Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread
@Adora I don’t think I was even aware of Supernatural back when I was on a game with her, so I don’t recall her having interest or not, but I just searched HeroMUX and the Brielle there was definitely her. Same name, general skillset (medic-focused), and superpower as her Brielle on XMM.
Okay, then we can add homophobia and transphobia to her list of sins.(CW: transphobia and homophobia)
So, this is all off vague memories and conversations with players more closely involved, but:
She told a bunch of LGBTQ players the day after the Pulse massacre that they were being “too gay” (meaning affectionate with each other, not posing hardcore gay sex) on an OOC team chat channel and driving off straight guys she wanted to date.
One of the “too gay” players responded, “Today of all days? Have a little fucking sensitivity! Our community was attacked, X Player has a friend that isn’t responding to texts or Facebook messages who was performing there last night, and LGBTQ+ people are hurting! Don’t be homophobic!”
This turned into her accusing everyone of biphobia, bi erasure, and misogyny. When X Player (the trans girl) defended others by saying she hadn’t experienced misogyny with the group, Brielle told her something like, “Of course not, you can’t experience misogyny since you’re not a real woman.”
Now, here’s the kicker. This whole time nobody knew Brielle was bisexual, because she’d never said anything, never showed any interest in a woman, etc.
She (rightly) pointed out that it doesn’t matter, because she’s still bisexual, whether or not anyone has noticed her interest, and that they shouldn’t have assumed her sexuality. Just because they’d never noticed her interest in women didn’t mean she wasn’t bi.
Staff smacked her down hard for her homophobia and transphobia, and she either quit or got removed from her FC that was in the group because this was after a dozen or so tantrums because a couple of the male FCs were in same sex relationships, and she especially disliked X Player, because her non-binary character was in a queer relationship with one of the male FCs she wanted.
She threw a big fit about this one because, get this, “he wasn’t even a little queer in the source material and shouldn’t be played as anything but straight… because he’d never shown interest in a guy before.”
She failed to see the irony, but the character came out as either gay or bi a few months later in source material. IDK which but he was dating another guy.
Unfortunately, staff let her keep her other FC for another six months to a year and it was a nightmare trying to get any roleplay done with the group she was in, because every scene it was like she wasn’t reading what you wrote, she was replacing it with what she WANTED you to have written.
It’d be like:
Jessica timidly knocks, very softly, on the front door. She asks, in barely above a whisper, "Is anybody home?"
And she’d respond with:
Becky leaps to her feet as Jessica kicks in the front door while screaming profanities and death threats. Becky grabs her shotgun and heads down the stairs at high speed to fight the demon!
I am exaggerating only slightly, here. I wish I wasn’t. The reason most of this is second hand is because I got as far away from her as I could once I realized who it was.
@Roz I’m impressed you were able to come up with a zombie listing for her. Added to the list of known sightings.
@Adora I don’t know what else to say other than ewww at the intolerance. I’m sorry anyone had to deal with that.
T Tez forked this topic on
@Roz Omg. Fuck that. I am just going to share that I was one of those characters that she attempted to SA in a scene before I shut it down. It left me with a very bad taste in my mouth about her and pretty much cutting things off.
@Roz said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
ETA: And the fact that she remembered this so specifically to bring it up ten years later.
To me, that would be rage-quit time. And a very not-nice goodbye to her.
@Gasboy said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
@Roz said in Macha Awareness (And Unappreciation) thread:
ETA: And the fact that she remembered this so specifically to bring it up ten years later.
To me, that would be rage-quit time. And a very not-nice goodbye to her.
I’m not sure what I would have been rage quitting. I wasn’t on a game with her, we were just both on MSB. (My ban from that forum was for sharing the logs of her DM conversation with my friend in which she said this.) But if the MSB fracture hadn’t happened, I certainly wasn’t about to leave a forum I was an active regular on for her.
She’s posted some logs regarding The Pack, in a thread on MSB.
She chooses not to come here. A lot of us literally can’t go to her forum, because we were banned. She knows this.
She is really gonna bring up that cobalt posted on the active mu community forum as her first point? Silly.
You are welcome to come defend yourself here any time, Macha, but you are coming off as a manipulative coward. Then add in you can’t even read her logs without requesting access and giving her your email address?
Yeah, ok, bud.
@Meg lol WOW. woooooow.
I woke up depressed anyway but Jesus Christ.
I reeeeeally don’t blame her for posting there and not here – not when she was so deeply tied to the forum’s collapse. Not when she still has friends there, and there’s this whole thread here. She’s certainly allowed to post in whatever form and on whatever forum she feels comfortable.
I was gonna say that I am glad people haven’t gone there to engage, but I guess SOME PEOPLE CAN’T ANYWAY.
@Tez So I was going to post the MSB post over here so those that don’t have the ability see can see what she posted. She namedrops the victim and didn’t edit any names out the logs. I was going to post editing out the victim’s name, but she has it all over the logs she posted to google drive.
What do you think about posting it? I guess either way the character’s name is out there now.
@CuriousGamer I wouldn’t. Anyone who wants to read the logs, can. She changed the permissions.
@Tez I don’t blame her for posting there. I do blame her for bringing up the fact that Cobalt posted here like it makes Cobalt a bad person and her a victim, because she ReFuSeS to make an account here.
Like, ok so? I refuse to make a Twitter but if someone posts there about me, I can still go defend myself if I wanted.
@Meg Yep, fair enough. That is pretty silly.
@Meg Oh, she wouldn’t even know, she doesn’t read here. xD
I’ll say that I don’t know Cobalt well at all. I know she’s been kicking around the community a good while. In my limited experiences with her I found her to be pleasant, enthusiastic, and open to different ideas and willing to talk things through. She’s been very tolerant and I get the feeling it takes a lot to piss her off. If she decided that someone was disinvited to her game, I very much trust it’s for a good reason.
I agree that it feels like an attack on Cobalt the way it’s phrased. Cobalt has every right to play, be a part of the community, and enjoy her own damn game. Sometimes that means people are incompatible with that game.