Suspected Superhero Creeping Or Something
@Coin said in DWOPP-spotting:
@tsar said in DWOPP-spotting:
I guess it depends on the context for me. If it’s harmless fluff, it’s fine. Whatever.
If it’s someone trying to set my PC up with another PC and I find out that someone is playing both characters, oof. Or I find out they’re trying to engineer a situation where they’re manipulating me for their alt’s benefit at all without telling me, oof.
Right. Transparency is key in these situations.
To be clear: I do not think Runescryer/Tony was ignorant of this at all.
Good point, thanks for the clarification. I’m losing track of all these superhero alts.
@tsar Yeah, if it’s harmless then I’ll probably not even notice. But I like a very strong clear distinction between character and player knowledge, which is all the harder when you’ve got all your alts RPing with the same character.
And it’s rife for this kind of bullshit.
@Runescryer said in DWOPP-spotting:
while actively keeping names and locations out of the conversation
Except you didn’t keep names out. You specifically mentioned DWOPP. You didn’t give a general creeper warning, you specifically called one specific predator out by name.
@Runescryer said in DWOPP-spotting:
Toxic behavior was observed.
I think this is where people are waiting with signs that say CITATION NEEDED.
@Tez said in DWOPP-spotting:
@Runescryer said in DWOPP-spotting:
Toxic behavior was observed.
I think this is where people are waiting with signs that say CITATION NEEDED.
@Runescryer The thing is, you proudly touted that you “HAD RECEIPTS” and made a big deal out of it, and then when you brought it out, what it looked like was you going “this character was mean to my character so this guy is a creep
Frankly, I don’t think anybody looks good here, this is some of the most asinine drama to hit, but you were the one who went immediately “THIS MIGHT BE DWOPP” and stirred up that possibility. The person wasn’t. You jumped to one of the worst possible conclusions because … you didn’t like a potential way the story might go, because of a private scene?
and lord, we all know what I think of Lithium. I fully expect ZG had their reasons for the bans, and that they were based off of patterns of behavior. But you made a very specific accusation and then your evidence sucked.
@Runescryer said in DWOPP-spotting:
The community was alerted to be on guard, like a neighborhood being warned that someone’s house was broken into and the police are investigating. No names were disclosed. The investigation was allowed to proceed and was concluded.
Just to reiterate the main thrust of my point: That’s not what you did. You warned the neighbourhood that Charles Manson might be the one breaking into the houses.
The thread you started is actually titled “The All-New Down With OPP Thread.”
@IoleRae said in DWOPP-spotting:
I have been on the receiving end of Macha trying to make me interpret somebody else’s behavior as terrible before, so.
Yeah she seems to like doing that a lot.
@Coin I knew the Ares handle, because that’s always been in the profile. I didn’t know it was Lithium, because there was no indication of their MSB handle.
And while I don’t use my Ares handle, also @runescryer I believe, I’ve been open to players whose Ares handles match accounts that I recognize. I’ve approached a couple of players first, in that way.
I’d like to note that Charles Manson would never break into anyone’s house. He had minions for that.
I’ll see myself out.
@Runescryer said in DWOPP-spotting:
@Coin I knew the Ares handle, because that’s always been in the profile. I didn’t know it was Lithium, because there was no indication of their MSB handle.
And while I don’t use my Ares handle, also @runescryer I believe, I’ve been open to players whose Ares handles match accounts that I recognize. I’ve approached a couple of players first, in that way.
What are you even responding to? I’m lost.
Y’all, what is going on.
Mom, MOM.
@Coin time to go to bed. Did you wash behind your ears?
@Coin said in DWOPP-spotting:
Y’all, what is going on.
I dunno, but it better stop by the time I sober up.
@Pavel Again…
Please point out where I said that DOPP=Lithium?
@IoleRae Then I am probably projecting my perspective onto others, and I apologize.
@Runescryer said in DWOPP-spotting:
@Pavel Again…
Please point out where I said that DOPP=Lithium?
Y- are y- I just- what?
Did I take mushrooms by accident again?
You made it clear that you thought the person you were talking about was DWOPP. Just because you never named Lithium doesn’t mean that it wasn’t Lithium you were talking about.
ETA: also the fucking irony that this drama was over the possibility of spreading a rumor.
@Runescryer said in DWOPP-spotting:
@Pavel Again…
Please point out where I said that DOPP=Lithium?
You said that the anonymous person you were talking about might be DWOPP, titling a thread and saying “everyone’s favourite creeper” indicates this.
It was revealed that Lithium was the said anonymous person.
Ipso facto, you said that Lithium was displaying behaviour indistinguishable, to you, to that of DWOPP. Thus and therefore you equated the two individuals. Hence, you said they were the same.
@Coin Seriously. I mentioned DWOPP might be back. That’s it. I can accept the POV that I shouted FIRE in a theater, okay. But I never identified who might have started it. No, not Billy Joel.
Again, my POV…
Me: Someone’s smashing car windows in the neighborhood; we don’t know who and the police are investigating.
The consensus seems to be that we don’t want to alert people to potential threats, without naming names, because the person committing the offenses might get their feelings hurt when the investigation wraps up.
@Runescryer No, it was, “Hey, I think that guy over there IS SMASHING WINDOWS, and I BET HE’S OSAMA BIN LADEN. I have PROOF!”
and then you didn’t have proof.
@Pavel Who. Announced. It. Was. Lithium?
Please. Answer the question.