lmfao god bless
@inuki as iterated already, someone else advertised the game. I specifically didn’t trash the game and just posted a thread about another game that was ran by you for people to make their own decisions.
Polk has nothing to do with the game.
I will say this about the drama. WIth the exit of Polk, we have brought the game back up and it is very much drama free. We are running several plots and each ST has autonomy over their own sphere. Yes, I am the Vamp ST and co-admin along with PIka.
@inuki Thank you for the compliments
@ChaoticSin said in Numetal/Retromux:
WIth the exit of Polk, we have brought the game back up
Appalled at the setting. Houston. IN THE 90s. Ew
@hellfrog said in Numetal/Retromux:
@ChaoticSin said in Numetal/Retromux:
WIth the exit of Polk, we have brought the game back up
Appalled at the setting. Houston. IN THE 90s. Ew
Yes, but Running in the 90s?
Numetal had some epic bad drama at least before the split. People playing the game have been saying (at least in my ear range) that the game is fun and low drama currently.
Chaos I never heard a bad thing about and seems to be a standup guy, although I don’t know him.
This is hearsay so I cannot be 100 percent sure everything is fact, but what I put together is:
The game was mostly in the hands of Pika/JuJube (Head staffer and Garou storyteller), Polk (paying for it and hosting it, but not officially staff), Beckett (Coder and player of the Garou alpha), Chaos (Vampire staffer), Starchild (currently staff, but not at the time of the fallout), Erik/SonofThor (Changeling Staffer) and SaintiyFree (not staff, but was a Queen bee who was influencing things and was besties with Pika).
Pika is someone talked about on another thread here about being sexually aggressive toward males and hostile toward females on Ares games.
Chaos has a good rep as far as I know.
Beckett has a decent rep as far as I know.
Polk again was hosting and paying for the game.
Erik or SonofThor from Arx got banned there for sexual harassment.
Sainityfree claims to have been mushing for a long time and was staff on some old games. She has a gazallion alts on Liberation who got into a lot of drama which may or may not be primarily her doing.
Anyways, Saintyfree and Beckett are or were close. Becket was the Garou alpha and she was his mate. Pika played a pure breed 4, silver fang, Hermetic mage with Arcane 10 who hung around the Caern casting magic and solving all the Garou’s problems. On her game’s discord Pika was sexually inappropriate about men, often posting up topless or shower pics she made with AI of male celebs.
On the Garou channel she was heavily flirty and sometimes sexually inappropriate with most of the players of male characters in the sphere. As the head staffer, storyteller of the sphere and the player of a kinfolk mage with Godlike power who could easily kill their alts, it seemed possible that some males could feel pressured to respond to her sexual and flirty attentions.
Her and Saintyfree were initially best buds and even sort of meangirl like together, but after Pika ran a plot that infected Saintyfree’s princess (a direct descendent of Rasputin pure breed five, appearance 5 silver fang kinfolk with tons of super special powers) with festering infected sores that would probably leave ugly scars if they ever healed at all, the friendship seemed to end.
Pika’s mage kin then had the boys who were carriers of the plague, but who didn’t get the sores come to her lab for treatment where they had to stay for an extended time. She would joke on the channel about how all the Garou men needed to get naked and stay with her to be cured, which wasn’t far from the truth of how the story went.
The friendships were starting to crack. Everything reached a head when Erik, the changeling staffer started to sexually harass Becket’s ooc wife who also played on this game. She reported it to staff and Pika’s response was allegedly.
“As a woman, I know your wife is a slut and wanted his attentions. She just didn’t want you to know she encouraged him” Erik was pardoned of any punishment and Becket, his wife, Saintyfree (who is close to Becket - but also sores) and Polk all left together. I don’t like Saintyfree to say the least, but I agree with the reasons they left and I agree with them standing with Beckett’s wife.
I am not fully sure why Polk pulled the plug and I know he has a terrible rep and this is not the first time he pulled a plug. That being said, it seems like it did have something to do with the treatment of Beckett’s wife and while I don’t agree with him pulling it, at least he had more of a cause this time around.
Pika then hunted down Beckett’s wife on another game and harassed her there, yelling at her after she left Numetal and blocked Pika on Discord.
Saintyfree started a private invite only game with Polk hosting and Beckett coding. Not sure how that is going.
Pika, Chaos, Starchild and Erik stayed together and opened Numetal back up. I am not sure if Erik is involved still. People report enjoying the game and Pika seems to have chilled out quite a bit. She seems to be letting Chaos and Starchild do most of the staffing and storytelling.
The only person I really feel bad for in this all is Beckett’s wife as it was gross imo to slut-shame her. I don’t know her and I don’t really love the clique she hangs out in, but regardless I don’t like to see someone slut-shamed.
@Mushling-0 lol bruh
@Mushling-0 The only thing crazier than Polk paying to be tolerated is that he’s done it twice in the 2 years I’ve known about him. The only thing crazier than that is that it worked twice.
@Mushling-0 Officially mentally adding the narrator voice of "Last time on ‘As the MUSH Turns’ " to the start of your post because dayum.
@Mushling-0 This shit is why I love this hobby. Where else do you get stories like this. Thanks for the report.
@Mushling-0 said in Numetal/Retromux:
Erik or SonofThor from Arx got banned there for sexual harassment.
lmao, that fucking guy
@Testament Oh? That bad? Spill the tea! (Edited to add the end)
@Mushling-0 I said what now? LIke seriously. Dude.
@Mushling-0 Logs or it didn’t happen.