Made this Gif from one of our kittens at the shelter.
@junipersky That kitten looks so determined. Like, they are GONNA get out of that room. They have a PLAN.
Teenager called my working line GUARDIAN dog who was given to me when I lived in a dangerous neighborhood and needed protection a quote “Bully” because she reacts with aggression to new animals in HER territory.
I’m still steaming mad.
Their sister Donut (the window kitty is Eclair) totally managed to escape and made it into the adult cat room, much to the peeve of the adult cats.
Happy boy is happy.
Never mind the the demon in her crate in the background. 9month old puppies are demons.
Sleepy little thing.
@Duke-Whisky SAME HAT
Find the Willow.
Am not human, just cat bed.
It still amazes me that Thyme (gray cat) sleeps with us from the second lights go out till we get up in the morning. Even if her BFF and chosen sister Calypso wasn’t there Thyme would still be asleep on my feet.
In case you’re sick of those warm cuddly pets, here’s Nemo
iPhone has this new feature where it will identify creatures for you. Behold, my “golden retrievers”:
Scrapagus. The stray that hung out around house for a week until we got tired of seeing it outside, cold and hungry, that was clearly dumped, and we took in.
Have some Elsa, sitting on top of poor Willow who just wants to enjoy her recliner in peace:
Turns out the stray we took in was pregnant. SURPRISE.
The fact that I was ever worried about these two cats getting along.
PUPDATE: All the puppies have homes and the vet is giving us a really affordable price to get them their first shots and dewormed in five weeks when they turn 6wks old.
Look, a puppy pile:
But what’s that??
Also: This is the puppy we’re planning on keeping: Jax to go with Opie. And his size compared to the smallest puppy:
After several years, Pyewacket the Norwegian has decided the new couch is his…
We respond ‘yes sir’.
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