Gotta Work For a Living
Our middle schoolers are being sent home early because their 1930’s Era building doesn’t have AC
But yes. Let’s fix the sign outside with two bucket trucks and a crew of 5.
On the one hand, ugh. I completely understand the frustration. They need to get AC in! On the other hand though, I am super glad to hear admin is willing to not make the kids sit in it. I wish I wasn’t surprised by it, but the lack of empathy for this sort of thing was rampant when mine was in school.
Our teachers’ union is on strike and of course the district is sending communications internally to non-rep employees such as myself pretty much going “Hey, you got extra work and inconvenience from us? Blame the teachers’ union lololol.”
And of course our district building gets the occasional death threat from a frothy “patriot” every now and then.
Unfortunately it would cost as much to retrofit this old building to have AC as it would to just build a new building. Neither are in the capital funds budget.
These buildings just weren’t designed for our current climate.
The middle schoolers ate making tiktoks, and tbh, some of them are AMAZING. Laughter to tears.
Another account ranks the girls and I want to hunt down and suspend whomever is making that one. >:|
big changes at work
none of them are good
I’m so tired.
The literal nicest teacher in our building saw a waterbottle (metal mind you) fly into the air above a group of kids and said, “Don’t be dumb! Don’t throw waterbottles guys!”
And a parent lit into her for calling HER kid //specifically// dumb. She didn’t.
I’m livid.
The teacher even went to the kid after to say “Hey sorry I made you feel bad, that wasn’t my intention…” and the kid was like, “What? I didn’t hear anything. Sorry about my mom.”
Look. When I say, “this isn’t useful for me because I have everything already,” that is a cue for “Let me leave this meeting please.”
Not make me sit here and twiddle my thumbs.
In almost ten years at my company, I have only ever gotten one bad review – one! out of almost twenty! – from a person who was my manager for all of two months. It was from someone who not only didn’t understand what my job was, but who regularly gave conflicting instructions in the same day, would ignore when I pointed this out to her, and then wondered why I couldn’t do both of these things that were in direct opposition to one another. This manager then proceeded to be mean to me for the next two years straight, all the way up until I moved to a different subdivision, and still tries to pull my current boss into almost everything I work on that she’s involved in.
Today she was forced to acknowledge that my work is fast, thoughtful, and high quality despite being related to a request that is urgent, complex, and so confusing to convey to our audience that we need spreadsheets of who gets what messaging, when, and from whom.
And she had to say the nice thing in front of an entire committee.
Including my boss.