Ruiz Thread
Never having met the guy (so here’s a grain of salt to go with my opinion), it strikes me as a variant on impregnation fetish: marking a partner in such a way that they become unable to leave him and physically dependent on him, but much moreso than impregnation would do.
Now I’m going to go take a shower because I said the I-word way too many times in that paragraph.
@Laurel said in Ruiz Thread:
Not ready to tell my story, but pretty convinced I was dealing with him. Probably will never be ready to tell it.
But one thing I do want to say is that I find Ruiz player’s portrayal of Native American men to be racist.
It doesn’t seem that way at first, because he is a good writer and does a lot of research on the tribes he is presenting.
So it is not in your face racist.
Anyways the reason I find it racist is that he portrays Native American men as mysterious, dangerous, alien, beastial, /other/, not fully human, as abusive to their lovers, angry and etc.
It is subtly the negative stereotype of the dangerous savage man who will rip your hamstrings and I find it a racist portrayal. It is a little covered by him mostly playing predator shifters of some kind where being beastial and dangerous make sense, but he generally steps up a bit beyond what the source material demands.
If its the same guy or if its not the same guy, either way I find it it racist be it one or two players doing that.
He also goes in for the emotionally distant which is part of the steroetype too.
It is pretty subtle and it comes out more with time and it s partly hidden because he is extremely private about what is playing. So people not in private scenes with him, it might be less apparent.
I’ve seen a handful of people who just go borderline minstrel show with choosing a particular ethnic background from game to game. I’m not at all a “stay in your lane” person, but holy shit, can folks try to at least imagine a person of “x background” as a fully rounded person first and foremost as opposed to some paper-thin object of their own fetishization?
Examples include:
Stuff mentioned above (or anything from the teeth-grinding grab bag of Indigenous stereotypes)
ESL Spanish speakers who talk like Speedy fuckin’ Gonzales
Playing a black American character who exists in the last decade who talks like fucking Isaac Hayes in Truck Turner. The 70s are over, my friend!
@SpaceKhomeini said in Ruiz Thread:
- If you make a black American character who exists in the last decade who talks like fucking Isaac Hayes in Truck Turner. The 70s are over, my friend!
Not to derail from talking about Ruiz but I think you just made me realize I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a black woman character on a MUSH before. Plenty of black dudes; but I can’t remember a single black chick.
@GF Cobalt often plays one. I believe Arx has a few.
@GF said in Ruiz Thread:
@SpaceKhomeini said in Ruiz Thread:
- If you make a black American character who exists in the last decade who talks like fucking Isaac Hayes in Truck Turner. The 70s are over, my friend!
Not to derail from talking about Ruiz but I think you just made me realize I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a black woman character on a MUSH before. Plenty of black dudes; but I can’t remember a single black chick.
I’ve seen a few here and there and when I think about it a little harder, they didn’t strike me as “poorly done” portrayals. Which is cool. I do agree the spread feels uneven though.
@icanbeyourmuse said in Ruiz Thread:
@GF Cobalt often plays one. I believe Arx has a few.
My early portrayals of WOC were terrible and rife with internalized racism. I’d like to think I’ve grown, these days if I play a WOC it’s because I found a played by I like who happens to be a WOC or I’m apping into an ic family that is BIPOC rather than me putting on digital blackface.
@Cobalt said in Ruiz Thread:
@icanbeyourmuse said in Ruiz Thread:
@GF Cobalt often plays one. I believe Arx has a few.
My early portrayals of WOC were terrible and rife with internalized racism. I’d like to think I’ve grown, these days if I play a WOC it’s because I found a played by I like who happens to be a WOC or I’m apping into an ic family that is BIPOC rather than me putting on digital blackface.
I don’t remember them being like that when I RPed with you when you played them. To be fair, I don’t try to find stereotype behavior so it could have been or I met you after the racism stuff.
The only mild problem I had with Thundergultch was how some of the people portrayed natives. It was typically the people who played the males more than the ones who played the females. It’s like they just took how TV/movies depicted them and used that as a basis. As far as I could tell, it was not nearly as bad as the movies/TV, though.
I think a lot of us were brainpoisoned by 90s-era White Wolf, and other things in those days. The past was a dark time. Past-me made some ignorant mistakes for sure.
@GF There have been a number on Liberation, including a Mage subfaction leader. But you’re right, before Liberation I sure hadn’t seen many.
Was told that Addison on Liberation is Ruiz. It may or may not be true. His character type, ooc behavior and writing style do align with Ruiz though.
Obligatory reminder that someone acting like a shitbird is always unacceptable, whether or not they are Ruiz.
@Laurel Any problem with, or concern about, a player on Liberation should absolutely be taken directly to Sundance. She will listen, and she’s not in the past been afraid to take action.
@Polk said in Ruiz Thread:
she’s not in the past been afraid to take action.
Yes, she absolutely has. That’s an outright lie. And he knows that personally.
When @Polk pissed all over the game rules while she was away busy with heavy RL stuff and took advantage of her absence to abuse players he got a complete pass. She traded in her integrity on a silver platter for his help running the game when she couldn’t be there, because in comparison, a few players weren’t worth it to her to do the right thing.
She tried to offer solutions and undo the mess that he made, but the damage was done and @Polk got zero consequences.
So it depends on who you’re complaining about. If Addison is more useful to her game than you are, you will probably be shit out of luck.
Adjust your expectations about complaints there accordingly.
@Warma-Sheen It’s probably not as sensible as needing his help. Sundance flies into a rage at the ‘accusation’ that she might be doing something unfair or handling anything poorly. Any problem is likely to be taken as such an accusation.
Remember PHBs?
@Argh What’s PHBs? My brain will only supply me with “Player Handbook” and I know that’s not what you’re talking about.
@GF Psycho Hose Beast.
idk if it’s my computer or the audio on this video it’s so quiet I barely caught it, but if you listen very closely you can hear one of the guys mutter “psycho hose beast” in this clip: