed Sophia helping them get into the treehouse.Conrad — 19/06/2023 23:02
Yeah, I was just told that we were going with Zone of Truth.
Whatever, such a clusterfuckJenn — 19/06/2023 23:03
Laurent invited himself when he heard Sparrow was there, which. He IC’ly thinks he killed someone, and people are going to blame him. I TOTALLY get that motivation. It’s just… Gone downhill from him telling her to text every 2nd and 3rd year she knew.Conrad — 19/06/2023 23:03
I’m going to see if she marks you two as dead or gone
Or rosterJenn — 19/06/2023 23:04
I sent you Sophia’s Last Will, didn’t I?Conrad — 19/06/2023 23:04
You did
Did you want me to relay that to Wiz right now or wait until I see what she doesJenn — 19/06/2023 23:05
Feel free to make the choices that are best for YOU.
And. At least… In the end… Sophia will always have this record:
Words Written in Scenes: 150531Leto — 19/06/2023 23:14
Pretty sure Wiz is gonna do for us what she did to Meifeng and Santi…probably found in a ditch brutally murdered or what have youJenn — 19/06/2023 23:15
That, or she’s going to roster Sophia. And then pick up Sophia herself. And then try to fuck Conrad. 50/50, really.Conrad — 19/06/2023 23:16
HahJenn — 19/06/2023 23:26
Since I am closing out all of my no longer needed tabs… THIS is the pose you both missed as Soph’s start to the next round of the hospital scene, if Conrad had remembered to type there. LOL
Sophia does not want to hurt Leto any more than she has already. And. As long as she’s clarified the one line she won’t let him cross - and she has - she can manage, at some point, to forgive all of the rest of it. She’s not going to hurt her by crossing any of his boundaries if they’re avoidable. But. She’s also going to believe that he’s never lied to her before - and thus he probably isn’t lying to her now. “Lee?” Her voice is soft. “I know there are things you don’t want to see, and things you have no need to know…” She’s not trying to make him watch this. They’ve both said that if she needs something, she should ask them.It’s awkward, and she doesn’t know how to actually make that ask. She doesn’t want to make things worse. She is, however, an adult who can do hard things. They have both said she should, and so she does. “Mostly, in this exact moment, is to hold someone’s hand. I don’t know if that’s going to happen, or not.” She suspects that as long as it doesn’t lead to punching, it probably will. But. It’s still not a hand she has any actual rights to claim without asking for it. “If that ends up happening, I don’t think you want to see it when it does. Because the other thing I need, is not to have to make you watch that.” And. Like she’s said… She doesn’t have the choice to be the one leaving today in order to ensure that watching doesn’t turn into an unwanted obligation.
Conrad — 19/06/2023 23:27
Conrad is the worstLeto — 19/06/2023 23:30
whistlesConrad — 19/06/2023 23:32
And you are both dead
No bbpost yet, but you’ve been moved to the dead sectionJenn — 19/06/2023 23:33
They were killed by Eriksons while eloping, obvi.Leto — 19/06/2023 23:34
Called it
20 June 2023Conrad — Yesterday at 18:49
Ok, so apparently Leto was killed “along with his family” for sharing rune magic secrets. So was Soph, along with her father it seems. So…you all got shuffled off and killed in the woods.Jenn — Yesterday at 18:49
Well. At least she’s not using my pixels to try and hook up with Conrad.Conrad — Yesterday at 18:58
lolJenn — Yesterday at 19:01
And honestly. It has to be a better eternity for Leto than having been forced to marry Sophia’s hot mess of a dumpster fire ass, too.Conrad — Yesterday at 19:12
I mean…is it?Jenn — Yesterday at 19:15
How many 3am knocks on his door does Conrad regret? Probably. Can you imagine a life-time of that? LOLLeto — Yesterday at 20:06
Caaaallled it -
@aine What a terrible fucking rollercoaster
This might be beneficial to split off into its own thread, @Tez .
@bear_necessities There is an effort to make Brakebills, it’s an alpha (if even that yet) that’s been public for a bit. Seems like they are taking their time with it.
I had a good feeling when I visited last month, and lots of hope for this one. The people were very friendly.
@Whisky said in MU Peeves Thread:
Was nudged by the head staffer to make a character, was busy at the time, and said that. Was nudged again and again. Eventually carved out some time to put together a character, but didn’t do the application correctly as I don’t really understand the theme.
I was in a very similar position, though it wasn’t the headwiz who nudged me, it was someone else on the game who has been ostracized and wanted someone to play with.
Said player thought the lack of RP was their fault somehow.
Surprise, surprise, the character is female. I think I understand now why she can’t get any RP.
Thankfully, my very shaky understanding of the setting, the mountains of character restrictions that ensure that anything interesting is banned, and some bad vibes about the place when I looked around made me put off trying to app there.
Looks like I dodged a dumpster fire!
Replies were much shorter now, with one-word answers. Woke up in the morning to find the password changed and my mostly-done character was now a roster character, mostly edited to suit what they wanted.
… Wow. That’s one of the most rude things I’ve ever seen done. It is consistent with the behavior of who I’m thinking of, though.
@Raeras said in MU Peeves Thread:She posted an ad on the other place and with her username there (chibichibi) I knew exactly who she was from some old WoD encounters. I don’t think I’ve experienced her as a game runner prior to this but she did have a thread on the other place for awhile about putting together a MtA game before it fell off.
Yeah, if its who I’m thinking of, I met her in the Mage Sphere.
Where she played an Orphan who used sex magic as focus.
And was allowed to hang out in the Traditions Chantry. And, of course, fuck a lot of the male Mages.
@SpaceKhomeini said in MU Peeves Thread:
To be fair you just described at least three people I can vaguely recall. Yikes.
… I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry.
… Holy fuck, that is quite the horrorshow. The my way or the highway aspect of her absolutely tracks with my old memories, as does approving things then coming later saying they didn’t approve of the things despite proof.
Christ, the fact that there might be multiple people like this as SpaceKhomeini has said is really disheartening. Even if they’re mostly left in the Before Times.
@CuriousGamer said in MU Peeves Thread:
@bear_necessities There is an effort to make Brakebills, it’s an alpha (if even that yet) that’s been public for a bit. Seems like they are taking their time with it.
I had a good feeling when I visited last month, and lots of hope for this one. The people were very friendly.
This game was made by Willoughby, who was Wynn@TheNetwork and also Entropy@Elseworlds, who might as well be a less shrill, male version of this crazy lady.
It also has a total of 15 scenes, the last of which was mid-March, and is the place that jujube/inuki/chookitypoo/whatever stole a bunch of her stuff for Neitherlands from.
I’d wish people good luck but, lol.
@STD said in MU Peeves Thread:
Yeah, if its who I’m thinking of, I met her in the Mage Sphere.
Where she played an Orphan who used sex magic as focus.
And was allowed to hang out in the Traditions Chantry. And, of course, fuck a lot of the male Mages.
Back on The Reach, my character (W) had a Proximus girlfriend (F); this person (jujube/inuki) had a … husband? boyfriend? idek, we’ll call him (A).
Anyway, one day I randomly get an IC email from her telling me I needed to get F in line because she was being a huge slut and hitting on A.
By that point W and F were mostly over each other and a breakup was imminent, but I wouldn’t have cared either way, and neither would W…
…so I mostly just laughed in her face. But I just remember having to read ‘get your skank in line’. Lol.
She’s been nuts for a long time and has evidently not gotten any better.
@Coin ‘obviously she already is in line to fuck your husband’ – a line of good rp that would be fun with the right co-player.
@Meg said in MU Peeves Thread:
@Coin ‘obviously she already is in line to fuck your husband’ – a line of good rp that would be fun with the right co-player.
lmao. A++