It’s definitely doing its own thing. Right there with you, and I was initially resentful of it for deviating. Then it kinda just became interesting in its own right, and I just let go and let it do its thing, and was far happier for it.
@Testament I own the manga and all of the anime on DVD upgraded my VHS copies, I love the old anime and the old show. But, this is it’s own thing and I can’t wait for the next ep each week!
I’ve been enjoying the dub of The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague, a slice-of-life romantic comedy which is cute and inoffensive but is mostly great because it sounds like they sourced their voice actors from a list of people fired from NPR for being too low energy, then gave them a bunch of valium before shoving them into the studio.
The spouse and I are binging Attack on Titan. I stg if Eren doesn’t grow up and stop being so whiny I am going to throw him out of a window!
He certainly whines less as the show goes on, but his tantrums remain.
If you’re digging AoT, y’all might enjoy Vinland Saga. Hits some of the same vibes, except with fewer large naked giants.
Can we talk about how it is actively offensive it is that the first season of Spy x Family is over and I’m not getting new episodes of it because it feels very personally targeted to ruin my life
For anyone who loved Spy x Family, I’d suggest Buddy Daddies as a natural followup. The kid isn’t as stupidly cute as Anya, but the story is fun and I might like the adult characters more than Loid and Yor.
@BloodAngel People had to yell ‘HEY TEZ IT’S UTENA WITH ROBOTS’ at me a few times before I finally gave in, but.
And trauma.
Every time there’s an utena reference in anything, ever, it just gets me RIGHT IN THE HEART.
@Tez Utena is in my top five animes of all time. I showed my little one, and she loved it! Yes it is very much that! I’m on ep five of…season 1.
RIGHT! I love this character, might be my favorite so far!
@BloodAngel Haha! I love how the one girl is just… watching the other get knocked out.
Just, that made my day!
@BloodAngel Hehe, that was pretty cute.
Now I need season 2, that was some of the best anime I have seen in a very long time! Thank you everyone for pushing me into finally watching it!
Watched Witch from Mercury. Thanks to whoever in this thread mentioned it first, because holy shit was that good. It’s like, okay, we’re starting with something that seems as complex and nuanced as The Expanse, and then we’re going to have a bunch of episodes with the cutest shit you can imagine happening between giant robots punching each other, and then the last two episodes will be more shocking and tightly paced than the best episode of Game of Thrones and the last scene will have your jaw on the floor.
I also finally finished Summer Time Rendering, which was a fantastic mystery show. I’ve seen people say that it’s perfect, and while I wouldn’t quite agree with that, it comes pretty close. If nothing else go into it blind and watch the first episode. If that ending doesn’t hook you, I donno what will.
The show that was meant to air here as Heavenly Delusion, but which Disney still has listed as Tengoku Daimakyo, started on Saturday. I can see why some people have considered it one of the most anticipated new shows. It’s a neat little post-apocalyptic mystery and I look forward to seeing how the two stories we’re seeing so far come together. It’s also gorgeous, with fantastic backgrounds and animation. I like that none of the characters are particularly cute, too.
I binged Tomo-chan Is A Girl!! yesterday, just because I was home alone and needed some background noise and the whole series was dubbed and I’m burnt out on My Hero Academia. It was really cute. Tomo is crushing on her childhood best friend, but she’s tall and tough and he thinks of her as one of the guys. Cue romantic comedy hijinx. The side characters, especially agent of chaos Carol, make this one. Absolutely wild that Jad Saxton voices both deadpan and manipulative Misuzu in this, while also voicing the chaotic Chika Fujiwara in Love is War.
I also did the one-two punch of I Want To Eat Your Pancreas and A Silent Voice. Both are 10/10s, but I found them more uplifting than crushingly depressing. Did they get tears? Oh, plenty. But neither wrecked me fully. Not like every other fucking episode of To Your Eternity, for instance.
Apparently becoming an anime guy is part of my midlife crisis, since I was an anime guy as a kid and then just completely dropped it like twenty years ago and now I’m watching more of it than ever. There’s just so damn much.
That’s a great list! This may be the most basic recommendation of all time given it was wildly popular when it released, but you may dig Your Name based on that list of shows.
Apparently becoming an anime guy is part of my midlife crisis, since I was an anime guy as a kid and then just completely dropped it like twenty years ago and now I’m watching more of it than ever. There’s just so damn much.
There are far more costly vices, and there are a great many worthwhile stories to be found in this medium. (Though many are saddled with some degree of Anime Bullshit.)
That’s a great list! This may be the most basic recommendation of all time given it was wildly popular when it released, but you may dig Your Name based on that list of shows.
Your Name is a 10/10 for me. I’ve sinced devoured all of Shinkai and am eagerly awaiting Suzume, even tho none of the IMAXes around here have it at a time that is at all convenient for me.
Oh, I should also add Cyberpunk Edgerunners. I figured I’d give it another try after giving up on it pretty quickly before. The story is pretty good, not great, but good. And I still found the animation pretty lacking. Lots of static, empty backgrounds or repeated angles with minimal movement in them used over and over. Killer soundtrack, tho. It shouldn’t have been 2022 Anime of the Year. It wasn’t better than Spy x Family, Ranking of Kings or the surprising Lycoris Recoil. (Which makes for a good combo with Witch from Mercury if you like to taut action paired with girls who are definitely going to be in love eventually.) And to be entirely honest, they really dropped the ball since the best anime of 2022, and perhaps all time?!, Akiba Maid War, didn’t even make the dang list.