Don’t forget we moved!
@Jennkryst I think mietze more means the people who OOC act like idiots and those who are like ‘The masquerade is unimportant and I’ll tell everyone what I am and such!’
It drives me nuts when people are like that. My WoD characters rarely talk about what they are when they are super and people IC and ooc seem confused to why my character isn’t throwing about what she is. I think, except when I was relatively new to WoD (still pretty new since I mainly play Possessed and Sin Eater), I’ve never been straight up obvious about what my character is save for with people she knows or in situations hiding it would be bad for her health/safety.
@mietze I do have the resources for handholding. It’s one of the reasons why there is usually a magic school of some sort. It’s purposefully used for mage training both ICly and OOCly.
Anyone who wants to get in the discussion for the MU*.
That is the Discord link. Expires in 7 days. DM me if it doesn’t work for you and you’re interested.
I’ve said this on the Discord, but I’ll say it here, too. I AM TOO ON THIS ARX STUFF AT THE MOMENT, SO LIKE. I WANNA ROSTER ALL THE WOD. AND ALSO YEET THE WHOLE CHARGEN SYSTEM! AND I dunno what else, I’ve put almost no thought into anything.
@jujube said in oWoD 20th MU* being setup:
I’m not anti-apprentice/anti-newblet. I’m anti-idiot.
I’m anti-people that won’t read their damned sourcebook.
Not every book in the set. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to at least know where to find the information they need to play.