Liberation MUSH
Are you trying to damage control your reputation here? What is even your end goal, really. “See, I’m being helpful, except for the part where I trashed the game in 5 minutes.” The problem here isn’t that you didn’t literally delete the game without records and backups, that’s just quibbling over minor details when the facts of the matter are that you acted rashly.
@Polk You “engaged” in a childish temper tantrum. “How hosting works” does not equal “I’m gonna take my ball and go HOME.”
It sucks that you’ve got the social issues you do (takes one to know one), but… maybe get some therapy instead of taking it out on other people, okay? It would be better for you AND better for everyone in your life.
Because this right here was some really cruddy, immature behavior, and it’s not the first time. I am an insecure person with social issues, & online behavior like yours has resulted in plenty of RL misery for me. I’m probably not the only one, either.
@Roz “Red the log” smh. The part that was quoted on channel, at least? That was Sundance being diplomatic.
@spiriferida I’m just sitting here, wired because I’m finding out Sundance lied to me about a few other things the last few years, waiting for the rsyncs to finish because I like Phantasmavore and agreed to help when he asked.
I should just put the thread on ignore. People are angry and hurt because the game went offline tonight, and think I had a duty to just keep hosting it even after I was told to leave, by someone who told me every hurtful thing she could think to tell me.
I’m getting a chuckle out of the fact that Sundance agreed to bring me back, after publicly firing me, when I gave her a chance to walk back the private firing.
I’m coming back, but only precisely as long as it takes to give Phan everything.
@Polk I don’t actually think many people are mad at you, Polk. Your behavior is remarkably consistent on the game, and here. I suspect they may be a little mad at Sundance for tolerating it for so long so that she could crow about how tolerant and kind she is towards people who need it (and so that you could be utilized) but honestly given how consistent her behavior has been since my first experience on the game I’m not sure people really have the right to be mad at her either. I’m not kidding when I say I’m actually impressed with how long it took for this to happen. I think that’s a good thing, maybe. Maybe both of you can do better next time, separately.
You know what would have stopped you from having to put up with this thread? Instead of confirming with someone “four times” that they wanted you gone, and then taking it to the public channels five minutes before you turned things off.
Saying “I’m hurt. If you want me gone, fine - I don’t want to be involved a second longer than I have to be, so confirm with your new team what you need from me if anything, otherwise I’ll do x to disentangle myself by y date.”
Or just stepping away from the computer for those five minutes, instead of kicking the game over.
@Polk This is like a kidnapper saying they were right after the ransom is paid.
I guess it’s heartening to know that WoD games have remained consistent over the years.
Hey everyone,
Some updates, before sleep takes me at last. We expect to make a full recovery of the game, website, and wiki, with minimal impact to people’s stuff. I wish I could give you a more solid timeline of when everything will be back into place, but unfortunately we just don’t have that yet.
Again, my heart’s with folks who lost out on play time tonight, or are concerned about not being able to contact their friends. We’ll be back up and running soon enough, and I’ll do my best to keep in touch here when I can.
Please be kind to one another.
@Noraaa First off, I’ve been gone for a while now due to real life stuff. Obviously I don’t know the context to which all of this occurred, but I can relate to the situation of misplacing trust in someone.
I’m glad that you’re on top of things and getting it squared away. Figured you would be. Hope to come back some day once things get more settled for me RL.
@caredhel said in Liberation MUSH:
I am an insecure person with social issues, & online behavior like yours has resulted in plenty of RL misery for me. I’m probably not the only one, either.
You are not.
@mietze said in Liberation MUSH:
@Polk I don’t actually think many people are mad at you, Polk. Your behavior is remarkably consistent on the game, and here. I suspect they may be a little mad at Sundance for tolerating it for so long so that she could crow about how tolerant and kind she is towards people who need it (and so that you could be utilized) but honestly given how consistent her behavior has been since my first experience on the game I’m not sure people really have the right to be mad at her either. I’m not kidding when I say I’m actually impressed with how long it took for this to happen. I think that’s a good thing, maybe. Maybe both of you can do better next time, separately.
Pretty much every word of that is on point.
How long until “to Polk” becomes a new descriptive term?
Asking for an online community.
Do I get to take my “Worst WoD Staffer” sign down, now?
@Pavel You lose the parking spot, though. Them’s the breaks.
Polk really has been the infected teeth in the blowjob that is Liberation, huh?
The game is great - Sundance, very much a welcome presence. Polkadolt? A lot less of a welcome presence. I’ve seen better behavior at a gorilla orgy.
@Roz said in Liberation MUSH:
remember that time someone shared this 2018 discord log on MSB two years ago where polk freaked out about someone taking issue with a transphobic joke? i do. it was one of the many highlights of the liberation thread over there wherein many people warned sundance about working with polk.
Similar to what someone said earlier in the thread:
Good to finally feel validated (especially after Sundance/others basically gave a similar excuse as previous game runners did for VASpider "they run things, help the server, edit the wiki, etc). But sucks at the cost.
Glad to hear that Polks childish tantrum didn’t ruin the game in a permanent way.
@Roz that is so cringe it caused me physical pain.