@helvetica he remains the most gorgeous princess
I have a designated distraction for this monster, but it’s not very effective. Getting a husky is straight up adopting a child, it’s validation and rewards all day with howling tantrums and dramatic flops whenever she doesn’t get what she wants.
Thank you for the advice!
I ended up getting another Great Pyrenees/Husky mix (which Willow is). A lady I had previously talked to told me one of her puppies was returned to her and needed a home and could I take it.
The teenager (who lost her pitbull) has named her Elsa.
Meet Squire Beauregard “Beau” Steele…. Elsa’s brother.
Bad puppies dragged their pee pads all over their pen, but here’s a few minutes of them playing before I interrupted play time to straighten the pads out.
I love their little baby growls.
I have a sneaking suspicion my foster fail Calypso decided I had done enough sad days in bed. She keeps doing things with the potential to unalive herself which require me to get up and save her.
I love her so much.
@moth Reese’s kitty!
@moth That is a gorgeous tortie!
I love this dog with all my heart.
Our old man had a scare, including a very expensive visit to the dog ER. He needed to be monitored when we had errands to run yesterday, so we brought him with us.
The steps to the coffehouse we stopped at were still a bit scary, so the barista brought his pup cup outside. In a full latte cup.
TW: rainbow bridge
We just lost Beau to parvo and now Elsa is showing symptoms.
I am so fucking scared right now. -
Oh God, I am so so so sorry. -
@junipersky I lucked out and just happen to have a vet who has a mobile vet. He came and ran some tests on Elsa and while she’s not showing signs of being very sick we let him take her to hospitalize her so she has IV fluids and the like.
@Cobalt Don’t lose hope! My parents used to run a Labrador rescue and at one point, my mother took in an entire litter of puppies with the same thing. While the outcome was not perfect, it was significantly better than people told her it would be.
We used to get a Christmas card every year from a family that ended up adopting one of them. My mother kept those pictures of Bailey plastered all over our fridge as proof that even when things seem terrible, there’s hope.
Elsa is home and feeling good enough to literally tear up everything in my bedrooms…
Elsa is home and feeling good enough to literally tear up everything in my bedrooms…
But can you even be mad? When my senior dog feels spry enough to drag garbage all over the house, I’m like, “Aww. You were a rotten little monster who trashed the kitchen. You’re having a good day today, huh, big guy?”
@Aria I can not. She is far too cute and I am so happy she is feeling better. Right now she’s in the other room barking at a cat.
Do I have a puppy or a baby polar bear???
@Cobalt omgah it would be so hard not to bother that with kisses
Our cat has been limping for a few days (we recently had to move some furniture around and I think he might have knocked something over onto himself) so we finally took him to the ER. He’s a big indoor/outdoor boy and usually if he limps for a bit he gets better in a day or so if we move his stuff into a place where he doesn’t have to leap around. They had to have us do a drop-off and he was not having it.