@Pacha Is it that hiromi or whatever about the girl that was stolen or sometihng? And they are like ‘Anything goes!’ for policy?
@Pacha Yeah, someone made the rounds to advertise for that a while back, and everywhere that was active jumped on it to delete the ad and ban the IP address. So it sounds like City of Shadows has been dead for a while.
Where is the ad exactly? The bb looks to be bone-dry to me and that’s a guest account login. Feel free to show that refuting screencap, though.
@OnceWas Someone has since cleared the entire board.
WARNING: Cursing, questionable text-based content, etc.
When was that ad posted, because I’m not seeing it in the game? -
@OnceWas It was present at 10:00am EST today. As I said, someone has since gone in and wiped the entire board as there was more than just this advertisement in there.
I know the headwiz is on here so they may have very well just seen someone mention it and gone “ew gross” and hopped on just to clear it off.
Hi there. I did consider taking a screencap of the ad, but I didn’t necessarily want to paste it here because the whole thing was gross and tasteless.
My default position was that any reputable game owner would remove such an ad if they had seen it. Therefore, I assumed the game was not being actively monitored, as the ad had not been removed. Sorry if I was insufficiently clear about that in my post. I did not mean to suggest in any way the game owners would endorse such a game.
I don’t have the ad logged or anything as I literally just popped on to check for the person who had asked, as I used to have a character there. But, the copy of the ad that was posted since is the one I saw when I logged in earlier.
I am not sure if your original post was meant to suggest that you thought I was being dishonest about it, but that is one way someone could read your post. I don’t have any reason to lie about it, though.
If my original post has prompted the game owner to go in and cleanse that ad since, then that can only be a good thing as far as I am concerned.
Sorry for any confusion about that.
I’ve known the game owner for a substantial amount of time - and they’re definitely not on board with such an ad surviving notice for that long. That it went unnoticed for any length of time, well, when a game is more or less the old house at the end of the block and either awaiting demolition or renovation, graffiti can and will happen, essentially.When I logged in and didn’t see it, the absence of a noted time-frame being mentioned in your initial post had me confused and concerned; not to disparage you, of course, more to show - well, that I’m not seeing what is being discussed.
That’s fair. I apologise if I was not clear enough in my initial post, then.
I was pinged re: the new gross post and didn’t recognize the older post, so I cleared both to be safe. I’m sort of stuck in the ‘I wanna but no spoons for peopling’ loop. Considering slowly reworking to m/m+ for a Supernatural level of game. The discord is still reasonably active with memes and banter, though. So the community is there, just no spoons to do the heavy lifting
“the dark goddess of night, darkness, and shadows”
The fiery goddess of flame, fire, and heat.
The hairy goddess of follicles, hair, and hairdos.
The wooden goddess of trees, wood, and forests.
The bloody goddess of bleeding, blood, and vascular systems.
I get why no professional was willing to edit this post about why pedophilia is good actually and we should all stop arguing with the anime schoolgirl deity who is being subjugated by age of consent laws, but seriously.
@GF lol, I have been ragging on this post all night in my head. Thank you for joining in because it is so ridiculous.
Also like, uwu I am an all powerful goddess but man, I don’t know how to create a world so maybe you can help me? And then we can rule it together? Despite the story clearly stating that the dark goddess of dark things forever and ever has already created other worlds! That she could go rule on her own.
Please give us the motivation for why the dark goddess herself who rules over all the land the dark touches just wants to chill and rule half of a world?
@Meg said in City of Shadows - Discussion:
@GF lol, I have been ragging on this post all night in my head. Thank you for joining in because it is so ridiculous.
I hate it so much on a purely literary level. Every line of it is so badly written I’m agog that anyone thought it was a good idea. Literally every line is bad enough to criticize even without worrying about how gross its ideas are.
my brain scrambled that into “The Hairy Goddess of follicles, hair, and weirdos.”
@Meg said in City of Shadows - Discussion:
@GF lol, I have been ragging on this post all night in my head. Thank you for joining in because it is so ridiculous.
Also like, uwu I am an all powerful goddess but man, I don’t know how to create a world so maybe you can help me? And then we can rule it together? Despite the story clearly stating that the dark goddess of dark things forever and ever has already created other worlds! That she could go rule on her own.
Please give us the motivation for why the dark goddess herself who rules over all the land the dark touches just wants to chill and rule half of a world?
Going by the theme setup and that everyone can do it with everyone (regardless of age)… The dark goddess is willing to co-rule because the ‘pervy girl’ is putting out often enough and with a lot of creativity.