Prospective Star Wars
@Jennkryst I mean I don’t mind being a dropout who gets forced to go work on a farm somewhere (or in a library or as an orderly or whatever).
@Sammich said in Prospective Star Wars:
@Jennkryst I mean I don’t mind being a dropout who gets forced to go work on a farm somewhere (or in a library or as an orderly or whatever).
Of course you wouldn’t mind.
@Sammich Churn some space-butter, Eurovision-style!
Not quite licking a lightsaber, buy should come across sufficiently lewd.
… now I’ve got to grab all my Force and Destiny books to figure out what is the best way to space farm.
@Sammich said in Prospective Star Wars:
I kinda just feel like Jedi have egos enough that they wouldn’t really be worried about some barely trained kid out there who’s force sensitive. Like, they were going to reject Anakin who by all accounts had a ton of potential (and thus potential to be TERRIBLE if he ever somehow learned how to use the dark side given he wouldn’t have Jedi supervision keeping him ‘safe’) because they believed the Sith had been extinct for a millennia. So like, who’s going to be out there to train the dropouts to make them anything resembling a concern? If a snot-nosed kid falls to the dark-side what are they going to do? Scam people on the space-street in games of chance?
I’d also assume masters have generally like earned the right to be trusted (justified or not), because otherwise they wouldn’t have been masters. So they could probably freely leave or take sabbaticals. It’d be the knights (and I guess padawans close to becoming knights) that would be cause for concern. Trained enough to be dangerous without a lightsaber. Because how’s a kid going to get a replacement for their confiscated lightsaber when the Jedi control the supply of khyber crystals? (something something synthetic crystals that make your lightsaber red something something legends I guess)
I mean, it’s either that or they waste a ton of manpower keeping an eye on all the force sensitive kids that don’t take quite so well to the indoctrination, or else just forcefully conscript them into indentured servitude I guess? The latter doesn’t sound very Jedi-like but idk. I guess I wouldn’t put it past them.
ETA: My thoughts have been poorly articulated but hopefully they make sense and ya’ll can follow my logic.
Last time I played a force sensitive I went the Jedi Washout route. Went for the Exploration Corps as a pilot. Used the connections she built there to build a lightsaber of her own. But was effectively just a smuggler working for the Order. Not everyone has those opportunities. And since the game was Clone Wars era she got roped into flying for the Republic. Held no official rank but at least still got to be called Jedi. Just not a Padawan, Knight, or Master.
If they didn’t trust you to hold a lightsaber, they never would have let us have one as a kid.
I would love to see a new Star Wars game!
I’ve been working on my own Star Wars game (based on Evennia, and incorporating a variant of HSpace 5 rewritten in Python) but have come to the realization that I simply do not have the time or energy to complete it. I’d absolutely be interested in helping out on someone else’s (preferably Evennia or Ares based) project, so I am curious to see where this goes!
I just wanna punch space Nazis in the freakin face.
ETA to be helpful: @SpaceKhomeini I’ve run FFG (EoTE and AoR) as a TTRPG. I LIKE FFG SW. I’m not the best online (or rl) GM but I’m available to run scenes if you give me story beats. I’m in Europe so would only be able to do disjointed or async scenes, so if that’s a no-go for you then no worries.
Forked off the code stuff to
@Tez said in Prospective Star Wars:
Forked off the code stuff to
In an attempt to spin something positively constructive out of all this, I’m really tempted to break into my own FFG/Ares sandbox in the next couple of weeks once work goes on more of a lull (I have an IT background, I just actively despise software development as a singular focus) and I have a shitton of worldbuilding ready to go complete with concept, broad arcs, silly NPCs, and the like.
What I don’t have time for is the ability to actively ST much or run scenes.
Upon further reflection this is a positively useless post but I’m letting it stand for posterity’s sake.
(edit – somehow this got sucked into the code thread and I don’t want this to be a code-specific post so I nuked it and put it back here).
@oknow this is like wayyy too early for me to make any kind of plans or even think of going through with it but I always like having names in hats. My idea is to stick to what I’m actually good at so, maybe we can revisit this if the stars align. Thanks
@SpaceKhomeini Ah, cool.
@SpaceKhomeini I really WANT to use Ares, on account of a few features and the minimal amount of work I would have to out in, since a bunch of what I want already exists.
I also want too many things that I’ve been told ‘just do Evennia instead’, so shrug.
Maybe I’ll Ares after I have some Evennia stuff worked out, and then transfer stuff over from Ares to Evennia after its more complete? That won’t drive off half the players, surely.
@Jennkryst said in Prospective Star Wars:
@SpaceKhomeini I really WANT to use Ares, on account of a few features and the minimal amount of work I would have to out in, since a bunch of what I want already exists.
I also want too many things that I’ve been told ‘just do Evennia instead’, so shrug.
Maybe I’ll Ares after I have some Evennia stuff worked out, and then transfer stuff over from Ares to Evennia after its more complete? That won’t drive off half the players, surely.
I’ll be honest, at this point I rely on the portal so much I don’t even want to play a non-Ares game, but that’s just me.
@Jennkryst said in Prospective Star Wars:
Maybe I’ll Ares after I have some Evennia stuff worked out, and then transfer stuff over from Ares to Evennia after its more complete? That won’t drive off half the players, surely.
That sounds like trying to code everything twice in two different languages and two different structures.
@Jennkryst said in Prospective Star Wars:
I also want too many things that I’ve been told ‘just do Evennia instead’, so shrug.
Speaking as a professional software engineer who has done a lot of Evennia programming and a little bit of Ares, Ares is a few orders of magnitude less work to get to a playable state.
Evennia is a vastly more complicated beast and what you get out of the gate is going to fall well short of first-order features in Ares.
@SpaceKhomeini said in Prospective Star Wars:
I’ll be honest, at this point I rely on the portal so much I don’t even want to play a non-Ares game, but that’s just me.
The portal and scene async is like. Like… 90% of the reason I want to break Ares apart and figure out how to make it do the rest of what I want, yup.
@Roz said in Prospective Star Wars:
@Jennkryst said in Prospective Star Wars:
Maybe I’ll Ares after I have some Evennia stuff worked out, and then transfer stuff over from Ares to Evennia after its more complete? That won’t drive off half the players, surely.
That sounds like trying to code everything twice in two different languages and two different structures.
I don’t mean code a program to do it. I mean look at Ares Sheet 1, manually enter it into Evennia Sheet 1.
@shit-piss-love said in Prospective Star Wars:
@Jennkryst said in Prospective Star Wars:
I also want too many things that I’ve been told ‘just do Evennia instead’, so shrug.
Speaking as a professional software engineer who has done a lot of Evennia programming and a little bit of Ares, Ares is a few orders of magnitude less work to get to a playable state.
Evennia is a vastly more complicated beast and what you get out of the gate is going to fall well short of first-order features in Ares.
… which is why I was thinking ‘use Ares to fake it until I make it with Evennia’.
This post once contained evidence that I got lost while walking around the store despite clear signs on each aisle.
@blu lol i think you’re in the wrong thread honey
Maybe we need to discuss why this thread has been misposted in twice in two hours, by you and me.